6th Year

This is the 6th year test. Try your best!
This is the 6th year test. Try your best!
What does Luna Lovegood accidentally call the Hufflepuff chaser named Cadwaller?
In order to get into the cave, what do you need?
Human sacrifice
Exposure of a dark secret
Someone's mind
Human Blood
What grade does Harry get in History of Magic in his O.W.L.S?
Exceeds expectations
What is the first password into Dumbledore's office in the sixth year?
Fizzing Whizbee
Cockroach cluster
Acid pops
Lemon drops
Who is Draco Malfoy's grandpa?
Peter Malfoy
Abraxas Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy Sr.
Andana Malfoy
How long does it take to make Felix Felicis?
1 year
9 months
6 months
1 month
What does the potion, Amortentia do?
It makes you go asleep
It makes the drinker tell the truth
It makes you lucky
It is a love potion
Where does Nick, the ghost, say the bloody baron is?
The west wing
The astronomy tower
The hospital wing
The charms corridor
What detention does Harry have to do after he tells Snape that there is no need to call him sir?
Cleaning toad guts
Sorting Detentions
Scrubbing bed pans in the hospital wing
Sorting flobberworms
In the sixth Harry Potter, which book does Libatius Borage write?
Advanced Potion Making
Charm work for 6th years
One thousand magical herbs and fungi
Defense against the Darkest forms
{"name":"6th Year", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"This is the 6th year test. Try your best!, What does Luna Lovegood accidentally call the Hufflepuff chaser named Cadwaller?, In order to get into the cave, what do you need?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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