Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 27 Aug 21
[2108.11392] Gian Andrea Inkof, Koenraad Schalm, Jörg Schmalian: Quantum critical Eliashberg theory, the SYK superconductor and their holographic duals
[2108.11406] Michael M. Scherer, Dante M. Kennes, Laura Classen: $\mathcal{N}=4$ chiral superconductivity in moiré transition metal dichalcogenides
[2108.11418] Luke Causer, Mari Carmen Bañuls, Juan P. Garrahan: Finite time large deviations via matrix product states
[2108.11419] Jia-Zheng Ma, Trinanjan Datta, Dao-Xin Yao: An effective curved space-time geometric theory of generic twist angle graphene with application to a rotating bilayer configuration
[2108.11421] Yonathan Sadia, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Atanu Rajak: From prethermalization to chaos in periodically driven coupled rotors
[2108.11425] H. Y. Huang, A. Singh, C. Y. Mou et al.: Quantum fluctuations of charge order induce phonon softening in a superconductingcuprate
[2108.11428] Thomas G. Kiely, Erich J. Mueller: Anomalous Resistivity at Weak Coupling
[2108.11447] D.V. Karpinsky, M.V. Silibin, D.V. Zhaludkevich et al.: Magnetic properties of BiFeO$_3$-BaTiO$_3$ ceramics in the morphotropic phase boundary: a role of crystal structure and structural para...
[2108.11453] Yishuai Xu, Erica C. Kotta, M. S. Song et al.: Mapping out the emergence of topological features in the highly alloyed topological Kondo insulators Sm$_{1-x}M_x$B$_6$ ($M$=Eu, Ce)
[2108.11464] Miuko Tanaka, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi et al.: Temperature-induced phase transitions in the quantum Hall magnet of bilayer graphene
[2108.11478] Enrico Rossi: Quantum Metric and Correlated States in Two-dimensional Systems
[2108.11484] Han Yan, Andriy Nevidomskyy: Phonon induced rank-2 U(1) nematic liquid states
[2108.11492] Alan R. Denton, Wyatt J. Davis: Influence of Solvent Quality on Depletion Potentials in Colloid-Polymer Mixtures
[2108.11494] Kenta Shiina, Lee Hwee Kuan, Hiroyuki Mori et al.: Super-resolution of spin configurations based on flow-based generative models
[2108.11506] Rebecca W. Smaha, Jonathan Pelliciari, Ignace Jarrige et al.: High energy spin excitations in the quantum spin liquid candidate Zn-barlowite probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
[2108.11512] Yiwei Wang, Chun Liu, Bob Eisenberg: On variational principles for polarization in electromechanical systems
[2108.11534] Kieron Burke, John Kozlowski: Lies My Teacher Told Me About Density Functional Theory: Seeing Through Them with the Hubbard Dimer
[2108.11547] Takahide Kubota, Daichi Takano, Yohei Kota et al.: Magnetoelastic anisotropy in Heusler-type Mn$_{2-δ}$CoGa$_{1+δ}$ films
[2108.11566] Hiroshi Watanabe, Yuichi Motoyama, Satoshi Morita et al.: Non-monotonic behavior of the Binder Parameter in the systems with the Potts symmetry
[2108.11570] Keivan Esfarjani: Theory of Non-equilibrium Heat transport in anharmonic multiprobe systems at high temperatures
[2108.11582] Maciej P. Polak, Dane Morgan: MAST-SEY: MAterial Simulation Toolkit for Secondary Electron Yield. A monte carlo approach to secondary electron emission based on complex dielectric functions
[2108.11585] Kota Mitsumoto, Hikaru Kawamura: Replica symmetry breaking in the RKKY skyrmion crystal system
[2108.11588] Han-Xiang Xu, Daniel Guterding, Harald O. Jeschke: Theory for doping trends in titanium oxypnictide superconductors
[2108.11594] Toshikaze Kariyado, Hiroyasu Matsuura, Masao Ogata: Disentangling Orbital Magnetic Susceptibility with Wannier Functions
[2108.11599] Shisheng Li, Yung-Chang Lin, Jinhua Hong et al.: Mixed-Salt Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
[2108.11606] Ying Fu, Lianglong Huang, Xuefeng Zhou et al.: $LnCu_3(OH)_6Cl_3 (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy)$: Heavy Lanthanides on Spin-1/2 Kagome Magnets
[2108.11619] Qi Zhang, Mykhaylo Ozerov, Emil Vinas Boström et al.: Coherent strong-coupling of terahertz magnons and phonons in a Van der Waals antiferromagnetic insulator
[2108.11654] Bitan De, Piotr Sierant, Jakub Zakrzewski: On intermediate statistics across many-body localization transition
[2108.11660] Sumit Mehan, Laure Herrmann, Jean-Paul Chapel et al.: The desalting/salting pathway: a route to form metastable aggre-gates with tuneable morphologies and lifetimes
[2108.11676] Michikazu Kobayashi, Muneto Nitta: Symmetry classification of uniform states in spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates and neutron $^3P_2$ superfluids
[2108.11685] Takahiro Matsuoka, Amanda Haglund, Rui Xue et al.: Pressure-induced insulator-metal transition in two-dimensional Mott insulator NiPS3
[2108.11690] Dirk Wulferding, Seungyeol Lee, Youngsu Choi et al.: Fermi surface instabilities in electronic Raman scattering of the metallic kagome lattice CsV$_3$Sb$_5$
[2108.11706] Maen Gharaibeh, Rama Abu Haifa, Abdalla Obeidat et al.: Crystalline Field Effects on Magnetic and Thermodynamic properties of a Ferrimagnetic Centered Rectangular Structure
[2108.11707] Mykola Yelisieiev: The free path and the generation rate of a fast-moving electron interacting with a dielectric media
[2108.11712] Sang-Jun Choi, Björn Trauzettel: Microscopic theory of the current-voltage characteristics of Josephson tunnel junctions
[2108.11716] Silvana Palacios Alvarez, Pau Gomez, Simon Coop et al.: Single-domain Bose condensate magnetometer achieves energy resolution per bandwidth below $\hbar$
[2108.11718] Mathieu Mirjolet, Hari Babu Vasili, Adrian Valadkhani et al.: Orbital Occupancy and Hybridization in Strained SrVO$_3$ Epitaxial Films
[2108.11733] Nataša Lazić, Vladimir Damljanović, Milan Damnjanović: Fully linear band crossings at high symmetry points in layers: classification and role of spin-orbit coupling and time reversal
[2108.11735] Bogdan R. Bułka: Quantum coherence in noise power spectrum in two quantum dots
[2108.11739] Vishnu Raghuraman, Yang Wang, Michael Widom: An investigation of high entropy alloy conductivity using first-principles calculations
[2108.11750] Omri Lesser, Ron Lifshitz: Emergence of quasiperiodic Bloch wave functions in quasicrystals
[2108.11784] Andreas Thurn, Jochen Bissinger, Stefan Meinecke et al.: Self-induced ultrafast electron-hole plasma temperature oscillations in nanowire lasers
[2108.11793] Samaneh Nasiri, Michael Zaiser: Dislocation-CNT Interactions in Aluminium at the Atomic Level
[2108.11843] E. Mompó, M. Carretero, L. L. Bonilla: Designing hyperchaos and intermittency in semiconductor superlattices
[2108.11849] N. Read: Complexity as information in spin-glass Gibbs states and metastates: upper bounds at nonzero temperature and long-range models
[2108.11851] Sabine Körbel, Jirka Hlinka, Stefano Sanvito: Transition between large and small electron polaron at neutral ferroelectric domain walls in BiFeO$_3$
[2108.11855] Greta Babakhanova, Hao Wang, Mojtaba Rajabi et al.: Elastic and electro-optical properties of flexible fluorinated dimers with negative dielectric anisotropy
[2108.11856] Marco Di Liberto, Andreas Kruckenhauser, Peter Zoller et al.: Topological phonons in arrays of ultracold dipolar particles
[2108.11880] R. Matthias Geilhufe, Bart Olsthoorn, Alexander V. Balatsky: Shifting computational boundaries for complex organic materials
[2108.11882] Alessandro Santini, Guido Giachetti, Lapo Casetti: Violent relaxation in the Hamiltonian mean field model: II. Non-equilibrium phase diagrams
[2108.11888] Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, Francesco Ferri, Fabian Finger et al.: Observing dynamical currents in a non-Hermitian momentum lattice
[2108.11905] Andrzej Syrwid, Arkadiusz Kosior, Krzysztof Sacha: Can a bright soliton model reveal a genuine time crystal for a finite number of bosons?
[2108.11910] Maxim Trushin, A. H. Castro Neto: Stability of a rolled-up conformation state for two-dimensional materials in aqueous solutions
[2108.11917] H. P. Zahn, V. P. Singh, M. N. Kosch et al.: Formation of spontaneous density-wave patterns in DC driven lattices
[2108.11924] Jared McDonald, Michael R. von Spakovsky, William T. Reynolds Jr: Entropy-Driven Microstructure Evolution Calculated with the Steepest-Entropy-Ascent Quantum Thermodynamic Framework
[2108.11933] Udit Khanna, Moshe Goldstein, Yuval Gefen: Parafermions in a multi-legged geometry: Towards a scalable parafermionic network
[2108.11935] Emil Blomquist, Andrzej Syrwid, Egor Babaev: Borromean supercounterfluidity
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 27 Aug 21","img":""}
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