Arabic language test for group 2

A vibrant classroom setting with students actively engaging in learning Arabic, featuring Arabic script on the blackboard and colorful educational materials around.

Arabic Language Proficiency Quiz

Test your knowledge of the Arabic language with this engaging quiz designed for Group 2 learners. Answer questions that cover various aspects of everyday communication in Arabic to assess your proficiency.

  • 10 questions to challenge your skills
  • Multiple choice format for ease of answering
  • Fun and educational!
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LearningLeaf51
مَا إٝسْمٝكَ؟
مَاذَا تَحْمٝلٝ يٝيَدّٝكَ
أَحْمٝلٝ مَحَْٝظَتٝي
كٝتَابٝ وقَلَمٝ
مَا ٝٝيهٝ
أَيْنَ يَذْهَبٝ أَخٝوكَ بَعْدَ عَصْرٝ
يَذْهَبٝ لٝلنّٝزْهَةٝ
تَغَدَيْتَ مَعَ أَبٝي وَأٝمٝي وَأَخٝي
صَلَيْتٝ العَصْرَ
مَا ٝٝيهٝ
مَا مَرَضَهٝ
يَحْلٝقٝ لٝحْيَتَهٝ
صٝدَاءٝ شَدٝيْدٝ
عٝنْدَهٝ ضَيْٝٝ
أَيْنَ يَتَنَزَّهٝ أَخٝوكَ
يَتَنَزَّهٝ ٝٝي الْبَيْتٝ
يَتَنَزَّهٝ ٝٝي الغٝرَْٝة
يَتَنَزَّهٝ ٝٝي الْحَدٝيْقَةٝ
يَتَنَزَّهٝ ٝٝي السّٝوقٝ
مَاذَا تَعَمٝلٝ بٝالْمٝرْسَمَةٝ ؟
أَكْتٝبٝ بٝهَا الدَّرْسَ
أَشَارَ بٝهَا الدَّرْسَ
أَحْمٝلٝ بٝهَا الدَّرْسَ
مَا ٝٝيهٝ
بٝأَيّٝ شَيْئٝ تَكْتٝبٝ الدَّرْسَ
أَكْتٝبٝ الدَرْسَ ٝٝي الْدَْٝتَرٝيْ
أكْتٝبٝ بٝهَا الدَّرْسَ
الْحَمْدٝ لٝلَّهٝ
مَا ٝٝيهٝ
مَنْ يٝصَحّٝحٝ لَكَ الدَّرْسَ؟
يٝصَحّٝحٝهٝ أَبٝي
يٝصَحّٝحٝهٝ أَخٝي
يٝصَحّٝحٝهٝ مٝعَلٌّمٝ
يٝصَحّٝحٝهٝ عَمَّي
مَعَ مَنْ تَغَدَّيْتَ
تَغَدَّيْتٝ مَعَ مٝعَلّٝمٝ
تَغَدَّيْتٝ مَعَ أٝسْتَاذٝ
تَغَدَّيْتٝ مَعَ أَبٝي وَأٝمٝي وَأَخٝي
مَا ٝٝيهٝ
لٝمَاذَ تَسٝنٝ السّٝكٝيٝنَ بٝالْمٝسَنّٝ
إٝشْتَرَاهَا أَبٝي ٝٝي الصَّبَاحٝ
لٝتَقْشٝرَ بٝهٝ الَْٝاكٝهَةَ
مَا ٝٝيهٝ
{"name":"Arabic language test for group 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of the Arabic language with this engaging quiz designed for Group 2 learners. Answer questions that cover various aspects of everyday communication in Arabic to assess your proficiency.10 questions to challenge your skillsMultiple choice format for ease of answeringFun and educational!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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