How well do you know Alison and Ryan?

How did Ryan and Alison meet?
Mutual friends
Online dating
Went to college together
Which celebrity is framed throughout their home?
Nicolas Cage
Jennifer Lawrence
Frank Thomas
Donald Trump
Where did Ryan and Alison go on their first vacation?
Dominican Republic
Costa Rica
Puerto Rico
What is Ryan's profession?
Field Director
HR rep
What is Alison's profession?
Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist
Athletic Trainer
What are the names of their pets?
Bella and Edward
Lily and Daisy
Bella and Daisy
Lily and Bella
Where did they go on their first date?
City Tap House
Ri Ra Irish Pub
Founding Farmers
Old Glory
Where do Ryan and Alison live now?
Washington, DC
Silver Spring, MD
Alexandria, VA
Arlington, VA
On their first date, what did Ryan lie about?
Knowing all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody
Loving the Harry Potter franchise
Being on Family Feud
Loving cheese
Who said "I love you" first?
They jinx'd and said it together
Who asked to 'move in together' first?
They jinx'd and said it together
{"name":"How well do you know Alison and Ryan?", "url":"","txt":"How did Ryan and Alison meet?, Which celebrity is framed throughout their home?, Where did Ryan and Alison go on their first vacation?","img":""}

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(EI) Emotional Intelligence Test:           This test is designed to get you thinking about the various competences of emotional intelligence as they apply to you.   The 5 main competencies are:   ▪ Self Awareness knowing what we are feeling in the moment, and using those preferences to guide our decision making; having a realistic assessment of our own abilities and a well-grounded sense of self confidence   ▪ Self Control Having control over our emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere with the task in hand; being conscientious and delaying gratification to pursue goals; recovering well from emotional distress.   ▪ Motivation (Attitude) Using our deepest preferences to move and guide us towards our goals, to help us take initiative and strive to improve, and to persevere in the face of setbacks and frustrations.   ▪ Empathy Sensing what people are feeling, being able to take their perspective, and cultivating rapport and attunement with a broad diversity of people.   ▪ Social Skill Handling emotions in relationships well and accurately reading social situations and networks; interacting smoothly; using these skills to persuade and lead, negotiate and settle disputes, for cooperation and teamwork.   What to do 1. Examine and score each of the statements honestly and accurately between 1 and 5. Use the scale below to interpret the appropriate number for each (2 and 4 may also be used) ▪ 1 indicates that the statement does NOT apply at all ▪ 3 indicates that the statement applies about half the time ▪ 5 indicates that the statement ALWAYS applies to you   2. Total your results and implement in the following way: ▪ Transfer your scores to the calculation table and total your results. Note: This test is not a verified psychometric assessment and may not be varied depending on your mood or state of mind when taking it.   3. Put your results into action by assessing and selecting specific areas to work on: • Write down your plan of action and resolve to work on growth in these areas.    
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