What Flight Rising Dragon Species are You?

A vibrant landscape depicting various Flight Rising dragon species interacting with their natural environments, with colorful elements representing each flight: earthy tones for Earth, fiery motifs for Fire, windy skies for Wind, and so on.

Discover Your Flight Rising Dragon Species!

Have you ever wondered which Flight Rising dragon species you truly embody? This fun and engaging quiz is designed to help you uncover your inner dragon based on your personality, preferences, and lifestyle choices.

Get ready to explore questions about your favorite colors, snack choices, and even how you handle conflicts to find out where you belong in the world of Flight Rising!

14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by FlyingDragon101
What Flight do you most identify with? (regardless of what flight you're currently in)
Of these snacks, which would you go for most?
Trail mix
Smoked salmon on a bagel
Beef jerky
Popcorn shrimp
A banana, or other fruit
Chocolate covered pretzels
Ham/Turkey/Chicken sandwich
How tall are you?
6"00 or taller
5"7 - 5"11
5"1 - 5"6
5"00 or shorter
Are you more likely to join...
A strength contest
A marathon
An academic (math, science, etc.) contest
An art contest
What's your friend group like?
I don't like people.
Maybe one or two friends.
A nice small group of close friends.
A decent sized group of good friends.
A lot of friends!
I make friends whenever I possibly can! (many friends)
What's your ideal living situation?
A small place with few windows, and warm. No roommates.
An open, sunny place near my friends!
A big house shared with lots of friends/roommates.
A spacious home that I can work in. If I have a roommate, it's a friend/partner.
Anywhere decent is fine, really.
I don't stay put in one place for too long, so I'm adaptable.
Somewhere smallish that looks inconspicuous on the outside.
A place that I can really personalize and decorate!
What do you do if you find yourself in a fight?
Hide and attack from the shadows.
Try to deescalate the situation so I don't have to fight.
Use my strength to end the conflict as quickly as possible.
Go at my opponent with everything I've got!
Use my speed to dodge all their blows until they tire themself out.
Withstand their blows and hope they tire themself out/give up.
Run away!
What are your favorite colors to wear?
Blacks, greys, darker colors
Bright colors that catch the eye
Whites, beige + tan, light colors
Soft colors and pastels
Earth tones
I'm okay with most anything.
How expressive are you?
Very expressive! Everyone knows how I feel.
Pretty expressive, but I can usually hide how I feel if I feel the need.
The normal amount of expressive?
It changes depending on who I'm with.
Not very, but I do tell people how I feel about certain things.
Not at all, if I can help it.
You have a project! (for school/work or a personal one) How do you work on it?
I put my best work into making it the best it can be!
I work on it a little bit at a time until it's done.
I put a lot of work into it, but only so it'll be better than anyone else's.
I procrastinate until I absolutely need to do it.
I get it done quickly to have it out of the way.
How good is your memory?
I have a very good memory.
It's pretty good!
Average, I suppose.
It's okay, but I do forget things sometimes.
I forget things a lot of the time!
What's your favorite season?
On my days off I like to...
Stay home and read, play video games, etc.
Do something creative, like make music or art
Hang out with friends
Work on personal projects
Go out for a walk/run
Go spend time downtown at shops/museums/etc.
A good word to describe myself would be...
{"name":"What Flight Rising Dragon Species are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered which Flight Rising dragon species you truly embody? This fun and engaging quiz is designed to help you uncover your inner dragon based on your personality, preferences, and lifestyle choices.Get ready to explore questions about your favorite colors, snack choices, and even how you handle conflicts to find out where you belong in the world of Flight Rising!","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5101663/img-ezfdcutxw8zkutmkt0wmcmbr.jpg"}
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