Science gets it's rigor from 3 principles:
Skepticism, observation, and logic.
Skepticism, observation, and data.
Observation, logic, and data.
Observation, data, and math.
Science depends on:
Provable and falsifiable theories and hypotheses.
Empirical data and evidence.
Falsifiable and and testable theories and hypotheses.
Observable and falsifiable theories and hypotheses.
_____ is the mechanism by which science is self-correcting
Empirical evidence.
4,966,800,000 In scientific notation is:
4,966,8 X 10^9
4.9668 X 10^9
4.9668 X 10^10
4.9668 X 10^10
Constellations are:
A formation of stars that appear to make an object in the sky.
An astrological sign based off of the stars.
One of 88 sections of the sky.
One of 13 sections of the sky.
If an object is “in” a constellation, it is:
Within the boundary.
In the pattern of stars.
To someone on Earth, the stars and planets appear to move to the:
Everything rises in the ___ and sets in the ___
East, west
West, east
The Sun appears to move through one constellation after another, along a path called the:
The changes we see in the Sun’s position relative to background stars occur because
The Sun is moving
The earth is moving
The stars are moving
Other planets are moving
All of the above
Axis tilt gives rise to the
The planes intersect at the
The tilt of the Earth’s axis causes sunlight to hit the Earth
More directly, and for a longer periods of time, during Summer.
More directly, and for a longer periods of time, during Winter.
Less directly, and for a longer periods of time, during Summer.
More directly, and for a shorter periods of time, during Winter.
Synchronous rotation means:
We always see the same side of the Moon
The Moon makes one orbit around Earth, and spins one time on its axis, in the same amount of time.
The other side is not the “dark side,” it is the “far side.”
All of the above.
We rarely have eclipses because:
The Sun, Moon, and Earth rarely line up to produce an eclipse.
The Sun, Moon, and Earth have to be at the correct distance.
All of the above.
The fundamental unit of light is the:
The most important parameter of light is the:
If we look at something 7000 Ly away, we see it as it looked
7000 years ago.
7000 years in the future.
700 Years ago.
700 years in the future.
Our eyes can see the entire spectrum of light.
Earth's atmosphere is transparent to only some wavelengths of EM.
The shortest wavelengths that pass through the atmosphere are
UV and visible.
Visible and X-ray.
X-ray and radio.
Radio and gamma.
Wien’s law states that:
The peak wavelength of radiation emitted by a blackbody is inversely proportional to its temperature.
The higher the temperature, the longer the wavelength of maximum emission,
We can figure out an element based on it's blackbody emission.
The Kelvin temperature scale is Centigrade adjusted so absolute zero = 0 K
Because blackbody radiation peaks at a wavelength corresponding to temperature:
We see cool temperatures as colors.
We see cool colors as temperature.
We see hot temperatures as colors.
We see hot colors as temperature.
The light from a burning chemical makes a special, unique pattern when it passes through a prism. This is called:
As light moves towards us we see:
A shorter, red shift.
A longer, blue shift.
A shorter, blue shift.
A longer, red shift.
The last question refers to the:
Wein's law.
Theory of special relativity.
The Doppler effect.
Light-gathering power of a telescope is directly related to the:
Size of the lens (aperture).
Number of mirrors.
Adaptive Optics
Computers compensate for dust and weather in the atmosphere.
Computers compensate for turbulence in the atmosphere.
Are telescopes sent to space to escape the atmosphere.
Are scientifically impossible.
Retrograde motion is:
North to South.
East to West.
West to East.
South to North.
The usual apparent motion of the planets is:
North to South.
East to West.
West to East.
South to North.
ANY planet viewed from ANY OTHER planet will show retrograde motion.
The Heliocentric Model:
Has the Earth as the center of the Solar System.
Has the Earth as the center of the universe.
Has the Sun as the center of the solar system.
Has the Sun as the center of the universe.
Heliocentric Model explains Retrograde Motion with simple motion of the Planets:
Galileo’s discoveries of moons orbiting Jupiter and phases of Venus:
Were incorrect.
Strongly supported a heliocentric model.
Strongly supported an Earth based model.
Show retrograde motion.
Any body nearer to the Sun than we are will:
Sometimes show phases.
Never show phases.
Any body always farther from the Sun than we are will:
Sometimes show phases.
Never show phases.
Orbital eccentricity is:
The amount of elongation in a planet’s orbit.
The size of a planet's orbit.
How close/far the planet is in relation to the Sun.
The point at which a planet is closest to the Sun in its orbit.
Planets have perfectly circular orbits.
Kepler’s First Law:
A planet’s sidereal period around the sun is related to the length of its orbit’s semi-major axis.
More mass = more gravity Closer together = more gravity.
The orbit of a planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus, and (usually) nothing at the other.
All of the above.
Kepler's Third Law:
A planet’s sidereal period around the sun is related to the length of its orbit’s semi-major axis.
More mass = more gravity Closer together = more gravity.
The orbit of a planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus, and (usually) nothing at the other.
All of the above.
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation:
A planet’s sidereal period around the sun is related to the length of its orbit’s semi-major axis.
More mass = more gravity Closer together = more gravity.
The orbit of a planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus, and (usually) nothing at the other.
All of the above.
The tides are caused by:
The Earth's rotation on its axis.
The solar winds.
The gravity from the sun and moon.
All of the above.
The Moon applies a small torque on the Earth causing its rotation to slow down over time.
The Earth applies a small force on the Moon causing it to speed up. Speeding up causes the Moon to slowly move away from the Earth.
The atoms in our solar system, including us and everything we see and touch, were:
Formed in fusion reactions of multiple generations of star/solar system birth, life and death.
Were present since the Earth's creation.
Come from the reactions on the Sun's surface and were brought to Earth by solar winds.
Were created in the molten core of the Earth.
Accretion of planets is:
The accumulation of particles into a massive object by gravitationally attracting more matter.
When a cloud of interstellar gas and dust contracts because of its own gravity.
How most objects in the solar system are formed.
All of the above.
Most craters on the Moon are due to:
They were there when the Moon was first formed.
Created by ancient water sources under the Moon's surface.
Meteor impacts on the surface of the Moon.
Mare are smooth areas with fewer craters indicating:
A young surface.
An old surface.
Meteor craters are always circular.
Collision-Ejection Theory for formation of Earth’s Moon states:
Our moon was formed from the debris of a meteor impact.
Knocked the Earth off of its axis.
Created the seasons.
All of the above.
The only body in our solar system with a truly retrograde motion is:
The characteristic blue color of Neptune and Uranus is due to:
The only other known object in the solar system with standing liquid is:
The ring's of Saturn appear to disappear every 15 years because:
They are seen on edge.
Of atmospheric disturbances.
The proximity of Saturn and the Sun.
The proximity of Saturn and the Earth.
Scientists believe the rings of Saturn are made of:
The rings of Saturn are incredibly thick, about 10000 m.
The only other volcanically active body in the solar system is:
Europa and Io both have strong internal heat. Where does the heat come from?
Molten cores in their center.
From the distortion caused by Jupiter’s Gravity.
From their large size.
All of the above.
Europa has a large subsurface liquid water ocean.
The Great Red Spot is:
A hole in Jupiter's upper atmosphere.
A caldera on Jupiter's surface.
A long-lived storm on Jupiter.
Jupiter is ___ times the size of the Earth.
Saturn is ___ times the size of the Earth.
Valles Marineris is:
A large, crater less area on Mars.
A series of dry riverbeds on Mars.
A huge rift valley on Mars.
A volcano on the Mars, the largest known one in the Solar System.
Olympus Mons is:
A large, crater less area on Mars.
A series of dry riverbeds on Mars.
A huge rift valley on Mars.
A volcano on the Mars, the largest known one in the Solar System.
Mars does not have season.
Liquid water once existed on Mars.
Why is the coldest temperature on the planet nearest the sun? Why is the hotest temperature on a planet that is not nearest the sun?
The relative sizes of the planets.
The tilt of the planets axis.
The atmospheric on the planets.
The molten core or lack there of on the planets.
Torino Scale assesses hazard from a impact. The important scales to assess are:
Size and speed.
Speed and likely-hood of hitting us.
Likely-hood of hitting us and size.
All of the above.
Oxygen in the atmosphere of Earth may be:
A result of the initial formation of the solar system.
A biosignature; a sign of life.
A result of our proximity to the sign.
An environmental hazard.
The magnetosphere:
Helps keep out radiation and particles from the solar winds.
Traps particles in the Van Allen belts.
Is a result of our Earth's magnetized liquid core.
All of the above.
Aurorae are created:
When particles leaking through the magnetosphere and colliding with atoms.
Radioactivity in our environment.
When the weather has all of the right conditions.
By particles of water vapor reflecting off of the ice on the Northern poles.
{"name":"Science gets it's rigor from 3 principles:", "url":"","txt":"Science gets it's rigor from 3 principles:, Science depends on:, _____ is the mechanism by which science is self-correcting","img":""}
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