Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 12 Aug 20
[2008.04310] Guillem Domènech, Mark Goodsell, Christof Wetterich: Neutrino masses, vacuum stability and quantum gravity prediction for the mass of the top quark
[2008.04316] Srimoy Bhattacharya, Soumitra Nandi, Sunando Kumar Patra et al.: 'Deep' Dive into $b \to c$ Anomalies: Standardized and Future-proof Model Selection Using Self-normalizing Neural Networks
[2008.04318] Songshaptak De, Vikram Rentala, William Shepherd: Measuring the polarization of boosted, hadronic $W$ bosons with jet substructure observables
[2008.04325] Ariel Zhitnitsky: The Mysterious Bursts observed by Telescope Array and Axion Quark Nuggets
[2008.04339] Amy Lloyd-Stubbs, John McDonald: A Minimal Approach to Baryogenesis via Affleck-Dine and Inflaton Mass Terms
[2008.04349] Xiangdong Ji, Feng Yuan: Transverse spin sum rule of the proton
[2008.04372] Isobel Kolbé, Kaushik Roy, Farid Salazar et al.: Inclusive prompt photon-jet correlations as a probe of gluon saturation in electron-nucleus scattering at small $x$
[2008.04385] T. M. Aliev, T. Barakat, K. Şimşek: Gravitational formfactors of the $ ρ$ meson in QCD sum rules
[2008.04430] Jeong-Pyong Hong, Sunghoon Jung, Ke-Pan Xie: Fermi-ball dark matter from a first-order phase transition
[2008.04434] Fatemeh Elahi, Shiva Rostam Zadeh: Flavon Magneto-Baryogenesis
[2008.04603] Jian-Rong Zhang: looking for a vector charmonium-like state $Y$ in $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\bar{D}D_{1}(2420)+c.c.$
[2008.04633] Jie Cheng, Yu-Feng Li, Liang-Jian Wen et al.: Neutral-current background induced by atmospheric neutrinos at large liquid-scintillator detectors: I. Model predictions
[2008.04718] Ingolf Bischer, Tilman Plehn, Werner Rodejohann: Dark Matter EFT, the Third -- Neutrino WIMPs
[2008.04727] P. Kurashvili, L. Chotorlishvili, K. A. Kouzakov et al.: Coherence and mixedness of neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field
[2008.04898] Wen-Long Sang, Feng Feng, Yu Jia: Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order Radiative Corrections to $e^+e^-\toχ_{cJ}+γ$ at $B$ factory
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 12 Aug 20","img":""}
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