Which of the following is/are true statements? (A point is deducted for every wrong selection)
God is the Father of Spirits
God is the Father of our flesh
Your spirit has the same shape as your body
God is the Father of our mind
God is the Father of our Spirit, Soul and Body
Which of the following about the law of moses is true?
It is spiritual law but for carnal men
It is spiritual law but for spiritual men
It is carnal law for carnal men
It is carnal law for spiritual men
It was described in the old testament as the law that set men in that dispensation free
Which of the following is/are true statements
The inward man is the human spirit and his soul
The mind is in the Soul
The outward man is the human body and it's 6 senses
No matter how much you give the outward man, if the inward man does not have that money the outward man will lose it
A man's spirit can be crippled just like a physical body can be crippled
Eze 18:20a says "The soul that sinneth, it shall die". Which of the following is true about this verse.
This death is referring to the first death
This death is referring to the second death
The first death is the lake of fire
This death was the death adam faced in the garden when he ate of the fruit God said not to eat
This is a law that is applicable for all times and cannot be broken.
Which of the following statements is/are NOT true?
Before you were born again you were not only a sinner you were sin
When you are born again you are a sinner saved by grace
When you are born again you have a new life
When you are born again you do not have a passed.
When you are born again you are the expression of God's righteousness
Which of the following scriptures describe substitution
2 Cor 5:17
Matthew 20:28
1 peter 5:8
2 cor 8:9
2cor 5:21
Isa 53:10 says "Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. What does he shall his seed mean?
It means his seed will not die
It means we are the seed of Abraham
It means he is going to the cross as the Son of Man
It means he will reproduce others
It means he will defeat satan
In the message "The Holy Spirit Prayer, Pastor Chris defined Real Authentic Christianity as ? (You can choose more than one answer but a point is deducted for each wrong answer)
The demonstration and display of the virtues of Christ in the earth
The demonstration and display of the excellences of Christ in the earth
The demonstration and display of the perfections of Christ in the earth
The walk of righteousness
The life and victories of Jesus in the earth
The first time Pastor Chris heard the voice of God speak to him, what was he told?
Cast out devils
Heal the sick
Teach my people faith
Be strong and very courageous
Resist the devil and he will flee
All of the above
In the message holy spirit prayer, Pastor Chris said that ministers of the gospels (five fold ministry) should have the mentality of a _____________
What is a sign that as a church, you are winning converts and not children?
The souls won are very zealous in the house of God
The souls won are converted from other religions to Christianity
The souls won don't stay
The souls are born again
The souls won convert others
Pastor Chris mentioned that as you study the scriptures you will discover that there are ___________dimensions of life
Jesus after the resurrection appeared to the disciples suddenly in a room where the doors and windows were locked. How was he able to do this?
He was the son of God
He was a spirit being
After the resurrection, he took on a new glory
Anything is possible
He functioned in the forth dimension
Why is it that the blood of animals could not save man?
Because animals are unclean.
Because an animal is a lower being
Because of the belief of re-incarnation
Because it had to be taken to the wilderness by the hand of a fit man
Because the blood type of animals is different from that of man
Mat 26:39 says "And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. What cup was Jesus referring to and why was he dreading it?
He was going to go to hell
He was going to go through terrible suffering
He did not want to be separated from his father
He was going to have to believe by faith that God would raise him up
He was going to have to face the devil and his demons to fight for us
Which of the following is true about the lake of fire?
Death is cast into the lack of fire
It was prepared for the Devil and his angels and not for man
It is for eternal punishment and anyone who goes there will be there forever
After many years of saints praying, those in the lake of fire will come out
Hell is not the same as the lake of fire
Why was Jesus made a little lower than the angels as explained in the book of hebrews?
So that he could show the angels how to win against hell and it's demons
It was a sign of humility in that he was the Word of God but was made lower than his real status
So that the demons would not accuse him of being God
So that he would go through death for every man
It was in fulfillment of prophecy from Oded the Seer.
What does the Greek word "Enduo" mean?
To be set free
To endure hardness as a soldier
To sink into
To let go of
To empower
Rom 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Which of the following is/are true about Justfication?
It means to be declared righteous
It means the price has been paid
It means to be acquitted
Jesus was delivered for our Justification
Jesus was raised for our offenses
Man has a dual nature, that is a lower nature and a spiritual nature? True or False
People end up in the lake of fire because of sins they have commited. True or false?
Which of the following is found in the Lord's prayer
Our Father who art in heaven
Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee.
Deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, thine is the power and thine is the glory
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
2Cor 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. How come he knew no sin?
Because he was born again
Because his life came from the word
Because he was the son of God
Because he was the word become flesh
Because mary was holy
Which of the following is NOT true about righteousness?
Righteousness is that nature of God that define his character and his way of doing things
Righteousness is a gift given to the ungodly
Righteousness is a gift for Christians
Righteousness is imputed
Righteousness is the Rightness of God
Why does the bible call Jesus the second Adam?
Because adam failed, there was need for a second Adam
Because rigteousness had now been imputed
Because he was replacing the first Adam
Because the first Adam was a living soul and the second Adam a life giving spirit
Because he had the same human body as the first Adam but a different kind of life
{"name":"RHEST TEST", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which of the following is\/are true statements? (A point is deducted for every wrong selection), Which of the following about the law of moses is\/are true?, Which of the following are true statements","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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