The rise and fall of Rome is an example of which theory?
Exceptionalist theory
Power transition theory
Containment theory
Power conversion theory
“Soft power” includes a country’s
Economic strength
Military capabilities
Culture and appeal
Political effectiveness
Balancing (a stronger power) is achieved by
Building alliances
Developing democratic governments
Internalizing the economy
Binding (a stronger power) is achieved by
Democratic enlargement
Embedding the threatening country into an alliance
Colonizing the threatening country
Military engagement
At the end of World War II
The United States and the Soviet Union were superpowers
Japan was a superpower
Germany was a superpower
China was a superpower
America’s strength as a dominant power
Is one-dimensional
Is multidimensional
Is based on its history
None of the above
World War I was significant in American history because
America began abandoning isolationism
Manifest destiny took hold
President Roosevelt strengthened the military
The Monroe Doctrine was established
Which of the following is NOT one of the five waves of American decline described by Samuel Huntington?
Watergate crisis
Launch of Sputnik
Great Depression
Oil embargo by OPEC
The transition of power from the G-7 to the G-20 represents
Asymmetrical warfare
Emerging market countries challenging America’s leadership
Domestic threats
In the United States, the concept of manifest destiny helped to
Expand U.S. Territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
End the Civil War
Establish the Constitution
Promote the use of public goods
Asymmetrical warfare
Is based on European currency
Is a preoccupation with domestic and regional affairs
Results from a decision to lag behind other countries militarily
Is a nonstate threat to the United States
China’s rapidly growing power is
Largely one-dimensional, based on its military
Based on its authoritarian government
Largely one-dimensional, based on its economy
Enhanced by its favorable geography
The American “shock and awe” bombing of Baghdad was a demonstration of
The centrality of economic power
A wave of declinism
A hegemon with a preponderance of military power
The Monroe Doctrine
The United States uses public goods in the global community in order to
Demonstrate manifest destiny
Lessen the chances of hostile alliances forming
Demonstrate that it ignores public opinion.
Adhere to the 2001 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
In imperial overstretch
Domestic affairs unravel as a country puts resources into military activities abroad
Military campaigns abroad suffer due to emphasis on domestic affairs
There is proof of the theories of Antonio Gramsci
Offshore balancing is a major factor
____ is the systematic mass murder of an ethnic, religious, or national group
____ is intervention by heavily armed military forces
__ are sanctions imposed by more than one country
Multilateral sanctions
Multilateral sanctions
___ is an intervention that is agreed upon by all states involved in the conflict.
Consensual interventions
Consensual interventions
___ was the first written legal protection for the British people
Magna Charta
Magna Charta
____was the U.S.-run prison in Iraq that committed abuses against Iraqi war detainees
Abu Ghraib
Abu Ghraib
_____ is the protection of individual life, liberty, and property through a fair trial system
Due process
Due process
The________ seeks profit by building up markets rather than assaulting worker rights
Market-building strategy
Market-building strategy
___ was a leading Stoic and agreed with the natural law concept
A framework of laws designed to designate specific powers and responsibilities to governmental institutions is called a_______
_________ is the structure and institutions that combine to govern many aspects of state policies, especially concerning international relations
Global Governance
Global Governance
____ representation is a political and electoral system under which both majorities and minorities are represented
Proportional Representation
Proportional Representation
The termination of the ______________ was one factor in increasing women’s participation in leadership positions in democracies around the world
Cold War
Cold War
Democracies that are defined by limitations on power of government and protections of civil liberties are known as ________________ democracies
___________, Chile’s first democratically elected Marxist president, was overthrown and killed in 1973 by a military dictator that the United States supported because he was an ally
Salvador Allende
Salvador Allende
Networks of social relations and structures that exist independently of the government are known collectively as ________
Civil societies
Civil societies
Coalitions of interests whose primary goal is to run the government by winning competitive elections are known as ______
Political parties
Political parties
_________ participation includes voting, running for office, assisting with political campaigns, and writing to elected officials
Conventional participation
Conventional participation
______ was signed in 2002 by more than half the world’s countries, committing them to promoting democracy globally
____________ is a system in which both majorities and minorities are represented, because seats in elective bodies are determined by the percentage of votes received
Proportional representation
Proportional representation
A commitment to protecting individuals’ rights, freedoms, and dignity from abuse by the government, institutions, society as a whole, and other individuals is known as ________
Constitutional liberalism
Constitutional liberalism
__________ is predominantly known as the spread of market values, institutions, and trade across state lines
Economic globalization
Economic globalization
A governing system with no separation of powers is known as a(n) _________
Parliamentary democracy
Parliamentary democracy
______ includes implementing changes, such as imposing fewer restrictions on the freedoms of the press and speech, having greater respect for the rule of law, and increasing tolerance for political opposition
The______ worldview places the constant struggle for power and dominance at the center of international relations
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of why small arms and light weapons are attractive?
Easy availability
Single usage
Low cost
________, the world’s first artificial satellite, was launched by the Soviet Union
The idea of ______ destruction originated from the reality that a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union would be suicidal
Mutual assured
Mutual balanced
The 1996 ________ limits the right of countries to conduct nuclear weapons tests.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Proliferation Restraint Treaty
Nuclear Lockdown Treaty
New START Treaty
North Korea is known as the______ because of its imposed isolation from the global community.
Island State
Isolated regions
Hermit Kingdom
Hermit State
The United States used ________ to defoliate forests in Vietnam in its war against the Vietcong forces.
Nuclear Weapons
Agent Orange
Mustard Gas
________________weapons are made of living microorganisms and toxins that are capable of causing fatal diseases.
The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
Was a major reason AK-47s ended up in the hands of terrorists in Afghanistan.
Was an exception to nuclear weapon restraint shown by superpowers during the Cold War.
Directly resulted in the New START treaty between Russia and the United States.
Was a major reason for the development of Agent Orange.
What country adopted a “policy of pacifism,” prohibiting owning, producing, or allowing nuclear weapons on its territory?
The prevention of hair-trigger alert postures and the securement of weapons is concentrated in
Which of the following is NOT one of the advised actions for nuclear weapons possessors in order to promote nuclear nonproliferation in other countries?
Pledge to not use their weapons to threaten countries without nuclear weapons
Maintain their nuclear weapons
Ensure nonnuclear states that their neighbors would be prevented from becoming nuclear powers
Help countries that have renounced nuclear weapons and accepted international monitoring to acquire nuclear technology for civilian purposes
_____ are attachments to treaties that allow states to be excluded from the legal effects of certain provisions of the 1925 Geneva Protocol.
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