An imaginative collage of Disney and Pixar characters, featuring Mickey Mouse, Ariel, and Buzz Lightyear, with a colorful background of Disney castles and starry skies.

Disney + Pixar Movie Quiz

Test your knowledge of Disney and Pixar movies with our fun and engaging quiz! From classic characters to iconic films, see how many questions you can answer correctly.

  • 10 intriguing questions
  • Learn fun facts about your favorite movies
  • Challenge friends and family
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by FlyingDolphin42
What was the last movie that Walt Disney was able to work on before he died?
What Disney movie received the first ever Oscar nomination in the company’s entire history?
Who was the actor that received the first Golden Globe nomination for voicing a character in a Disney animated film?
How many daughters does King Triton have in The Little Mermaid?
What fraternity did Mike Wazowski become a member of in Monsters University?
What was the name of the toy store in Toy Story 2?
Who is the only Disney princess who isn’t actually royalty?
Who is the youngest Disney princess?
True or false – Mickey Mouse was NOT the first cartoon character to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
In the movie The Sleeping Beauty, what were the names of the three good faeries?
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