What peer ratings are used, research hs found that high performers evaluate their peers ______ low performers
The same
More strictly than
More leniently than
None of these would be true
Which of the following is the most important use of performance evaluation results?
Employee compensation
Employee promotion
Employee training and feeback
Personnel research
Which of the following rating scales have been most criticized because of their susceptibility to rating errors such as halo and leniency?
Behavioral anchored rating scale
Behavioral observation scale
Graphic rating sale
Forced choice rating scale
According to your text, a performance appraisal instrument focuses on many areas. Which of the following is NOT one of the area listed in your text?
Documentation helps reduce the effects of all the following except ____
First impressions
Recent behaviors
Extreme behaviors
Elvis has been a model employee all year except for the last two or three weeks; yet, Elvis' ratings on his performance appraisal reflect his performance during the last two-week to three-week period. This type of rating bias is referred to as:
Strictness error
Contrast error
The recency effect
Infrequent observation
Cher is perceived by her dining room manager, Ms. Madonna, as the best waitress who ever worked for her. Cher's ratings on her performance appraisal are all high. Elvis, on the other hand, is an average waiter; yet, after evaluating Cher, Ms. Madonna's ratings of Elvis are below average. This type of rating error is referred to as:
Contrast error
Halo error
Proximity error
Preference error
Research indicates that we retain 25% of information presented in meetings 48 hours after the meeting. The inability to retain this information is influenced by:
Memory loss
How well we listen to the information
Our listening style
All of these are influences
Elvis' desk is located in a cubicle next to 30 other cubicles. Elvis' company uses a _______ to design its office.
Uniform plan
Free-form work station plan
Portable office approach
Mrs. Cher raises her voice when saying certain words. She is using _____ to communicate
Nonverbal cues
Ms. Madonna often misses the main point of a communication because she is interested in only the facts and main detail. She is a(an) _____ listener.
Cher was out of work for 9 months before being hired by Fako Medical Supplies. Fako has treated Cher well, gave her a raise during a time in which the company was losing money, and sent her to several expensive training programs to help her career. Cher has been offered a job at a competitor that would increase her salary by $10,000. Though accepting the new job would seem to be an easy decision to make, Cher feels she should remain with Fako. Her commitment to Fako is a good example of:
Affective commitment
Continuance commitment
Normative commitment
Volitional commitment
Job satisfaction is most related to:
Organizational commitment
Elvis had certain expectations about his new job and his new company. After three months on the job, Elvis realized that the reality of the job and the organization were different from his expectations. Elvis is likely to be:
Less satisfied and less committed, but will stay with the organization
Less satisfied and less committed and will probably leave the organization
Satisfied but not committed and will stay with the organization
Satisfied and committed and will stay with the organization
______ is the attitude one has toward her job and ______ is the extent to which an employee identifies with and is involved with an organization.
Job satisfaction/cohesiveness
Job satisfaction/organization commitment
Organization commitment/cohesiveness
Organization commitment/job satisfaction
According to ______ "new" employees who work with highly satisfied "old" employees are more likely to be highly satisfied themselves
Individual differences theory
McClelland's needs theory
Consistency theory
Social information processing theory
€�Cher is angry about a promotion decision. Though she is not sure that she was the best candidate, she feels that she never really got the chance to demonstrate her skills. Cher's dissatisfaction is consistent with research on:
Distributive equity
Procedural consistency
Distributive justice
Procedural justice
For two days prior to "opening," employees in a Food and Beverage Department actually take orders, prepare food, serve meals, and compute check totals for other employees posing as tourists. These exercises allow the staff members to work in an environment that closely resembles the actual work environment. These exercises are referred to as:
Apprentice training
Behavioral modeling
Role playing
For two days prior to "opening," employees in a Food and Beverage Department actually take orders, prepare food, serve meals, and compute check totals for other employees posing as tourists. These exercises allow the staff members to work in an environment that closely resembles the actual work environment. These exercises are referred to as:
Performance appraisal scores
Skill tests
Knowledge tests
 ​An organization requires its managers to "get away" for a few days and participate in a training program designed to increase their effectiveness as managers. Following the training program, managers often feel the training program was worthwhile; however, it is not uncommon for these managers to return to their operations and perform their old habits while ignoring the recently presented principles. This scenario is related to the issue of:
Transfer of training
Massed practice
Distributed practice
Which training method allows trainees to experience working in many or all of the jobs in an organization, allows for greater flexibility in replacing absent workers, and helps improve job satisfaction?
Role playing
Behavioral modeling
Job rotation
Apprentice training
______ determines whether a person can do the job properly and ____ determines whether that person will do it properly
Cher spends a lot of effort selecting her employees. Thus, when she hires someone, she knows they will perform well and has a lot of confidence in them. According to _______, the employees probably will perform well.
Equity theory
The Pygmalion effect
Intrinsic motivation theory
Goal setting theory
Cher is motivated by jobs in which she can help others, whereas Elvis is motivated by the desire to influence others. Cher has a high need for _______ and Elvis has a high need for _______.
According to two-factor theory, ______ is an example of hygiene factor:
_______ theory states that individuals have five major types of hierarchical needs is:
An individual does not like to do laundry but prefers to do laundry over studying for exams. Because doing laundry is liked more than studying, _______ predicts that the opportunity to do laundry will motivate a person to study.
Equity theory
The Anderson adage
The Thompson tenet
The Premack principle
Cher has been a directory assistance supervisor for one year. Due to an unexpected transit strike, many operators were unable to make it in to work for the duration of the strike - three weeks. Cher took it upon herself to try to fill in for her short staff. She worked an exhausting schedule of 18-hour days every day for the four weeks. At the end of the strike, her manager decided to reward her for her contribution to the organization. If the manager used Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a guide for creating a reward that Cher would appreciate and be motivated by, he might choose which of the following:
A promotion to a rigorous, unit manager position
Week off with pay
A recognition luncheon
A pay increase
Elvis is the owner of EP Designs. He takes great effort to make sure that his employees know that if he promises a reward, he will always keep his word. Elvis seems to believe in:
Consistency theory
Equity theory
Expectancy theory
Social learning theory
The unofficial communication system of the informal organization is called:
The pattern
The culture
The grapevine
The primrose
According to research, which form of reward is more likely to achieve a desired motivational impact that can be sustained indefinitely
{"name":"PSYCH EXAM UNIT 6", "url":"","txt":"What peer ratings are used, research hs found that high performers evaluate their peers ______ low performers, Which of the following is the most important use of performance evaluation results?, Which of the following rating scales have been most criticized because of their susceptibility to rating errors such as halo and leniency?","img":""}
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