TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 46

Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
employ (v)
To use
To reject
To herd
To take root
datum (n)
Singular form of date
Part of something smaller
Singular form of data
All of the above
bacteria (n)
Plural of back
Plural of bachelor
Plural of Bactrian
Plural of bacterium
criteria (n)
List of rules used to judge
Plural of criterion
Points to follow when evaluating
All of the above
memoranda (n)
Plural of memorandum
A myriad of messages
All of the above
stigmata (n)
peruse (v)
To examine carefully
To prepare properly
To prescribe carefully
To provide often
deal with (v)
To take care of
To take action
To confront
All of the above
salient (adj)
One that rises above the rest
One lower than all the rest
One equal to all the rest
One harder than all the rest
as in (phr)
For example
Such as
All of the above
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
By _______________ robots, the company was able to reduce its labor costs substantially.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
_______________ is synonymous with cuts or wounds.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
Arguably, that particular piece of _______________ is not accurate.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
_______________ are an integral part of the decaying process.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
Sofia loves to _______________ the shops on Fifth Avenue.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
Roland _______________ his problems by taking the bull by the horns.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
Every Monday, Lee’s boss sends out a plethora of _________________reminding everyone to keep their noses to the grindstone.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
Part of M.I.T.’s admission _______________ for foreign students is a high TOEFL score.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
At the end of the lecture, the professor restated the most _____________ point.
Word List:
• employ • datum • bacteria • criteria • memoranda
• stigmata • peruse • deal with • salient • as in
Starving is synonymous with ravenous, __________ ,“After Katie works out, she is ravenous.”
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
In the reading section, TOEFL often employs plural words ending in
“a”, such as media and its singular, medium. Let’s peruse a few more salient examples: stigmata and stigmatum; bacteria and bacterium; criteria and criterion; memoranda and memorandum; data and datum, as in “The data in the memorandum dealt with the criteria for measuring the stigmata left by the bacterium.”
{"name":"TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 46", "url":"","txt":"Directions: √ Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1) multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each. √Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process. √ When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. √ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on. √ For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence. √ Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction., Quiz#1   Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer., carnivore (n)","img":""}
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