State the CWC (cross wind component) for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 270/10
10 kt
0 kt
4 kt
5 kt
State the CWC (cross wind component) for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 285/10
7 kt
6 kt
5 kt
8 kt
State the CWC (cross wind component) for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 180/10
10 kt
8 kt
7 kt
9 kt
State the HWC (head wind component) for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 180/10
7 kt
4 kt
5 kt
6 kt
State the HWC (head wind component) for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 285/10
5 kt
7 kt
8 kt
6 kt
State the HWC (head wind component) for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 210/10
8 kt
7 kt
10 kt
9 kt
What is the corrective action when encountering a dutch roll?
Use firm but gentle aileron.
Turn off the yaw damper.
No action required.
Push the rudder fully.
ATC asks you to set your transponder to a code of 4042 mode a and c. What will be the phrase used by ATC?
Callsign, squak 4042
Callsign, squak 4042 alpha and charlie
Callsign, set transponder code 4042 TA/RA
Callsign, squak 4042 charlie
Which phrase is to be used if you cannot follow an instruction given by ATC?
Callsign, impossible
Callsign, unable to comply.
Callsign, charlie charlie
Callsign, WILCO
What do you do if you experience a communication failure after take off during an IFR flight departing in IMC?
Squak 7500 and follow published COMM failure procedure.
Squak 7700 and follow published COMM failure procedure.
Squak 7600, stay in VMC, turn on all lights and follow the traffic pattern for an immediate re-landing on the same runway which was used for departure.
Squak 7600 and follow published COMM failure procedure.
How do you check in a new ATC controller after a frequency change (enroute and only HF available)?
Callsign, flightlevel
Callsign, flight level, next fix
Callsign only
Callsign, flight level, ETA next fix
From which deviation of the TAS on you have to notify ATC?
5 kt
10 kt
What is the ISA temperature at FL390 (Tropopause at FL360)?
- 65°
- 57°
- 63°
- 55°
What is the ISA temperature at FL340 (Tropopause at FL360)?
- 57 K
- 53°
- 57°
- 53 K
When cruising in FL350 you read a temperature of -52°. What will be stated on the Air Data page of your FMS?
ISA -5°
ISA +3°
ISA -3°
ISA +5°
When cruising in FL320 you read a temperature of -52°. What will be stated on the Air Data page of your FMS?
ISA +3°
ISA +5°
ISA -5°
ISA -3°
Where around a jetstream do you find the biggest turbulence?
At the "cold side" of the jet.
At the "cold side" of the jet.
At the north side of the jet.
At the south side of the jet.
Where around a jetstream do you find the biggest turbulence?
At the north side of the jet if in the northern hemisphere.
At the south side of the jet if in the southern hemisphere.
At the "cold side" of the jet.
All answers are correct.
Where around a jetstream do you find the biggest turbulence?
At the "warm side" of the jet.
At the north side of the jet if in the southern hemisphere.
At the south side of the jet if in the northern hemisphere.
No answer is correct.
Where do you find the biggest coriolis effect?
At the south pole.
At both poles.
At the equator.
At the north pole.
When do you think, the "polar front jet" is stronger?
In summer.
In spring.
In autumn.
In winter.
Where do you find squall lines?
In the "cold sector" just in front of the active cold front.
In the "cold sector" just behind the active cold front.
In the "warm sector" just behind the active cold front.
In the "warm sector" just in front of the active cold front.
What is a squall line?
A squall line defines an area of severe windshear.
A squall line is a line of severe thunderstorms.
A squall line is a line of severe turbulence.
A squall line is a cold front.
What is a TAF?
A terminal weather forecast that applies to an area within 5 NM of an airport.
A terminal weather forecast that applies to an area within 10 NM of an airport.
A terminal weather forecast that applies to an area within 15 NM of an airport.
A terminal weather forecast that applies to an area within 20 NM of an airport.
What information can be found in a TAF?
Time of origin (UTC).
Validity period.
All answers are correct.
Location identifier.
What information can be found in a TAF?
The runway in use.
Airport opening hours.
Statement of turbulence.
All anwsers are correct.
Which statement regarding this TAF is correct? TAF AMD CYUL 241854Z 2420/2508 VRB03KT CAVOK FM242300 02010KT 9999 SCT040 BKN100 PROB30 2420/2423 2000 -DZ 18/14 Q1012
All answers are correct.
The TAF has been amended since its original issue time.
The TAF is issued for the airport of Ahmedabad, India which the three letter code AMD.
The validity period of this TAF is 24 hours.
Which statement regarding this TAF is correct? TAF AMD CYUL 241854Z 2420/2508 VRB03KT CAVOK FM242300 02010KT 9999 SCT040 BKN100 PROB30 2420/2423 2000 -DZ 18/14 Q1012
The TAF was issued at 18.54 loc on the 24th of the month.
There are broken clouds present with a base of 10.000 ft.
There are broken clouds present with a base of 1.000 ft.
The TAF was issued at 18.54 UTC on the 24th of the month.
Which statement regarding this TAF is correct? TAF AMD CYUL 241854Z 2420/2508 VRB03KT CAVOK FM242300 02010KT 9999 SCT040 BKN100 PROB30 2420/2423 2000 -DZ 18/14 Q1012
After 23.00 Z on the 24th of the month the wind is variable with 3 kt.
Until 23.00 Z on the 24th of the month the wind comes from a direction of 020 degrees with 10 kt.
None of the answers are correct.
Until 23.00 Z on the 24th of the month the wind is variable with 3 kt.
Which statement regarding this TAF is correct? TAF AMD CYUL 241854Z 2420/2508 VRB03KT CAVOK FM242300 02010KT 9999 SCT040 BKN100 PROB30 2420/2423 2000 -DZ 18/14 Q1012
With a probability of 30 % there might occur light drizzle between 20.00 and 23.00 Z on the 24th.
With a probability of 30 % there might occur drizzle between 20.00 and 23.00 Z on the 24th.
With a probability of 30 % there might occur light drizzle between midnight of the 20th until midnight (24.00 loc) of the 23rd of the month.
With a probability of 30 % there might occur drizzle between midnight of the 20th until midnight (24.00 loc) of the 23rd of the month.
Which statement regarding this TAF is correct? TAF AMD CYUL 241854Z 2420/2508 VRB03KT CAVOK FM242300 02010KT 9999 SCT040 BKN100 PROB30 2420/2423 2000 -DZ 18/14 Q1012
The temperature variies between 10 and 12°.
The temperature is 14°.
The dew point is 14°.
The dew point is 18°.
How is named a large volume of air with same characteristica?
Air stream.
Air mass.
How would you describe the flow conditions in a meteorologic low pressure system?
Converging and descending.
Diverging and descending.
Diverging and ascending.
Converging and ascending.
How would you describe the flow conditions in a meteorologic high pressure system?
Diverging and ascending.
Converging and ascending.
Diverging and descending.
Converging and descending.
How would you describe the average altitude of the tropopause?
Higher during the summer.
Higher during the winter.
About the same at all times of the year.
No statement possible.
At which outside air temperatures the flash of lightening occurs most frequently?
+5 to +15° OAT
+15 to +25° OAT
+25 to +35° OAT
-5 to +5° OAT
How is the atmosphere set together in an altitude of 30.000 ft?
About 95 % Nitrogen, other gases including Oxygen 5 %.
About 78 % Nitrogen, 21 % Oxygen, 1 % other gases and 0,038 % Carbondioxyd.
About 78 % Nitrogen, 21 % Oxygen, 1 % other gases and 0,038 % Carbondioxyd but only at mean sea level.
About the same like at mean sea level but there is almost only 1 % Oxygen in this high altitude.
What statement concerning the real altitude in flight compared to the displayed altitude in the cockpit during wintertime is correct?
Real altitude is the same like indicated.
The wording of the question is wrong: the indication of the altimeter is dependent on the pressure.
Real altitude is lower than indicated.
Real altitude is higher than indicated.
What is the purpose of the eustachic tube?
None of the answers are correct.
It helps to regulate the pressure in the middle ear of the human body.
It´s a connection between the mouth and the nose and helps breathing.
It is a part of the human ear and is an essential part to be able to hear any kind of sound.
Which of the below is a stress compensation mechanism?
Action copying.
Action sharing.
Action splitting.
Action coping.
What is an okulo?
It is defect which causes a graphic illusion
It is a special lense.
It is a part of a microscope.
It is another word for the human eye.
How long is the flight time if you depart Frankfurt at 9 a.m. Local time and arrive in Los Angeles at 1 p.m. Local time? (Note: FRA UTC +1; LAX UTC -8)
13 hours
14 hours
4 hours
12 hours
How long is the flighttime, if you depart Frankfurt at 7 p.m. Local time and arrive in Tokio at 3 p.m. Local time the next day? (Note: FRA UTC+1; NRT UTC +10)
12 hours
13 hours
10 hours
11 hours
How does your heading change on a flight from Europe to North America?
No statement possible because the routing is not published.
The HDG continues to get smaller.
The HDG continues to get bigger.
The HDG does not change significantly.
How does your heading change during a flight from Europe to Asia?
The HDG does not change significantly.
No statement possible because the routing is not published.
The HDG continues to get bigger.
The HDG continues to get smaller.
You take off from Hamburg airport and proceed for exactely 300 NM on a HDG of 270. Then you turn right HDG 360 and fly again 300 NM. Finally you turn right to a HDG of 090 and proceed on that for another 300 NM. Where will be your position compared to Hamburg (Wind calm conditions assumed)?
West of Hamburg
Exactly south of Hamburg
East of Hamburg
Exactly north of Hamburg
What is a bypass ratio?
It is the ratio of the pressure of the air before and after the compressor.
It is the mixing ratio of hot and cold air at the engine exhaust.
It is the ratio between the air drawn in by the fan but bypassing the engine core to the air passing through the engine core.
It is the ratio of the pressure in front of the fan compared to the pressure of the air after the combustion chamber.
What is an "Engine Pressure Ratio" (EPR)?
It is the ratio of the pressure of the engine outlet to the engine inlet.
It is the ratio of the pressure of the engine inlet to the engine outlet.
It is the ratio between the air drawn in by the fan but bypassing the engine core to the air passing through the engine core.
It is the ratio of the pressure of the air before and after the compressor.
What is the "beta range"?
The beta range describes the power lever position ground idle of turboprop aircrafts.
The beta range describes the power lever position flight idle of turboprop aircrafts.
The beta range describes the power lever positions from flight idle to maximum reverse of turboprop aircrafts.
The beta range describes the power lever positions from flight idle to maximum power of turboprop aircrafts.
What happenes to the stall speed if the aircraft is in a 25 degree bank angle?
It increases 5 %
It decreases 5 %
It increases 5 kt.
Which data inputs does a machmeter need to output a Machnumber?
Pitot + Static pressure
Pitot Pressure, Altitude
Altitude, Pitot + Static pressure
Temperature, Altitude, Pitot + Static pressure
Which statement concerning the acceleration/deceleration errors using a magnetic compass is correct?
None of the statements is correct.
In the northern hemisphere, the compass swings towards the north during acceleration and towards the south during deceleration.
In the southern hemisphere, the compass swings towards the north during acceleration and towards the south during deceleration.
In the northern hemisphere, the compass swings towards the south during acceleration and towards the north during deceleration.
How many degrees of freedom does a rate gyro have?
What can be seen, when a pitot tube gets frozen during departure?
The airspeed indicator will register an decrease in airspeed when the aircraft climbs even though the speed is constant or increasing.
This will result in a wrong altitude indication.
The airspeed will stay exactly the same like it was at the moment, when it got frozen.
The airspeed indicator will register an increase in airspeed when the aircraft climbs even though the speed is constant or decreasing.
What can be noticed, when a pitot tube gets frozen during descend?
This will result in a wrong altitude indication.
The airspeed will stay exactly the same like it was at the moment, when it got frozen.
The speed indicator will show a decrease in aispeed as the aircraft descends, regardless if the speed stays the same or increases.
The speed indicator will show an increase in aispeed as the aircraft descends, regardless if the speed stays the same or increases.
What can be noticed, if the static port gets blocked?
The altitude indicator will be stuck at the altitude, where the static port became blocked, the VSI will become frozen at the present vertical speed when the static port got blocked and the airspeed indicator will show less than the actual speed as the aircraft climbs.
The altitude indicator will be stuck at the altitude, where the static port became blocked, the VSI will become frozen at 0 and the airspeed indicator will show less than the actual speed as the aircraft climbs.
The altitude indicator will show a too low altitude, the VSI will become frozen at 0 and the airspeed indicator will show less than the actual speed as the aircraft climbs.
The altitude indicator will be stuck at the altitude, where the static port became blocked, the VSI will become frozen at 0 and the airspeed indicator will show less than the actual speed as the aircraft descends.
Which way would you move the outflow valve to decrease cabin altitude?
The valve must keep the present position so that the cabin pressure can decrease automatically as the air is flowing out slowly.
The valve must keep the present position so that the cabin pressure can increase automatically as the air is flowing in slowly from the ECS.
The valve must be moved towards the closed position.
The valve must be moved towards the open position.
If the cabin and aircraft are climbing at 1.500 ft/min what position is the outflow valve?
The valve must be fully closed.
None of the answers are correct.
It depends on the airflow from the packs.
The valve must be fully open.
Cruising at FL370 if the outflow valve is manually moved towards the closed position what will happen and what can be noted concerning the differential pressure?
The cabin would climb and the differential pressure would increase, too.
The cabin pressure would decrease and the differential pressure would decrease, too.
The cabin would descend and the differential pressure would decrease, too.
The cabin pressure would increase and the differential pressure would increase, too.
What is Mach krit?
Mach krit is the maximum speed an aircraft can fly with.
Mach krit is the speed where an aircraft is about to reach sonic speed.
Mach krit is the speed, where the aircraft will cause the sonic boom.
It is the speed, at which for the first time somewhere at the airplane sonic speed is being archieved.
How do you call the area, where an aircraft begins to encounter shock waves for the first time? State the most correct answer.
Mach krit
How do you call the speed until which you can maximum abort a take off?
V mca
V mcg
Which data concerning a MSA are correct?
20 NM, 1.000 ft
25 NM, 1.000 ft
20 NM, 1.500 ft
25 NM, 1.500 ft
Which is the maximum holding speed for FL80?
230 kt
220 kt
240 kt
250 kt
What is the maximum holding speed at FL140?
230 kt
240 kt
250 kt
300 kt
What is the maximum holding speed in FL150?
300 kt
240 kt
250 kt
230 kt
What is the maximum holding speed at FL210?
250 kt
275 kt
300 kt
265 kt
For which corridor, the maximum holding speed of 240 kt applies according to ICAO?
FL150 - FL210
FL80 - FL140
GND - FL140
FL140 - FL200
For which corridor, the maximum holding speed of 230 kt applies according to ICAO?
FL80 - FL140
GND - FL 150
GND - FL140
GND - FL80
For which corridor, the maximum holding speed of 240 kt applies according to ICAO?
GND - FL140
GND - FL80
GND - FL150
FL140 - FL200
For which corridor, the maximum holding speed of 265 kt applies according to ICAO?
FL80 - FL140
FL140 - FL200
FL80 - FL200
FL200 - FL340
During an SRE approach (standard Glide path angle assumed) you receive the information: "your altitude should be 1.400 ft". The field elevation is 500 ft. How far away from the threashold is you plane?
2,5 NM
4 NM
3 NM
3,5 NM
How do you have to adjust the vertical speed during an stabilized ILS approach, when you´re encountering tailwind?
It has to be decreased.
No action required since the IAS stays the same.
No action required as you are established on a standard 3° ILS glide path.
It has to be increased.
What is a TRU?
It is a Transformer Rectifier Unit to convert low voltage into high voltage.
It is a Transformer Rectifier Unit to convert AC into DC power.
It is a Transformer Rectifier Unit to convert DC into AC power.
It is a Transformer Rectifier Unit to convert high voltage into low voltage.
What is a hydraulic jack?
It is a hydraulic cylinder which helps to raise or lift up heavy bodies.
It is a failure in the hydraulic system.
It is a hydraulic valve.
It is a special hydraulic pump used in the main landing gear system of an aircraft.
When are you descending down to a MDA? State the most correct answer.
During a non precision approach.
During a precision approach.
During a visual approch at night.
During a missed approach.
On a flight from Paris to Berlin which would be a common flightlevel to use?
FL350, an odd flightlevel
FL350, an even flightlevel
FL360, an even flightlevel
FL360, an odd flightlevel
On a flight from Helsinki to Cologne, what would be a common flightlevel to use?
FL360, an odd flightlevel
FL370, an even flightlevel
FL370, an odd flightlevel
FL360, an even flightlevel
Your operations center asks you to fly the following routing: MUC - VCE 0500 - 0710; VCE - HAM 1000 - 1200; HAM - GVA 1430 - 1640; GVA - BRE 1800 - 2010; BRE - MUC 2130 - 2315. Could you legally accept that?
FL370, an even flightlevel
FL370, an odd flightlevel
What is the carrier frequency of the outer marker?
7,5 MHz
7,5 Hz
75 MHz
75 Hz
What is one of the benefits having vortex generators?
Increase the MTOM
Increase the v1
Increase the vref
Prevent from durch roll
What are vortex generators?
It is s convertable generator which can produce both, AC or DC power.
It is an aerodynamic surface to delay stalling and improve effectiveness of control surfaces.
It is a generator to produce AC power.
It is a generator to produce DC power.
For the same engine, what is the difference between N1 and thrust, when the engine is taken from MSL to a hot and high airport?
With constant N1, the thrust will decrease when the altitude increases.
With constant EPR, the thrust will increase when the altitude increases.
With constant N1, the thrust will decrease when the altitude increases.
With constant EPR, the thrust will decrease when the altitude increases.
What are the weather characteristics in the vicinity of the ITC?
Severe thunderstorms
High humidity
All answers are correct.
Instable air
Does a compressor change kinetic energy into pressure energy? If yes, are stators divergent or convergent?
No; divergent
Yes; convergent
Yes; divergent
No; convergent
If the air mass lapse rate is 3°/ 1.000 ft and the air is saturated, is the atmosphere stable or unstable?
Stable, as the saturated adiabatic lapse rate is 3° / 1.000 ft
Stable, as the dry adiabatic lapse rate is 3° / 1.000 ft
Unstable, as the saturated adiabatic lapse rate is 3° / 1.000 ft
Unstable, as the dry adiabatic lapse rate is 3° / 1.000 ft
When maintainging a constant attitude, what will be the effect of setting slats and flaps on the angle of attack?
It results in a higher AoA.
It results in a lower AoA.
Depending on the speed only.
No statement possible as different for every type of aircraft.
Two planes fly directly towards each other. Which way would you turn to avoid a crash?
If heading westwards, heading to the left.
Heading to the right.
Heading to the left.
If heading eastwards, heading to the left.
What is the effect to the aircraft performance during climb with the air condition and/ or the anti ice systems ON?
Depending on the type of engine.
Both will result in a loss of climb performance.
For the air conditioning there is no effect, the anti ice system will cause a decrease of climb performance.
There is no effect to climb performance.
What does VVxxx mean on a TAF?
Vertical visibility is 10 km or below.
Vertical visibility is varying between 0 and 10 km.
Vertical visibility not available, sky obscured
Vertical visibility is 10 km or more.
What does WS mean?
Wind speed
Weather service
None of the stated
Wind shear
What is the effect of a swept wing? State the most correct answer.
Lower Mach krit
Better low speed performance
Higher risk of dutch roll
Higher Mach krit
If the max fuel capacity of an aircraft is 48.8 t at a specific gravity of 0.80 what will be the capacity with a specific gravity of 0.75?
44.50 t
50.25 t
45.75 t
46.25 t
If the TAS is 480 kt and the local speed of sound is calculated with 600 kt what would be your present Mach number?
Which CoG is more efficient during cruise flight?
No difference
The presence of a clearway can have several effects. State the correct answer.
Decrease MTOM, decrease v1
Decrease MTOM, increase v1
Increase MTOM, decrease v1
Increase MTOM, increase v1
ASDA = TORA + ?? ?
The presence of a stopway increases the ...
All of the mentioned.
Given: airport pressure altitude is 39 ft, temperature is 41 degrees. What is the density altitude of the airfield?
2.931 ft
297 ft
293 ft
2.970 ft
What statement is correct?
A mercator chart is a plate projection.
A mercator chart is a cubical projection..
A mercator chart is a cylindrical projection.
A mercator chart is a conical projection.
What statement is correct?
A lambert´s chart is a cylindrical projection.
A lambert´s chart is a plate projection.
A lambert´s chart is a cubic projection.
A lambert´s chart is a conical projection.
If no transponder code is assigned, what should you set?
Using a lower flap setting for take off will result in a ...
Longer acceleration distance but steeper climb
Longer acceleration distance and less steep climb
Shorter acceleration distance and steeper climb
Shorter acceleration distance but less steep climb
When cruising in FL350 what is your approximate DME range?
5,5 NM
6,0 NM
5,8 NM
5,6 NM
The center of lift moves ...
... Forward as the AoA is increased.
... Backward as the AoA is increased.
... Forward as the AoA is decreased.
... Not if the AoA is changed.
What is a Mach trimmer used for?
To reach higher altitudes.
To trim out the nose pitching tendency of an aircraft.
To prevent dutch roll.
To follow exactly a given Mach number.
How is the wind reported in a TAF?
To reach higher altitudes.
To follow exactly a given Mach number.
How is the wind reported in an ATIS?
To follow exactly a given Mach number.
To reach higher altitudes.
What happens to the profile and induced drag with increasing speed?
Profile increases, induced increases.
Profile decreases, induced decreases.
Profile decreases, induced increases.
Profile increases, induced decreases.
When does the holdover time start?
At the beginning of the 1st application if only one application or at the beginning of the second application when two applications are commenced.
At the beginning of the 1st application regardless how many applications are being commenced.
At the end of the 1st application if only one application or at the beginning of the second application when two applications are commenced.
At the end of the 1st application if only one application or at the end of the second application when two applications are commenced.
Can v1 be less than vmcg? Can it be equal?
No; No
Yes; Yes
No; Yes
Yes; No
During a heavy crosswind, which engine would be the most critical?
The inboard, upwind engine.
The inboard, downwind engine.
The outboard, downwind engine.
The outboard, upwind engine.
What will you expect if you are fully established on the ILS and your VSI reads -1.300 ft/min at an IAS of 160 kt?
To descend below the glide slope.
To descend above the glide slope.
To descend with the glide slope.
Depending of the wind you will descend below, at or above the glide slope.
If you experience a complete radio communication failure, which FL do you have to fly initially?
Maintain present altitude.
The last adviced FL.
The FL stated in the flightplan.
How do airmasses move in a cyclone?
Depending on the season of the year
From west to east
Counter clockwise
What is an okulo-graphical illusion?
During forward headed accelerations you feel pushed back.
During backward headed accerlerations you feel pushed back.
During forward headed accelerations you feel pushed forward.
None of the statements are correct.
When do you talk about a decision altitude, when about a decision height?
DA: normal ILS approach; DH: CAT2 or CAT3 ILS approach
DA: CAT2 or CAT4 ILS approach; DH: normal ILS approach
DH only when no DA is published.
You can use both for CAT1, CAT2 and CAT3 approaches.
Which gyro always re-adjusts in the vertical axis?
Tied gyro
Rate gyro
Space gyro
All of the stated
What is the difference between real wander and apparent wander?
Real: caused by unbalanced mass and rotation of the earth; apparent: caused by friction
There is no difference
Real: caused by friction and unbalanced mass; apparent: caused by rotation of the earth
Real: caused by rotation of the earth; apparent: caused by friction and unbalanced mass
In which altitude you usually find the TA in Germany?
10.000 ft
5.000 ft
6.000 ft
4.000 ft
What is the minimum height of the transition layer?
2.000 ft
5.000 ft
6.000 ft
1.000 ft
At which altitude (when descending from high altitudes) do you normally find the transition layer in Germany?
5.000 ft
6.000 ft
7.000 ft
No exact altitude stateable. It depends on the present weather conditions.
An aircraft has a MTOM of 137 t. To which wake turbulence category does it belong?
Up to which weight an aircraft belongs to the wake turbulence category "light"?
7 t
8 t
9 t
14 t
What is the minimum lateral distance a "light" aircraft has to respect following a "heavy" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
4 NM
3 NM
6 NM
5 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "medium" aircraft has to respect following a "heavy" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
4 NM
3 NM
5 NM
6 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "heavy" aircraft has to respect following a "heavy" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
4 NM
5 NM
6 NM
3 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "light" aircraft has to respect following a "medium" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
5 NM
6 NM
4 NM
3 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "medium" aircraft has to respect following a "medium" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
5 NM
3 NM
6 NM
4 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "heavy" aircraft has to respect following a "medium" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
6 NM
3 NM
4 NM
5 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "heavy" aircraft has to respect following a "light" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
6 NM
3 NM
4 NM
5 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "medium" aircraft has to respect following a "light" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
4 NM
5 NM
6 NM
3 NM
What is the minimum lateral distance a "light" aircraft has to respect following a "light" plane (according to the wake turbulence categories)?
4 NM
5 NM
6 NM
3 NM
Which real distance equal 3 cm in a map with a scale of 1 : 500000?
15 km
5 km
50 km
150 km
Which real distance equal 5 cm in a map with a scale of 1 : 20000?
20 km
1 km
10 km
2 km
During an IFR flight your heading is 000. Which FL will be assigned for that?
FL60, 80, 100, ...
FL65, 85, 105, ....
FL55, 75, 95, ...
FL50, 70, 90, ...
During an IFR flight your heading is 180. Which FL will be assigned for that?
FL50, 70, 90, ...
FL55, 75, 95, ...
FL65, 85, 105, ...
FL60, 80, 100, ...
During approach, which light signal will tell you, that you will be allowed to land at that airport but no landing permission is given yet?
Green permanent on light
White flashing light
Withe permanent on light
Green flashing light
Which light signal tells you, to stop while taxiing on the airport taxiways?
White permanent on light
White flashing light
Red permanent on light
Red flashing light
Where do you think the Tropopause can be found at the lowest altitude?
At the equator.
The Tropopause can be found in the same altitude everywhere around the world.
At approximately 45° N/ 45° S.
At the poles.
Where do you think the Tropopause can be found with the lowest temperature?
The Tropopause has the same temperature everywhere around the world.
At about 45° N/ 45° S.
At the equator.
At the poles.
How big is approximately the CO2 concentration in your lungs?
What are the most effective means of braking when landing on a contaminated runway?
Max thrust reverse, max spoilers
Max brakes
All of the stated.
What do you add to your Vref when landing in gusty wind conditions?
Full HWC + 1/2 gusts (min 5 kt, max 20 kt)
1/2 HWC + full gusts (min 5 kt, max 15 kt)
1/2 HWC + full gusts (min 5 kt, max 20 kt)
Full HWC + 1/2 gusts (min 5 kt, max 15 kt)
You are flying in FL50. The QNH is 1.000. What is your true altitude?
4.610 ft
5.390 ft
5.000 ft
How is an electrical gyro kept errected?
With an electrical motor.
With static wicks.
With its precision.
With high air pressure.
What is the reason for the turn indicator error?
The "schuler" effect.
Gimbal mounting friction.
Real wander.
Apparent wander.
When at the latest prior to departure you have to file a flight plan?
30 min.
15 min.
2 hrs.
1 hr.
What is a good visible indication for possible turbulence?
Lenticularis clouds.
Nimbostratus clouds.
Stratus clouds.
How big is the distance between 10W and 50E at 60N?
1.800 NM
3.600 NM
2.200 NM
1.600 NM
Which data are fed into an ADC?
Static pressure + SAT
Dynamic pressure + TAT
Dynamic pressure + SAT
Static pressure + TAT
What is the purpose of boost pumps?
To provide hydraulic pressure if engine driven pump is defect.
To blow up the de-ice boots of an aircraft which is equipped with de-ice boots.
To provide the correct pressure for the nose steer system.
To provide fuel pressure if engine driven pump is defect.
Why are planes equipped with crossfeed systems?
All answers are correct.
To provide fuel for the good engine.
To defuel the aircraft.
To refuel the aircraft.
How do wind shears form at aerodromes?
Wind shears can form because of strong high level inversions.
Wind shears can form because of little low level spreads.
Wind shears can form because of major low level spreads.
Wind shears can form because of strong low level inversions.
How does weather develop?
By thermic radiation
By isothermic occlusion
By atmospheric density differences
By solar radiation
The plane is accelerating down the runway. What indication shows the AH?
Pitch up indication because of the full opening of the right pendulous vane of the gyro erection system.
Pitch down indication because of the full opening of the right pendulous vane of the gyro erection system.
Pitch up indication because of the full closing of the right pendulous vane of the gyro erection system.
Pitch down indication because of the full closing of the right pendulous vane of the gyro erection system.
What is the RPM indication for the LP compressor?
What does the red pyrotechnic during approach mean?
Do not land, runway is closed.
Not withstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being.
Withstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being.
The plane is below the glide path.
What is somatographic illusion?
It causes pitch to be sensed under linear acceleration:
Acceleration: Pitch up sensation
Deceleration: Pitch down sensation
It causes pitch to be sensed under linear acceleration:
Acceleration: Pitch down sensation
Deceleration: Pitch up sensation
It causes pitch to be sensed under linear deceleration:
Acceleration: Pitch up sensation
Deceleration: Pitch down sensation
It causes pitch to be sensed under linear deceleration:
Acceleration: Pitch down sensation
Deceleration: Pitch up sensation
What can be understood by environmental capture?
Error of skill based behavior caused by habit.
Skill based behavior is a motor programme which can be executed without conscious.
An automated behavior based on routine, for example calling "five greens" after having lowered the gear without having really monitored the indications.
All of the mentioned
What is the distance of vision with the eyes? relaxed
Close up
How is linear acceleration sensed?
By the otoliths and statoliths (utricle & saccule)
By the oculo (utricle & saccule)
By the otoliths (utricle & saccule)
By the statoliths (utricle & saccule)
What is Vtat (Vref) for a category C aircraft?
131 - 150 kt
121 - 140 kt
101 - 120 kt
111 - 130 kt
Given: MH = 20°, RB to station = 40°, VAR at a/c = 10°W
What is the true bearing (QTE) from the station to the aircraft?
Given: Hight to climb = 20.000 ft, Distance for climb = 50 NM, GS = 300 kt
Question: What rate of climb is required?
2.000 ft/min
1.000 ft/min
3.000 ft/min
2.500 ft/min
How does the TH change on a flight from Lisboa to Boston?
The TH is westerly, depending on the route flown that specific day.
TH decreases by the convergence of the earth.
TH increases by the convergence of the earth.
The TH depends on the NAT track flown at that day in reference to the TMI number.
What is the distance on 60° latitude between 5°W and 65° W?
2.600 NM
1.800 NM
3.600 NM
2.200 NM
What is usually used in hydraulic systems?
None of the mentioned
What is the crossfeed funtion used for?
To reduce the stress of the fuel pumps on long haul flights.
To regulate the fuel temperature in both tanks on long haul flights (sun exposed wing).
To provide fuel to the remaining engine from both tanks following an engine failure.
To balance the fuel between the tanks.
What is real wander?
It describes the actual movement of the spin axis by applying an external force on it, as in alignement of tied gyros, imperfections in the gyroscope, unbalanced gimbals or bearing friction.
It describes the actual movement of the spin axis by applying an internal force on it, as in alignement of tied gyros, imperfections in the gyroscope, unbalanced gimbals or bearing friction.
It describes the actual movement of the spin axis by applying an external force on it, as in alignement of free gyros, imperfections in the gyroscope, unbalanced gimbals or bearing friction.
It describes the actual movement of the spin axis by applying an external force on it, as in alignement of tied gyros, imperfections in the gyroscope, balanced gimbals or bearing friction.
How can the rigidity of a gyroscope be improved?
Increasing the mass and the speed of the spindle.
Decreasing the mass and the speed of the spindle.
Increasing the mass and the decreasing speed of the spindle.
Decreasing the mass and increasing the speed of the spindle.
What is a accumulator used for?
To store hydraulic fluid under pressure and to provide limited supply of pressure in an emergency.
To dampen out the pressure fluctuations in a hydraulic system.
All of the mentioned.
As an energy storage device
How long does it take the sun to travel from the meridian 40°W to 85°W?
2 h
None of the mentioned. It depends on the day of the year.
3 h
4 h
How can an electrical gyro be kept erected?
The pendulous vanes of the air driven unit are replaced by mercury tilt switches mounted on the inner gimble.
Any displacement of the gyro axis from the earth vertical is sensed by tilt switches which make a break electrical circuit connect to torque motors on the system that erect the system.
Both answers are correct.
Both answers are wrong.
What type of gyro is a turn indicator?
A rate gyro
A free gyro
A tied gyro
An electrical gyro
In 2.000ft the temperature is indicated as 6°C. Where is the freezing level?
4.000 ft
5.000 ft
10.000 ft
8.000 ft
What is the altimeter setting at the transition altitude?
6.000 ft
Depends on the local weather.
1013 hPa
5.000 ft
What radio call do you transmit, when there isn imminent danger to the aircraft?
Charly charly
Mayday mayday mayday
Pan pan pan
Break break
You triple the speed while keeping the AoA steady. By how much will you increase the lift?
9 times the lift
3 times the lift
2 times the lift
1 time the lift
What is the standard rate for turns?
How is oxygen transported in the blood?
By the otoliths of the red blood cells
By the otoliths of the white blood cells
By the heamoglobin of the red blood cells
By the heamoglobin of the white blood cells
What distance on earth are 10 cm on a lambert chart with a scale 1:500.000?
500 km
5.000 km
50 km
5 km
What is the purpose of the eustachian tube?
It is connected to the passages of the nose an ear to equalize pressure between the middle and the outer ear.
It is connected to the passages of the nose an throat to equalize pressure between the middle and the outer ear.
It is connected to the passages of the nose an throat to equalize pressure between the inner and the outer ear.
It is connected to the passages of the nose an throat to equalize pressure between the middle and the inner ear.
What approach category is classified as medium?
> 7 t - 135 t MTOM
> 6 t - 136 t MTOM
> 6 t - 135 t MTOM
> 7 t - 136 t MTOM
What approach category is classified as heavy?
> 135 t MTOM
> 136 t MTOM
How do you call a volume of air with a fairly uniform temperature horizontally bounded?
How does fog form?
When the temperature drops down to the dew point.
When the temperature reaches 0°C.
When the humidity exists the temperature.
All answers are correct.
What is the humidity of the air if the OAT is equal to the dew point?
1013 hPa
Depends on the actual temperature.
None of the answers are correct.
What is the minimum allowed pressure in a pressurized aircraft?
10.000 ft
5.000 ft
12.000 ft
18.000 ft
What is the Standard Temperature according to the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) at an altitude of 10.000ft ?
In einer Unterschallströmung konvergieren die Stromlinien, der statische Druck wird (1) ... Und die Geschwindigkeit wird (2) ...
(1)zunehmen, (2) zunehmen
(1) zunehmen, (2) abnehmen
(1) abnehmen, (2) zunehmen
(1) abnehmen, (2) abnehmen
From what distance expands your pupil in a way that you can see everything?
The MSA is in general valid within a sector of
30 NM and at least 1500ft above the highest obstacle
25NM and at least 1000ft above the highest obstacle
30 NM and at least 1000ft above the highest obstacle
25 NM and at least 1500ft above the highest obstacle
During a standard approach you have a glidepath of 3°. The elevation of the airfield is 500ft. Your altitude on the ILS GS is 1400 ft. What is your distance out?
The composition of the earth’s atmosphere is:
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0,9% argon, 0,03% carbon dioxide
71% nitrogen, 28% oxygen, 0,9% argon, 0,03% carbon dioxide
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0,9% carbon dioxide, 0,03% argon
71% nitrogen, 28% oxygen, 0,9% carbon dioxide, 0,03% argon
Bei niedriger V1 verringert sich die
Accelerate go distance
Field length
V2 screen height
Accelerate stop distance
The inner ear is able to perceive
Only linear acceleration
Linear acceleration and noise
Angular acceleration, linear acceleration, noise
Angular and linear acceleration
Der Winkel zwischen Luftstrom (relativer Wind) und Profilsehne ist der ...
Gleiche wie zwischen Sehne und Flugzeugrumpfachse
Im unbeschleunigtem Steigflug
Auftrieb> Bruttogewicht
Was darf bei der TOD einbezogen werden?
Keine der genannten
What is the airflow like in a cyclone?
Converging and sinking
Diverging and rising
Diverging and sinking
Converging and rising
Wer regelt im Allgemeinen die Vergabe von Slots?
Die Informationen,die in ein IRS eingegeben werden müssen, um dem System eine erfolgreiche Justierung zu ermöglichen sind
Den Flughafen ICAO-Code
Den Steuerkurs des LFZ
Die Flugzeugposition in Längen-und Breitengrad
Die Position eines DME in Reichweite
Wie wird die Ausgangsspannung eines Generators geregelt?
Durch Transformation
Durch Regelung der Drehzahl
Durch Veränderung der Last
Durch Änderung des Erregerfeldstroms
In der Accelerate Stop Distance calculation für dry runway darf
Ein Clearway eingerechnet werden
Ein Clearway zu 50% eingerechnet werden
Ein Stopway eingerechnet werden
Ein Stopway nicht mit eingerechnet werden
Die Loxodrome ist auf der Lambertschen Schnittkegelprojektion
Eine äquatorwärts gekrümmte Linie
Eine polwärts gekrümmte Linie
Eine gerade Linie
Nicht darstellbar
Der Vorteil beim Befestigen der Schwanzflosse auf dem Seitenleitwerk ist ...
Es dem Einfluss der Wirbelschleppen zu entziehen
Das kein Enteisungssystem benötigt wird
Eine größere Effektivität bei höheren Geschwindigkeiten zu haben
Den Kraftstoffverbrauch zu verringern indem eine schwanzlastige Situation erzeugt wird
Eine TCAS RA deutet auf
Eine mögliche Gefahr hin und sollte vom Piloten befolgt werden
Eine unmittelbare Gefahr hin und muss vom Piloten befolgt werden
Eine mögliche Gefahr dar und kann vom Piloten befolgt werden
Keinerlei Gefahr hin
Was ist bei einer Schwerpunktlage nahe der vorderen Grenze zu erwarten?
Eine Verminderung der Reichweite
Eine Verminderung bei der Landegeschwindigkeit
Eine Verminderung der Stall Speed
Die Tendenz beim Start nach rechts zu driften
Die Performance eines Jet-Flugzeuges verbessert sich bei…
Erhöhung der Außentemperatur
Unabhängig von Druck und Temperatur
Erhöhung des Außendrucks
Verringerung des Außendrucks
Ein LFZ das den Code 7600 aussendet, signalisiert damit, dass
Es sich in einer Luftnotlage befindet
Es einen Funkausfall erlitten hat
Es entführt wird
Sich ein medizinischer Notfall an Bord befindet
Welche vertikale Ausdehnung hat der RVSM Luftraum über Europa?
FL 290-410
FL 290-390
FL 270-410
Sie befinden sich im Landeanflug. Welches Lichtsignal bedeutet, dass Sie auf dem Flughafen landen können, aber noch keine Freigabe dafür haben?
Weisses Blinklicht
Weisses Dauerlicht
Grünes Blinklicht
Grünes Dauerlicht
Der Maßstab einer Lambertkarte…
Ist auf der gesamten Karte konstant
Ist entlang der Meridiane konstant
Ist auf einem Breitenparallel konstant
Verändert sich leicht nach einer Funktion der Längen und Breiten
Im Anflug aus 5000 ft GND bis zur airport elevation dreht der Wind auf der Nordhalbkugel in der Regel ...
Im Uhrzeigersinn
Nach Süden
Nach links
Nach rechts
Mit zunehmender Höhe dreht der Wind auf der Nordhalbkugel in der Regel
Im Gegenuhrzeigersinn
Nach Norden
Nach rechts
Nach links
Beim ILS-Anflug ändert sich der Wind von Gegen-auf Rückenwind. Die vertical speed
Nimmt ab
Verändert sich nicht
Kein Zusammenhang
Nimmt zu
Die Zuständigkeit der Verkehrszentrale sind nach JAR OPS dukumentiert im
What is the difference between real wander and apparent wander?
Real: development because of the earth’s rotation; apparent: development because of friction and unbalance
Real: development because of earth’s rotation or unbalance, apparent: development because of friction
There is no difference between real and apparent wander
Real: development because of friction and unbalance; apparent: development because of the earth’s rotation
Informationen, die man für einen non-precision-approach berücksichtigen muss sind?
Wolkendecke, DA
RVR/Sicht, DA
RVR/Sicht, MDA
Bei einem Anflug in Gewitternähe erfahren Sie mit einem Verkehrsflugzeug eine wind shear (micro burst). Sie fliegen einen Go around und ...
Erhöhen vorsichtig das power/thrust setting
Setzen die GA power/ (TOGA thrust) und behalten die Konfiguration bei
Setzen die GA power/ (TOGA thrust) und fahren das Fahrwerk ein
Setzen die GA power/ (TOGA thrust) und fahren das Fahrwerk und die Klappen ein
Während des Ausfahrens der Klappen bei einem konstanten Anstellwinkel beginnt das Flugzeug zu (alle anderen Faktoren konstant)
The takeoff decision speed V1 is
The airspeed on the ground at which the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to continue or discontinue the takeoff.
The airspeed of the airplane upon reaching 35ft above the takeoff surface.
Always equal to the engine failure speed
An airspeed at which the airplane is airborne but below 35ft and the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to continue or discontinue the takeoff.
The Eustachian tube connects
The auditory duct and the inner ear
The middle ear and the pharynx
The semicircular canals
The middle and the inner ear
Die Befugnisse des Kommandanten eines LFZ zur Abwehr von Gefahren für die Sicherheit und Ordnung an Bord wurden international geregelt im
Tokioter Abkommen
Warschauer Abkommen
Schengener Abkommen
Montrealer Abkommen
A leak in the pitot total pressure line of a non pressurized aircraft to an ASI would cause it to
Overread in a climb and underread in a descent
Underread in a climb and overread in a descent
Wie verändert sich bei Gegenwind die best ROC?
Verändert sich nicht
Nimmt ab
Nimmt zu
Unabhängig von der Windrichtung
Which formula do you use to calculate your Cross-Wind-Component?
(WS-IAS)* cos WA
Windspeed* sin Windangle
WS* cos WA
(WS-IAS)* sin WA
At an altitude of 18.000ft the outside temperature is -38°C. What is the temperature of the Pressure Altitude?
Bei welcher Temperatur liegt der Gefrierpunkt für JET A Kraftstoff?
Bei welcher Temperatur liegt der Gefrierpunkt von JET A1 Kraftstoff?
Die Einrüstung des Kollisionswarnsystems ACAS II (TCAS II) ist für bestimmte turbinengetriebene Flugzeuge ab dem 01.01.2005 vorgeschrieben, wenn sie im ECAC Luftraum betrieben werden.
>5,7t, >50 Sitzplätze
>57t, >100 Sitzplätze
>5,7t, >19 Sitzplätze
> 5,7 t, > 10 Passagiere
You have a relative bearing of 20°on your ADF and a MH of 040°. The variation is 10°W. What is your True Bearing?
Welche obstacle clearance ist im Initial approach segment garantiert?
Die Stratosphäre erstreckt sich in mittleren Breiten im Durchschnitt von:
Sie befinden sich in FL 350 und wollen über einem VOR in FL 230 sein. Ihre Distanz von dem VOR beträgt 60NM und ihre GS 423kts. Wie groß muss ihre ROD sein?
Für einen Start brauchen Sie eine Gegenwindkomponente von mind. 10 kts, außerdem haben Sie eine Seitenwindbeschränkung von max. 35 kts. Der Winkel zwischen Landebahn und Windrichtung beträgt 60°. Berechnen Sie die min. Und max. zulässige Windgeschwindigkeit!
18 und 50kts
20 und 40kts
15 und 43kts
12 und 38kts
Wie groß ist in etwa die Windgeschwindigkeit von 40kt in m/s?
Der Umfang der Erde am Äquator beträgt ungefähr..?
What is the maximum holding speed flying at FL 130?
220 kts
240 kts
265 kts
230 kts
The sun travels from 40°W to 85°W. What is the required time for that movement?
Ein climb gradient von 5,8% bei 60KT Groundspeed entsp. In etwa…
Welches ist eine typische Distanz vom Outer Marker zur Landebahn?
4,0 NM
0,4 NM
40 NM
4,0 km
You are flying at FL 50 with your altimeter subscale set to 1013hPa. The reported QNH is 1000hPa. What is your true altitude?
Wie lange dauert der Betankungsvorgang einer B737 mit 6500kg JET A1 Kraftstoff mit nur einem Betankungswagen?
Welche obstacle clearance ist im Intermediate Approach Segment garantiert
You are flying from point X (55°N.) to point Y (60°N) with a speed of 360kts. How much time do you need for that distance?
The Outer Marker of an ILS facility transmits on a frequency of
75Mhz and is modulated by morse at 2 dashes per second
300Mhz and is modulated by morse at 2 dashes per second
75Mhz and is modulated by dot/dash in morse
200Mhz and is modulated by alternate dot/dash in morse
What will be the transponder code for radio communication failure?
The QNH of an airport at sea level is 983 hPa and the temperature deviation from ISA is -15°C below FL 100. What is the true altitude of FL 100.
Threshold elev. 90 ft, QFE 996hPa, auf welches QNH stellen Sie den Höhenmesser?
1013 hPa
999 hPa
993 hPa
1026 hPa
Eine Inversion ist eine Luftschicht, welche ...
Absolut labil ist
Bedingt stabil ist
Bedingt labil ist
Absolut stabil ist
Where on the earth ist he coriolis force least?
At 45°latitude
Does not depend on the latitude
At the equator
At the poles
Diverse Anflugverfahren am Flughafen besitzen bestimmte Betriebsstufen. Welche Aussage ist richtig?
CAT 1, weil diese Betriebsstufe Anflüge bei starkem Rückenwind ermöglicht
CAT 4, weil diese Betriebsstufe Anflüge unter erschwerten Sichtbedingungen ermöglicht
CAT 5, weil diese Betriebsstufe ohne Radiohöhenmesser auskommt
CAT 2+3, weil diese Betriebsstufe Anflüge unter erschwerten Sichtbedingungen ermöglicht
The somatogravic illusion gives the pilot a false impression of
Climbing or descending
Descending and turning to the right
Climbing and turning to the right
Descending and turning to the left
Die Schallgeschwindigkeit hängt ab von
Der Lufttemperatur
Dem Luftdruck
Der Luftfeuchte
Der Luftdichte
You take off from Madrid and fly a TH 270° for 300NM, thereafter you turn onto a heading 360° for 300NM and after that for 300 NM on 090°. On which longitude is your final position?
South of the starting point
East of the starting point
West of the starting point
Same longitude as the starting point
EOBT ist die Abkürzung für….
Estimated off boarding time
Estimated off block time
Estimated operational boarding time
Estimated on block time
You are undertaking an IFR-flight with a course of 180°. What will be your Flight Level?
FL 60, 80, 100, 120,…
FL 50, 70, 90, 110,…
FL 55, 75, 95, 115,…
Worin besteht der wesentliche Vorteil eines Laminarprofils?
Unkritisches Langsamflugverhalten
Geringerer Profilwiderstand
Geringerer induzierter Widerstand
Geringerer Interferenzwiderstand
Isogone ist eine Verbindungslinie von Punkten ...
Gleichem Winkel des magnetischen Dip
Mit gleicher Höhe
Gleicher Variation
Mit 0° Variation
Wann wird die minimale Temperatur über Land bei klarem Himmel und Windstille ungefährlich erreicht?
Halbe Stunde vor Sonnenaufgang
1 Stunde vor Sonnenaufgang
Während des Sonnenaufgangs
Halbe Stunde nach Sonnenaufgang
Die kritische Machzahl ist
Die Geschwindigkeit bei der Unterschallströmung über allen Teilen des Flugzeugs herrscht
Höchste Geschwindigkeit ohne Überschallströmung über irgendeinem Teil des Flugzeugs
Die Geschwindigkeitbei der Überschallströmung über allen Teilen des Flugzeuges herrscht
Die höchste Geschwindigkeit für die die Operation des Flugzeugs zugelassen ist
Sie fliegen von Hamburg (QNH 1012 als Beispiel) nach London (QNH 1006) und ihre True Altitude verändert sich nicht. Woran kann es liegen?
In Hamburg ist es wärmer als in London
Der Höhenmesser ist fehlerhaft
Einer der beiden QNH-Werte muss falsch sein
In London ist es wärmer als in Hamburg
You are flying a great circle track from east to the west over the atlantic. How does your True Heading change? (Northern Hemisphere)
It first decreases, then increases
It decreases
No change
It increases
Hydrauliköl das in eine Hydraulikpumpe fließt wird leicht mit Druck beaufschlagt, um ...
Kavitation in der Pumpe zu verhindern
Ausreichend Leistung der Pumpe zu garantieren
Dampfblasen zu verhindern
Die Pumpe mit ausreichend Hydraulikflüssigkeit zu versorgen
Verglichen mit der Konfiguration Klappen eingefahren, ist der maximale Anstellwinkel für ausgefahrene Klappen…
Kleiner oder größer abhängig von der Stellung
Eine Inversion ist eine Schicht in der Atmosphäre, in der die Temperatur
Mit zunehmender Höhe zunimmt
Mit zunehmender Höhe abnimmt
Mit zunehmender Höhe unverändert bleibt
Mit abnehmender Höhe zunimmt
In der Actual Landing Distance eines Verkehrsflugzeugs auf dry and wet Rwy. Ist reverse thrust (Schubumkehr)
Zu 50% eingerechnet
Zu 15% eingerechnet
Nicht mit eingerechnet
Wie verändert sich die Schallgeschwindigkeit zwischen GND und der Tropopause?
Nimmt erst ab dann zu
Nimmt mit der Höhe ab
Nimmt mit der Höhe zu
Bleibt annähernd gleich
For what kind of instrument approach is a MDA quoted?
Non precision approach
Precision approach
Depends on the airport
For all of them
What is the maximum holding speed flying above FL 340?
Normal : M0,83- turbulence cond. M0,83
Normal: M0,83- turbulence cond.: M1,0
Normal. M0,75- turbulence cond. M1,0
Normal. M0,75- turbulence cond. M0,83
If the static source to an ASI becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will
Indicate zero
Continue to indicate the speed applicable to that at the time of blockage
Was kann man über Lärmminderungsverfahren beim Anflug sagen?
So etwas gibt es nicht
Solche Prozeduren werden es nie verbieten, Umkehrschub einzusetzen
Sie verbieten es Umkehrschub einzusetzen
Es gibt sie nur bei einem Instrumentenanflug
Welche Bedeutung hat die Geschwindigkeit Vx?
Größte vertikale Geschwindigkeit
Größtmögliche Höhe in kürzester Zeit
übliche Steiggeschwindigkeit bei Jetflugzeugen
Steilstmöglicher Steigwinkel
In which speed sector is the Critical Mach no. situated?
Subsonic to transonic
Transonic to supersonic
Wie ist die specific range definiert? (FF=fuel flow)
Bei einem Circling approach verlieren Sie im Downwind den Sichtkontakt zur Runway. Den Go Around fliegen Sie
Im circling pattern/ circling altitude
Auf downwind heading, dann gemäß missed appr. Procedure für den Instrumenten-Anflug
Turn zur Runway, dann gemäß Missed approach procedure für den Instrumenten-Anflug
Auf downwind heading bis zum FAP
Which phrase do you pronounce if you are not able to comply with the clearance or instructions received by ATC?
Cannot comply
Unable to comply
Not possible
Nach einem Triebwerksausfall bei Vr wird der Steigflug mit welcher Geschwindigkeit geflogen?
Green dot speed
Minimum clean speed
Sie wollen FL 240 so schnell wie möglich erreichen, mit ...
Minimum clean speed
Advection fog can be formed when
Warm moist air flows over a warmer surface
Cold moist air flows over a warmer surface
Warm moist air flows over a colder surface
Cold moist air flows over warmer water
Welche Bordspannung (Drehstrom) wird üblicherweise bei FAR Part 25 Flugzeugen verwendet?
230V AC/ 50Hz
28V DC
115V AC/ 60Hz
115V AC/ 400Hz
Ab welchem MTOW fällt ein LFZ in die Kategorie „Heavy“?
Ab welchem MTOW wird ein Flugzeug der Wirbelschleppenkategorie HEAVY zugeordnet?
Wie groß ist der climb gradient im 2. Take off Segment?
2,5% mit allen verfügbaren Triebwerken
2,4% mit 2, 2,7% mit 3 und 3,0% mit 4 Triebwerken
3,3% bei allen verfügbaren Triebwerken
2,4% mit allen verfügbaren Triebwerken, 1,5% bei einem inoperativen
You are flying with a speed of 300kts and you want to climb 20.000ft within a distance of 50NM. What is your required Rate of Climb?
Ein ATC Flugplan muss für einen controlled flight erneuert werden, wenn der Flug länger als……verspätet ist.
Welche Distanz zeigt Ihr DME in 34.000 ft genau über dem VOR/DME (DME elevation 0 ft)?
A controlled flight is requested to inform the appropriate ATC unit when the TAS varies by plus or minus
Welche minimum seperation ist anzuwenden bei Medium Aircraft hinter Heavy Aircraft?
Wie groß muss der Staffelungsabstand zwischen einem HEAVY Flugzeug gefolgt von einem MEDIUM-Flugzeug sein?
A flight shall be submitted prior to departure for a controlled flight at least:
60 minutes prior to departure
50 minutes prior off-blocks
30 minutes prior to departure
30 minutes prior off-blocks
Bei einer Landung ändern sich die Runway Centerline Lights von weiß auf rotweiß. Wie weit ist es noch bis zum Ende der Piste?
Welche Distanz liegt zwischen 10°E und 40°E auf 60°N?
In einem Flugzeug mit mehr als 44 Sitzen muss vorgeführt werden, dass ein vollbesetztes Flugzeug mit Crew in welcher Zeit evakuiert werden muss?
Wo sind die Nachtflugbeschränkungen für deutsche Flughäfen veröffentlicht?
How do the air masses behave in a cyclone? (Northern Hemisphere)
Depends on the season
Die Sensoren des Trägheitsnavigationssystems (IRS) messen?
Die horizontale Komponente der Erdrotation
Der kritische Anstellwinkel…
Bleibt unverändert durch das Gesamtgewicht
ändert sich mit Zunahme des Gesamtgewichts
Nimmt zu, wenn der Schwerpunkt nach vorne bewegt wird
Nimmt ab,wenn der Schwerpunkt nach hinten bewegt wird
Der Punkt an dem Widerstandsbeiwert / Auftriebsbeiwert minimal, ist ...
Der Punkt an dem eine Tangente aus dem Ursprung die Widerstandskurve berührt
Das Minimum der Widerstandskurve
Auf der Rückseite der Widerstandskurve
Bei der Strömungsabrissgeschwindigkeit (Vs)
Welche Informationen sind notwendig, um eine minimum safe altitude in einen lowest usable flight level umzurechnen?
Das höchste QNH und die größte negative Temperaturabweichung von ISA
Das niedrigste QNH und die geringste negative Temperaturabweichung von ISA
Das höchste QNH und die größte positive Temperaturabweichung von ISA
Das niedrigste QNH und die größte negative Temperaturabweichung von ISA
With a pitot probe blocked due to ice build up, the ASI will indicate in a descent a
Increasing speed
Fluctuating speed
Constant speed
Decreasing speed
Was ist beim Generatorausfall im Flugzeug erforderlich?
Triebwerk abstellen
Batterie ausschalten
Alle Verbraucher ausschalten
Defekten Generator ausschalten
Ausfahren der Landeklappen wird
Den kritischen Anstellwinkel erhöhen und das CLmax senken
Den kritischen Anstellwinkel senken und das CLmax erhöhen
Den kritischen Anstellwinkel erhöhen und das CLmax erhöhen
Den kritischen Anstellwinkel senken und das CLmax senken
Das Pitot-Rohr ist verstopft, die static ports sind frei. Welche Aussage ist richtig?
Der Fahrtmesser zeigt nur Änderungen bei Höhenänderung
Die Höhenmesseranzeige ist falsch
Der Fahrtmesser zeigt keine Änderungen mehr an
Das Variometer bleibt auf dem letzten Wert stehen
Ein Yaw Damper ist ...
Eine Roll-Trimmklappe
Ein um dutch roll zu verhindern entworfener Seitenruderdämpfer
Ein Höhenruderverstärker um den nose-down-Effekt bei Geschwindigkeiten über 0,8 Mach zu verhindern
Ein Höhenruderverstärker
Sie fliegen auf einem Großkreis auf der Nordhalbk. v. Ost n. West. Wie verändert sich Ihr True heading?
Es verändert sich nicht
Es wird größer
Es wird erst kleiner, dann größer
Es wird kleiner
Mit wenigen Ausnahmen haben die ECAC Staaten (european civil aviation conference) das 8,33 kHz Kanalraster im Luftraum oberhalb welcher Flugfläche verbindlich eingeführt?
FL 245
FL 100
FL 180
FL 290
Bei welchen der genannten Wettererscheinungen muss ein Betankungsvorgang abgebrochen werden?
Welche aerodynamische Änderung vermindert den Reibungswiderstand?
Größere Dickenrücklage des Profils
Anbringen von Winglets an den Flächen
Geometrische Schränkung der Flächen
Geringere V-Stellung der Flächen
An airplane weights 137t. Which wake turbulence category does it belong to?
Der Steiggradient definiert das Verhältnis von
Höhenzunahme zur Distanz über Grund in %
Höhenzunahme zur horizontalen Luftdistanz in %
How do you have to change your Rate of Descent when flying an ILS-Approach with tailwind conditions in comparison to calm wind conditions?
No change of ROD
Reduce ROD
Just reduce ROD when close to the ground
Increase ROD
In den meisten Verkehrsflugzeugen verwendete Kraftstofftanks sind ...
Kombinierte Feststofftanks
Fest eingebaute Tanks
Breitenparallele mit Ausnahme des Äquators sind
Weder Kursgleiche noch Großkreise
Kursgleiche und Großkreise
Die min. Kabinenbesatzung besteht aus 2 Flugbegleitern auf Flugzeugen mit
Max. 150 Passagiersitzplätzen
Max 150 Passagieren an Bord
Max. 100 Passagieren an Bord
Max. 100 Passagiersitzplätzen
What is the maximum speed you can fly without the development of any shock waves?
Man spricht von einer flat-rated engine, wenn der maximale Schub
Mit zunehmender OAT zunimmt
Mit zunehmender OAT erst konstant bleibt und dann zunimmt
Mit zunehmender OAT erst konstant bleibt und dann abnimmt
Mit zunehmender OAT abnimmt
Sie befinden sich in FL 330 und bekommen von ATC die Anweisung auf FL 360 zu steigen. Sie steigen mit konstanter Machzahl. Wie verändert sich ihre GS bei gleich bleibenden Winden?
Nimmt ab
Bleibt konstant
Nimmt zu
Nimmt erst zu, dann ab
Die Variation ist der Winkel von?
Rechtsweisend Nord nach magnetisch Nord
Rechtsweisend Nord nach Kompaß-Nord
Magnetisch Nord nach Kompaß-Nord
Kompaß-Nord nach magnetisch Nord
Welchen Wind erwarten Sie, wenn Sie bei folgender Wetterlage auf der Nordhalbkugel in 2000ft über Flachland fliegen. Vor ihnen liegt ein Hochdruckgebiet, hinter ihnen ein Tiefdruckgebiet?
Seitenwind von rechts
Seitenwind von links
At what time of day or night is radiation fog most likely to occur?
At sunset
Late evening
Shortly after midnight
Shortly after sunrise
Im Steigflug mit konstanter CAS in ISA Bedingungen,
Sinkt die TAS
Steigt die TAS
Bleibt die TAS gleich
Sinkt die TAS zuerst und bleibt oberhalb der Tropopause konstant
Angular accelerations are perceived by
The receptors in the skin and the joints
The semi circular canals
The otoliths
The cochlea
An welcher Stelle im Turbofan-Triebwerk wird ein Diffusor verwendet?
Vor der Brennkammer
Vor der Schubdüse
Vor der Turbinenstufe
Vor dem Kompressor
Was erhöht den Strömungsabrisswinkel?
Rumpfmontierte Luftbremsen
Sie fliegen in FL 300. Die Außentemperatur liegt bei ISA+15°C. Wie kalt ist es?
ATIS elevation 1742 ft, QFE 958 hPa. Wie ist das QNH ?
Performance (FAR Part 25) Minimum screen height (one engine out, wet runway, Jet aircraft) beträgt
Wenn FRANKFURT im METAR einen Wind von 160/20kt meldet, welchen Wind erwarten Sie dann in einer Höhe von 2000ft über Grund anzutreffen?
Welche Distanz zeigt ihr DME in 16.400ft genau über dem VOR/DME (DME elev. 0ft)?
0,5 NM
1,8 NM
Was ist die maximale Holding-Speed in FL 240?
5000l, specific gravity= 0,8 - What is its weight in kg?
Welche Windkomponente muss für die Take-Off-Performance berücksichtigt werden?
50% Headwind, 150% Tailwind
150% Headwind, 50% Tailwind
100% Headwind, 100% Tailwind
75% Headwind, 125% Tailwind
ATC erteilt eine Sinkflugfreigabe von FL 100 nach FL 80.Wie lautet ihr readback?
Down to FL 80, Air Berlin 123
Air Berlin 123, leaving 100 to 80
Air Berlin 123, leaving FL 100 descending FL 80
Descending to 80, Air Berlin 123
The vertical position of an aircraft at or above the transition level will be reported
As flight level
As height
As altitude
According to pilots choice
Cat III Minima sind definiert als:
Ceiling und RVR
Visibility und ceiling
Visibility, ceiling und RVR
Ausschließlich RVR
Ein Jet und ein Segelflugzeug nähern sich auf Gegenkurs. Wer muss ausweichen?
Beide (nach rechts)
Das Segelflugzeug
Der Jet
Das schneller fliegende Flugzeug
Which is the audible range to human hearing
Between 16MHz and 20000 Mhz
Between 16KHz and 20 KHz
Between 16Hz and 20 MHz
Between 16Hz and 20 Khz
Was sind die geringsten zulässigen Minima für CAT II Anflüge?
Bis 100ft Entscheidungshöhe und 300m RVR
Bis 200ft Entscheidungshöhe und 550m RVR
Bis 300m RVR
Bis 50ft Entscheidungshöhe, keine RVR
Going from the equator to the north pole, the altitude of the tropopause
Increases and its temperature decreases
Increases and its temperature increases
Decreases and its temperature decreases
Decreases and its temperature increases
Wie ist der Temperaturverlauf in der Stratosphere?
Die Temperatur nimmt mit zunehmender Höhe erst ab und danach wieder zu
Die Temperatur nimmt mit zunehmender Höhe zu
Die Temperatur nimmt mit zunehmender Höhe ab
Die Temperatur bleibt konstant
Eine Fail-safe Konstruktion ist ...
Eine einfache und billige Konstruktion
Eine Konstruktion für kleine einmot. Flugzeuge
Eine Konstruktion, bei der die Last von anderen Bestandteilen getragen werden, wenn ein Teil der Struktur versagt
Eine für Kunstflug passende Konstruktion
Which of these Factors contributes most in developing coronary heart disease?
Family history
Obesity (Fettleibigkeit)
In welchem Bereich erstreckt sich der MNPS-Luftraum?
FL 260-390
FL 265-390
FL 275-420
FL 285-420
Wer gibt beim slot die ready-message an die Flugsicherung ab?
Flight crew
Handling Agent
OPS Control Center
Sie würden bei der aktuellen OAT und den aktuellen Wetterbedingungen das MALTOW geringfügig überschreiten. Was tun Sie?
Fracht/Passagiere ausladen
Das Load Sheet manipulieren
Das OAT-Thermometer kühlen
Das Final-Reserve Fuel reduzieren
Advektion ist ...
Vertikale Bewegung der Luft
Horizontale Bewegung der Luft
Das gleiche wie Absinken
Das gleiche wie Konvektion
In welchem Dokument ist die Erlaubnis ihrer Airline, Dangerous Goods zu transportieren mit entsprechenden Auflagen und Einschränkungen geregelt?
In ICAO-Dangerous Goods Regulations, Annex 18
In IATA dangerous goods regulation
In ICAO T.I. (technical instructions for safe transport of dangerous goods)
Im AOC der Airline- Anlage 4-7 Kapitel E (11)
Wie hoch ist die Maximalgeschwindigkeit für Flugzeuge nach IFR-Regeln unterhalb von FL 100 im Luftraum C?
Im besagten Luftraum gibt es keine Maximalgeschwindigkeit für Flugzeuge nach IFR-Regeln
250kt IAS
250kt TAS
250kt GS
Haftungsbeschränkungen für Luftfrachtführer sind geregelt
Im Schengener Abkommen
Im Warschauer Abkommen
Im Tokioter Abkommen
Im Montrealer Abkommen
When an aircraft on a westerly heading on the northern hemisphere accelerarates, the effect of the acceleration error causes the magnetic compass to:
Indicate a turn towards the south
To turn faster than the actual turning rate of the aircraft
Lag behind the turning rate of the aircraft
Indicate a turn towards the north
Was beschreibt ein übliches Ereignis von Absinken?
CB Wolken und Gewitter im großen Gebiet
Verbreitete NS und AS-Wolken, verbunden mit intensivem Niederschlag
Inversion im großen Gebiet mit trockenem und feuchten Dunst
Clear air turbulence in großen Höhen
Wie erkennen Sie bei Schneefall das Ende der hold-over time des anti-ice fluids nach dem de- bzw. anti-icing?
Schneeflocken werden vom Fluid absorbiert
Schneeflocken bleiben auf dem Fluid liegen
Kann man nicht erkennen
Wasserpfützen bilden sich auf dem Fluid
Die MEL (minimum equipment list), ...
Legt die Mindestausstattung eines Flughafens fest
Legt fest, ob und mit welchen Einschränkungen ein Flugzeug bei technischen Mängeln eingesetzt werden darf
Legt fest, welche Notausrüstung an Bord eines Flugzeugs mindestens sein muss
Legt fest, welche Mindestausrüstung die Besatzung mitführen muss
The otoliths in the inner ear are sensitive to
Constant speed only
Angular speed
Linear acceleration and gravity
Angular acceleration
Welche Bedeutung hat die Geschwindigkeit Vmcg?
Minimum control speed air
Maximum brake energy speed
Minimum control speed ground
Minimum lift off speed
Static ports sind verstopft, welche Anzeige ist beim Steigflug mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit?
Nach dem Abheben bleibt die altitude und die Geschwindigkeit gleich
Nach dem Abheben nehmen die altitude und die Geschwindigkeit zu
Nach dem Abheben bleibt die altitude gleich und die Geschwindigkeit nimmt ab
Nach dem Abheben nimmt die altitude ab, und die Geschwindigkeit zu
Der Widerstand wirkt in Richtung und Auftrieb senkrecht zu der/dem ...
Relativen Luftstrom
Mcrit is the free stream Mach no. At which
Mach buffet occurs
Somewhere about the airframe Mach 1 is reached locally
Shockstall occurs
The critical angle of attack is reached
What happens to the lift if you triple the speed of your aircraft flying?
The lift decreases by a factor of 3
The lift increases by a factor of 3
The lift increases by a factor of 6
The lift increases by a factor of 9
The amount of light which strikes the retina is controlled by
The pupil
The cornea
The ciliary body
The lens
Ein Luftfahrzeug fliegt auf der Südhalbkugel in geringer Höhe (niedriger als 2000ft) und fliegt direkt vom Kern eines Tiefdruckgebietes weg. Aus welcher Richtung, relativ zum LFZ, kommt der Wind?
Von links und leicht von hinten
Von rechts und leicht von vorne
Von links und leicht von vorne
Von rechts und leicht von hinten
I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn´t … .
Put myself to sleep
Get back to sleep
Put myself for sleeping
Get back to sleeping
{"name":"ATPL", "url":"","txt":"State the CWC (cross wind component) for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 270\/10","img":""}
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