Dental Emergery (prak surn)

A detailed illustration of a dental emergency scenario, showing a dental office environment with emphasis on airway management and emergency response team in action.

Dental Emergency Quiz

Test your knowledge on dental emergencies and airway management with this comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Covers critical scenarios and management strategies
  • Identify common causes of emergencies in dental practice
202 Questions50 MinutesCreated by HelpingHand267
What are general signs and symptoms of airway obstruction?
Gasping for breath, patient grabs at throat, panic, and suprasternal or supraclavicular retraction
Gasping for breath, patient grabs at throat, and suprasternal or supraclavicular retraction
Gasping for breath, patient grabs at throat, panic, shocked, and suprasternal or supraclavicular retraction
Cyanosis and suprasternal or supraclavicular retraction
Signs and Symptoms of total airway obstruction:
Snoring, gurgling, wheezing, crowing
No noise
Snoring, gurgling, wheezing, crowing and no noise
No noise and snoring
When is cricothyrotomy necessary?
When there is injury to the throat
When airway obstruction is caused by a foreign body that cannot be dislodged
When there is a trauma to the neck region
When fracture of mandible
Surgical airway procedure should only be done on:
Aging people
All of the following can have Life-threatening emergencies in the practice of dentistry, except…
A patient
Accompanying the patient
Doctor and Member of office stuff
A patient’s driver
The following are the Factor of Emergencies except…..
Increased number of older patients
Medical Advances
Increased drug use
Longer dental appointments
HIV infection
Factor of emergencies by increased number of age, which one is most common cause among the top five causes of death from 1 to 4 years?
Accidents and adverse effects
Congenital anomalies
Malignant neoplasms
Homicide and legal intervention
Disease of the heart
Factor of emergencies by increased number of age, which one is most common cause among the top five causes of death from 5 to 14 years?
Accidents and adverse effects
Malignant neoplasms
Homicide and legal intervention
Congenital anomalies
Factor of emergencies by increased number of age, which one is most common cause among the top five causes of death from 15 to 24 years?
Accidents and adverse effects
Homicide and legal intervention
Malignant neoplasms
Diseases of heart
Factor of emergencies by increased number of age, which one is most common cause among the top five causes of death from 25 to 44 years?
HIV infection
Accidents and adverse effects
Malignant neoplasms
Diseases of heart
Factor of emergencies by increased number of age, which one is most common cause among the top five causes of death from 45 to 64 years?
Malignant neoplasms
Diseases of heart
Accidents and adverse effects
Cerebrovascular diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Factor of emergencies by increased number of age, which one is most common cause among the top five causes of death from 55 years old and older?
Diseases of heart
Malignant neoplasms
Cerebrovascular diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Pneumonia and influenza
The following are diagnosis of emergencies in dental office, which one occurs the most in emergency situation?
Mild allergic reaction
Angina pectoris
Postural hypotension
A Syncope and Angina pectoris
The following are diagnosis of emergencies in dental office, which one occurs the most in emergency situation?
Postural hypotension
Cardiac arrest
Anaphylactic reaction
Postural hypotension and Anaphylactic reaction
The following are diagnosis of emergencies in dental office, except…
Shock Hemorrhage
Mild allergic reaction
Angina pectoris
Postural hypotension
The following are diagnosis of emergencies in dental office, which one rarely occurs?
Thyroid storm
Mild allergic reaction
Angina pectoris
Postural hypotension
The following are the time of systemic complications occurrence, which one occurs the most?
Immediate before treatment
During or after local anesthesia
During treatment
After treatment
After leaving dental office
The following are the time of systemic complications occurrence, which one rarely occurs?
Immediate before treatment
During or after local anesthesia
During treatment
After treatment
After leaving dental office
The following are data of occurrence of systemic complications during treatment, which one is the most common complication?
Tooth extraction
Pulp extirpation
The following are data of occurrence of systemic complications during treatment, which one is the most common complication?
Alveolar plastics
Pulp extripation
The following are data of occurrence of systemic complications during treatment, which one is the most common complication?
Alveolar plastics
Removal of fillings
The following are data of occurrence of systemic complications during treatment, which one is the most common complication?
Alveolar plastics
Removal of fillings
The following are the anatomy of airway management except…
The tongue
The nose
The pharynx
The mandible
The maxilla
Which one is the major cause of the airway obstructions?
Tongue, nose and pharynx
The following are the causes of difficult mask ventilation or intubation except
Short, muscular neck
Protruding maxillary incisors
Long, high, arched palate with narrow mouth
Limited mobility of the neck
The big tongue
The following are the causes of difficult mask ventilation or intubation with pathologic states except
Hereditary angioedema
Arthritis and ankylosis
Cervical spine immobility
TMJ disease
Short, muscular neck
The following are the causes of difficult mask ventilation or intubation with pathologic states except
Limited mobility of the neck
Arthritis and ankylosis
Laryngeal abnormalities
The following are the causes of difficult mask ventilation or intubation with Technical and Mechanical Factors except
Body cast (The form)
Halo traction & cervical collar
Foreign bodies in the airway
Poor technique, inexperience
Mandible fracture
The following are the causes of difficult mask ventilation or intubation with Technical and Mechanical Factors except
Halo traction & cervical collar
Foreign bodies in the airway
Poor technique, inexperience
Leaks around a face mask
Short of the tongue
The following are the signs and symptoms of the airway irritation and obstruction except
Universal distress signal
The following are the signs and symptoms of the airway irritation and obstruction except
Crowing (partial obstruction)
Silence (complete obstruction)
Wheezing (To breathe with difficulty and noisily)
The following are the airway equipment for medical emergencies except
Cotton role and gauze
Oxygen tank
Artificial airways and Face masks
Suction Machine and Suction Tubes
Laryngoscope set and Magill forceps
The right position is the one that is most comfortable for the patient of emergencies, which position is correct for cardiac arrest patient?
The patient needs to be flat on his or her back
Patients probably will want to sit up, which helps their ability to breathe
Place the patient horizontally with the feet slightly elevated
With the feet elevated slightly, the patient can receive a larger flow of blood to the head and thus stimulate the brain
The right position is the one that is most comfortable for the patient of emergencies, which is correct for asthmatic patient?
The patient needs to be flat on his or her back
Patients probably will want to sit up, which helps their ability to breathe
Place the patient horizontally with the feet slightly elevated
With the feet elevated slightly, the patient can receive a larger flow of blood to the head and thus stimulate the brain
The right position is the one that is most comfortable for the patient of emergencies, which is correct for the unconscious patient?
The patient needs to be flat on his or her back
Patients probably will want to sit up, which helps their ability to breathe
Place the patient horizontally with the feet slightly elevated
With the feet elevated slightly, the patient can receive a larger flow of blood to the head and thus stimulate the brain
The following are the critical airway management in unconscious patient except
The head is tilted back, and the chin is lifted
One hand is placed on the forehead, with two fingers of the other hand on the Mn to rotate the head back
The tongue is attached to the Mn so that when you pull the mandible forward, the tongue also moves forward
Opens the airway so the patient can breathe, or so you can breathe for the patient
Administration of fluid and adrenaline injection
The following are management of circulation for unconscious patient except
Maintain the head tilt and check for the carotid pulse
The carotid pulse is missed 40% of the time by medical personnel and paramedics
The pulse should be checked for 10 seconds
If a pulse is not felt, start compressions immediately
Administration of oxygen and fluid
Which of the following is the sign and symptom of the congestive heart failure:
Dyspnea, hyperventilation, cough, hemoptysis, difficulty in breathing, cyanosis
Dyspnea, hypoventilation, cough, hemoptysis, difficulty in breathing, cyanosis
Apnea, hyperventilation, cough, hemoptysis, difficulty in breathing, cyanosis
Apnea, hypoventilation, cough, hemoptysis, difficulty in breathing, cyanosis
The following are the signs and symptoms of the angina pectoris except:
Pain posterior to the sternum, may be precipitated by fatigue, extreme stress, or a rich meal, and subsides within 2–5 min after rest and the use of vasodilators
Painful discomfort in the chest, with a burning sensation, pressure, or tightness
Pain may be present in the cardiac area, radiating to the left shoulder, neck, left arm, sometimes down the chin and teeth of the mandible
Pain may be present in the cardiac area, radiating to the right shoulder, neck, left arm, sometimes down the chin and teeth of the mandible
Which of the following is wrong about the management of angina pectoris:
Written consent by the patient’s cardiologist is desirable
Appropriate premedication, usually 5–10 mg diazepam or 1,5–3 mg bromazepam orally, 1h before the surgical procedure may be helpful
Dental surgery in hospital, when the patient refers many episodes of angina pectoris
Large amounts of vasoconstrictors in LA with particular importance of aspiration
Short appointments, as painless as possible
Which of the following is the preventive measure recommended for patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease, except…
Premedication before the surgical procedure can be helpful
Avoidance of vasoconstrictors (or maximum concentration 1:100,000)
Small amounts of vasoconstrictors in LA with particular importance of aspiration
Procedure the patient in the morning time
The following are preventives measure of patient with cardiac arrhythmia, especially persistent arrhythmia, except…
Consultation with treating physician
In severe cases avoidance of LA containing vasoconstrictors or postponing of dental procedures
Premedication before the surgical procedure can be of help
Short appointments and pain control
Use Antibiotic before procedure
Syncope is classified into:
3 types: Vasodepressor syncope, Syncope caused by postural Hypotension, Syncope caused by cerebral factors
4 types: Vasodepressor syncope, Syncope of cardiac origin, Syncope caused by excessive vagal reflexes, Syncope caused by cerebral factors
5 types: Vasodepressor syncope, Syncope of cardiac origin, Syncope caused by postural Hypotension, Syncope caused by excessive vagal reflexes, Syncope caused by cerebral factors.
6 types: Vasodepressor syncope, Syncope of cardiac origin, Syncope caused by postural Hypotension, Syncope caused by diabetic, Syncope caused by excessive vagal reflexes, Syncope caused by cerebral factors
Which of the following is wrong about Blood Pressure (BP):
BP is recorded as two numbers: systolic and diastolic pressure
The systolic pressure (as the heart relaxes between beats) and the diastolic pressure (as the heart beats)
The measurement is written the systolic number on top and the diastolic number on the bottom ( Ex: 120/80 mmHg)
None of all
Which of the following is the cause of HBP?
Narrowing of the arteries
Volume of blood is greater than normal
The heart beats faster or more forcefully than normal
Medical problem
All are corrects
Which of the following is not the treatment medication for HBP?
Beta-blockers and Alpha-blockers
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin antagonists
The following are the risks to patients with HBP in Exodontia except:
Myocardial Infarctus
Post-operative swelling
Post-operative bleeding
Which of the following is not drug that causes of hypotension?
Anti-anxiety medications
Vitamin C
Certain antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants)
Which of the following is/are the cause(s) of LBP?
Advanced diabetes
Heart attack
All are corrects
Which of the following is not the symptom of hypotension?
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Fainting (syncope)
Clear vision
Rapid, shallow breathing
Which of the following sentence is wrong about diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterized by alteration of the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids caused by abnormalities of the secretion mechanism and effect of insulin
Diabetic hypoglycaemia is most important, presenting when the blood glucose level is higher than 55 mg/100 ml
Diabetic hyperglycemia develops slowly, is observed more rarely and is less dangerous than hypoglycemia
None of all
Which of the following is not the cause of chronic renal failure?
Hypertensive nephrosclerosis
Diabetes mellitus
Which of the following is not the cause of asthma?
Temperature change
Which of the following is the management of patient with asthma?
Take a detailed medical history of the patient
Administration of sedative medication for stress management
Control of pain (to avoid stress), with sufficient duration and depth of local anesthesia
Short appointments with gentle manipulations during surgical procedure
All are correct
Which of the following is not the management of Hepatitis B, C and AIDS?
Programming the surgical procedure as the morning appointment of the day
Using two pairs of disposable gloves. Gloves protect the patient as well as the dentist and should be discarded immediately after use
Special protective glasses and disposable surgical mask
Special protective surgical gown and cap covering scalp hair
Great care should be taken during their use, in order to avoid accidental puncture. Also, the plastic cover of the needle should be replaced with the special reheating device only. This should be a standard technique for all patients
The following are the mild allergy symptoms, except….
Skin Rash
Watery eyes
The following are the moderate allergy symptoms, except….
Skin Rash
Itchy, watery eyes
Difficulty breathing
Allergy symptoms can be categorized as following:
Mild allergy symptom
Moderate allergy symptom
Severe allergy symptom
All are correct
The following are the allergy symptoms may begin with sudden itching of the eyes or face and within minute’s progress to more serious symptoms, except….
Varying degrees of swellings that can make breathing and swallowing difficult
Abdominal pain, Cramps
Vomiting , Diarrhea
Mental confusion or dizziness
The following are the medicines commonly cause an allergic reaction, except….
PNC (such as Ampicillin, or Amoxicillin)
Sulfa medicines, Barbiturates
Insulin, Vaccines
The following are the medicines commonly cause an allergic reaction, except….
PNC (such as Ampicillin, or Amoxicillin)
Sulfa medicines, Barbiturates
Insulin, Vaccines
The following are the symptom of anaphylaxis allergic response to more seriously, except…
Swallowing and breathing difficulties
Abdominal pain, Cramps
Diarrhea and Vomiting
Which of the following is not the common trigger of Anaphylaxis?
Insect’s sting
Pollens and other inhaled allergens
Substances can cause reactions are fish and latex
Which of the following is the treatment of patient anaphylaxis?
Epinephrine is adrenaline.(I.M)
Rapidly reverses anaphylactic symptoms. It is typically given through an automatic injection
In addition to Epinephrine, treatment for shock includes PIV & medicines that support the action
In shock is stabilized, antihistamine & steroid may be given to reduce symptoms and call for professional medical help immediately
All are correct
The Epinephrine is used to reverse as following, except…
Laryngeal edema that result from an acute anaphylactic type reaction
Also used to reduce bronchospasm resulting from an acute asthmatic episode that is refractory to inhaler therapy
Which of following is the adverse effect of epinephrine?
Cardiovascular (Tachycardia, Tachyarrhythmia, and hypertension)
Central Nervous System (Agitation, headache, and tremors)
Endocrine System (Increased blood glucose)
Pregnant Female (Can decrease placental blood flow)
All are correct
Which of following is the adverse effect of Nitroglycerin?
Rapid heart rate
Facial flushing
Orthostatic (Postural) hypotension
Dizziness and headache
All are correct
The following are the causes of LBP, except…
Advanced diabetes
Heart attack
Reye’s Syndrome
The following are the causes of chronic renal failure, except…
Hypertensive nephrosclerosis
Diabetes mellitus
The following are the managements of patient with asthma, except…
Take a detailed medical history of the patient
Administration of sedative medication for stress management
Control of pain (to avoid stress), with sufficient duration and depth of local anesthesia
Short appointments with gentle manipulations during surgical procedure
Procedure in the morning
The following are the mild allergy symptoms, except….
Skin Rash
Watery eyes
The following are the treatments of patient anaphylaxis, except…
Epinephrine is adrenaline.(I.M)
Rapidly reverses anaphylactic symptoms. It is typically given through an automatic injection
In addition to Epinephrine, treatment for shock includes PIV & medicines that support the action
In shock is stabilized, antihistamine & steroid may be given to reduce symptoms
Administration of appropriate antibiotic
The following are the adverse effects of epinephrine, except…
Cardiovascular (Tachycardia, Tachyarrhythmia, and hypertension)
Central Nervous System (Agitation, headache, and tremors)
Endocrine System (Increased blood glucose)
Pregnant Female (Can decrease placental blood flow)
Among the following which is the rescue breathing in adult?
6 times/min
18 times/min
12 times/min
24 times/min
In patient on artificial ventilation the cycle of exhale air ventilation should be repeated of every:
20 secs
10 secs
5 secs
1 secs
To perform tracheoctomy entry should be made at the:
Cricothyroid ligament
Thyroid membrane
Thyroid notch
Cricoid cartilage
The primary hazard for unconscious patient in supine position is:
Tongue obstruction
The best blood product administered preoperatively to patients with haemophilia A is:
Fresh frozen plasma
Factor IX concentrate
Whole blood
Factor VIII concentrate
A cardinal symptom of dehydration due to disturbance of fluid and electrolyte balance is:
In medical emergency easiest technique for opening airway is to:
Turn his head back
Turn head to one side
Clear mouth, throat
Strike his back
In CPR, if one incorrectly apply pressure over xiphoid process the following may be injured:
Instead of responding to treatment for syncope, patients pulse and respiration become weak and irregular with attendant cyanosis. The first resuscitative measure should be to:
Support circulation by injecting 1:1000 adrenaline
Begin closed chest cardiac message
Begin CPR
Place paper bag over patient’s face and risk blood CO2
If efforts in CPR are effective there will be:
Constriction of pupils
Dilatation of pupils
Hypertension immediate
None of all
Patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is most likely to have which of following postoperative complication:
Alveolar osteitis
All of the following are various methods to control intra operative haemorrhage except:
Gauge sponge pressure
Artery application to open vessels
Infiltration with lidocaine
Bone compression for surface bleeding
Which of the following factor does not play role in haemostasis is:
Vessel wall calcium
Vit K
Vit B
Which is the earliest sign of haemorrhagic shock?
Preoperative vit K is indicated in patients with:
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic pneumonitis
Liver disease
The main cause of bleeding in patients is thrombocytopenic purpura is deficiency of:
Vit B
Vit K
During shock vasopressor drugs are preferably given:
Treatment of syncope is most effectively accomplished by which of the following?
Administer 100 percent O2 for 5 min
Lowering chair to phase patient’s head lower than his feet
Bending patient’s head forward between his knees and asking patient to raise his head against hand pressure
It requires treatment by physician
Among the following which is best haemostatic agent for control of local haemorrhage?
Gel foam
Vit K
During CPR sternum should the depressed:
2 inches every 5 seconds
2 inches every second
3 inches every 5 seconds
1 inch every 10 seconds
Among the following which always indicate obstruction to airway?
Increase respiratory rate
Increase pulse rate
Snoring breathing
Decreased blood pressure
Is common to all forms of shock:
Impaired tissue perfusion
Diazepam is contraindicated for use in patient with history of:
Narrow angle glaucoma
Psychic depression
Severe hypertension
Coronary artery disease
Which cardiac conditions require antibiotic prophylaxis before surgery?
Recovery insufficiency
Angina pectoris
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Congestive heart disease
Among the following with drug is contraindicated in hyperthyroid patients because the subjects are extraordinarily sensitive to drug:
Among the following which frequently causes infective endocarditis?
Staph. aureus
Strep. Viridans
Staph. pyogens
The emergency, most frequently encountered during outpatient general anaesthesia is:
Respiratory obstruction
Among the following which drug is drug of choice in management of acute allergic reaction involving bronchospasm and hypotension?
Which of the following is best treatment for hypoglycaemia in an unconscious diabetic patient?
IV administration of 50 percent dextrose in water
Administration of oral carbohydrates
Sublingual injection of 50 percent dextrose
None of all
The following are true of CPR, compression, except…
Ventilation ratio in 2 persons CPR is 5:1
Ventilation ratio in single person CPR is 15:2
Should be 60-80/min in adults
Should be 100/min in children
Should be 120/min in children
Of the following which is the first step when initiating CPR?
Establish responsiveness
To establish airway
Precardial thumbs
None of all
In external cardiac compressions, compression relation cycle should be repeated:
100 times/min
60 times/min
80 times/min
Of the following which is earliest sign of haemorrhagic shock?
Haemorrhagic shocks are the following characterizes, except…
Low blood volume
Increased pulse rate
Decrease pulse rate
In elective tracheostomy the entry should be made:
Above cricoid
Below cricoid
Through cricothyroid membrane
Laterally below thyroid cartilage
Antibiotics with a low allergic potential is:
The drug Clindamycin is known for its side effect of :
Ulcerative colitis
Liver necrosis
The current recommendation for antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of bacterial endocarditis is:
2gm of Amoxicillin orally, 1 hr before surgery / 2gm of Amoxicillin, intravenous 30mn before surgery
1gm of Amoxicillin orally, 1 hr before surgery / 1gm of Amoxicillin, intravenous 30mn before surgery
3gm of Amoxicillin orally, 1 hr before surgery / 3m of Amoxicillin, intravenous 30mn before surgery
4gm of Amoxicillin orally, 1 hr before surgery / 4gm of Amoxicillin, intravenous 30mn before surgery
A patient, who is allergic to penicillin, should be given:
A patient, who is allergic to penicillin, should be given:
Reye’s syndrome is caused by the long-term usage of:
If a patient develops anaphylactic shock, the 1st drug of choice is:
An elder patient, with myocardial infarction 5 months back, needs extraction of decayed maxillary 3rd molar. Your line of treatment would be:
Administer oral antibiotics for three days and do the extraction
Hospitalize the patient, administer IV antibiotics and do the extraction
Do the extraction and later, prescribe oral antibiotics
Put on antibiotics, refer the patient to the cardiologist and do the extraction at a later date
For patients with hypothyroidism, on medications, extraction of decayed teeth is:
A relative contraindication
An absolute contraindication
Indicated, with maximum precautions
Treated as normal extraction
For a patient suffering from cirrhosis of liver, the safest group of LA, is:
General anesthesia
Conscious sedation
Ester group
Amide group
The normal platelet count is:
150,000-450,000 microliter of blood
250,000-300,000 microliter of blood
400,000-500,000 microliter of blood
500,000-600,000 microliter of blood
The following are a core list of drugs and equipment for use in MEs, except….
Adrenaline, 1ml/A of 1:1000 solution for IM
Aspirin, 300 mg dispersible tablets​
Glucagon, for IM of 1 mg
Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) spray, 400 μg per metered dose
The following are a core list of drugs and equipment for use in MEs, except….
Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) spray, 400μg per metered dose
Midazolam buccal liquid, 10 mg/ml, or midazolam injection
Oxygen cylinder (10 litres/minute)
Salbutamol inhaler, 100 μg per actuation
In addition, dental practices might wish to stock the following drugs to aid the management of patients with mild allergic reactions, except…
Cetirizine 10mg tablets​or oral solution (5 mg/5 ml)
Chlorphenamine, 4mg tablets or oral solution (2 mg/5 ml)
Loratadine, 10 mg /tablets
Midazolam buccal liquid, 10 mg/ml, or midazolam injection
The following are key signs of anaphylaxis, except…
Upper airway oedema and bronchospasm
Stridor and wheezing
Tachycardia (heart rate > 110 per minute)
The following are the priority the managements of anaphylaxis, except…
Assess the patient
Call for an ambulance
Secure the patient’s airway
Check BP
Administer IV fluid
If cardiac arrest follows an anaphylactic reaction, which the priority of management is?
Start BLS immediately.
Administer 100% oxygen, flow rate: 10 litres/minute
Administer adrenaline, 0.5 ml (1:1000), IM. Injection
Call for an ambulance
The following are signs and symptoms of mild allergy reaction, except….
Urticaria and rash, particularly of chest, hands and feet
Mild bronchospasm without evidence of severe shortness of breath
Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
The following are treatment of milder forms of allergy reaction, except…
Administer 1 Cetirizine Tablet, 10 mg for children
Or Administer 1 Chlorphenamine Tablet, 4mg
Or Administer a salbutamol inhaler, 4 puffs (100 μg per actuation)
Or Administer Midazolam buccal liquid, 10 mg/ml, or midazolam injection
The following are signs and symptoms of life-threatening asthma, except…
Cyanosis or respiratory rate <8 per minute
Bradycardia (heart rate <50 per minute)
Exhaustion, confusion, decreased conscious level
Abdominal pain and vomiting
The following are signs and symptoms of acute severe asthmatic, except….
Inability to complete sentences in one breath
Respiratory rate >25 per minute
Tachycardia (heart rate >110 per minute)
Convulsion and diarrhea
The following are managements of asthmatic, except….
Assess the patient and sit patient upright
Administer 100% oxygen - flow rate: 10L/mn
Administer a salbutamol inhaler, 4 puffs (100 μg per actuation), repeat as needed
Administer Adrenaline, 1ml/A of 1:1000 solution for IM
The following are signs and symptoms of acute Angina and MI, except….
Shortness of breath and increased respiratory rate
Skin becomes pale and clammy
Nausea and vomiting are common
Pulse might be weak and blood pressure might fall
Crushing pain in the right and across the front of chest
Which of the following is wrong about the management of angina and MI?
Assess the patient
Administer100% oxygen - flow rate: 10L/mn
Administer glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) spray, 2 puffs (400 μg per metered dose) sublingually
Or Administer aspirin, 300 mg dispersible tablet, orally
Administer antibiotics
Which of the following is not true of key signs of cardiac arrest?
Loss of consciousness
Absence of breathing
Loss of pulse
Dilation of pupils
Which of the following is wrong the management of cardiac arrest?
Call for an ambulance
Initiate BLS, using 100% oxygen or ventilation - flow rate: 10 litres/ minute
If a defibrillator is available, carry out early defibrillation
Administer IV blood fluid
The following are signs and symptoms of Epilepsy, except….
Sudden loss of consciousness
Patient may become rigid, fall, might give a cry and becomes cyanosed
Jerking movements of the limbs; the tongue might be bitten
Brief warning or ‘aura’ and frothing from the mouth and urinary incontinence
Abdominal pain and vomiting
Which of the following is not true the management of epilepsy?
Assess the patient
To restrain convulsive movements
Ensure the patient is not at risk from injury
Secure the patient’s airway
Administer 100% oxygen-flow rate: 10L/mn
Which of the following is not true the management of epilepsy?
Assess the patient
Do not try to restrain convulsive movements
Ensure the patient is not at risk from injury
Secure the patient’s circulation
Administer 100% oxygen-flow rate: 10L/mn
The following are signs and symptoms of faint, except….
Dizzy, light-headed
Slow pulse rate
Loss of consciousness
Pallor and sweating
Abdominal pain and diarrhea
Which of the following is wrong to the management of faint?
Assess the patient
Lay the patient flat and, if the patient is not breathless, raise the patient’s feet
Loosen any tight clothing around the neck
Administer 100% oxygen-flow rate: 10L/mn
Administer Midazolam buccal liquid, 10 mg/ml, or midazolam injection
The following are key signs of Hypoglycaemia, except…
Aggression and confusion
Tachycardia (heart rate >110 per min
The following are the symptoms of Hypoglycaemia, except…
Shaking and trembling
Difficulty in concentration
Slurring of speech and Headache
Fitting and Unconsciousness
Hypertension arterial
The following are the managements of Hypoglycaemia, except…
Assess the patient
Administer 100% oxygen-flow rate: 10L/mn
Administer oral glucose (10–20 g), repeated, after10–15 minutes
Administer adrenaline, 0.5 ml (1:1000), IM. Injection
Which of the following is wrong of the management of Hypoglycaemia with the unconscious patient?
Assess the patient
Administer 100% oxygen-flow rate: 10L/mn
Administer oral glucose (10–20 g), repeated, after10–15 minutes
Or Administer glucagon, 1 mg, IM
Which of the drug is not true for the management of Anxiety patient?
The patients with congestive heart failure may have all of these conditions, except:
Extreme dyspnea
Extreme headache
The patients with congestive heart failure may have all of these conditions, except:
Difficulty in breathing
Teary eyes
The incorrect preventive measure before the surgical procedure for a patient with congestive heart failure is
Written consent from the patient’s cardiologist
Oral premedication
Long painless appointments
Small amounts of vasoconstrictors in local anesthesia
The preferred position for the patients with congestive heart failure is
Standing position
Sitting position
Sleeping position
Sleeping position with legs raised a bit upward
The incorrect preventive measure before the surgical procedure for a patient with angina pectoris is
Oral premedication, usually 20-50mg diazepam
Written consent from the patient’s cardiologist
Small amounts of vasoconstrictors in local anesthesia
Dental surgery in hospital
Precipitating factors of angina pectoris are all, except
Rich meal
Extreme stress
All are common about pain of angina pectoris, except
Pain may be present in the cardiac area
Pain may be radiating to neck
Pain may be radiating to right arm
Pain may be radiating to mandible teeth
Painful symptoms of angina pectoris can accompany with all, except
Extreme anxiety
A feeling of imminent death
False information about myocardial infarction is
Myocardial infarction refers to ischemic necrosis of an area of the heart
Myocardial infarction has a sudden onset with severe pain anterior to sternum
Pain of myocardial infarction is more severe than that of angina pectoris
Pain of myocardial infarction lasts longer than 15 minutes
Pain of myocardial infarction can radiate to all region, except
Right arm
All are characteristics of myocardial infarction, except
Pain lasting from 5 to 10 minutes
Burning sensation
Extreme tightness
The pain of myocardial infarction may be associated with all, except
Dilation of pupils
Angina Pectoris
Is characterized by the temporary ischemia in part of or all of the myocardium
Is the inability of the myocardium to pump enough blood to satisfy the body
Is the ischemic necrosis of an area of the heart
Is any periodic variation in the normal rhythm of heart
Congestive heart failure
Is characterized by the temporary ischemia in part of or all of the myocardium
Is the inability of the myocardium to pump enough blood to satisfy the body
Is the ischemic necrosis of an area of the heart
Is any periodic variation in the normal rhythm of heart
Myocardial infarction
Is characterized by the temporary ischemia in part of or all of the myocardium
Is the inability of the myocardium to pump enough blood to satisfy the body
Is the ischemic necrosis of an area of the heart
Is any periodic variation in the normal rhythm of heart
Cardiac arrhythmia
Is characterized by the temporary ischemia in part of or all of the myocardium
Is the inability of the myocardium to pump enough blood to satisfy the body
Is the ischemic necrosis of an area of the heart
Is any periodic variation in the normal rhythm of heart
All are true about hypertension, except
Essential hypertension does not have any known causes
Secondary hypertension has known causes
Patients with hypertension should never undergo surgical procedure
Hypertension is the abnormal elevation of the arterial pressure above the aforementioned values
All are the preventive measures of the patients with hypertension before dental procedure, except
Blood pressure should be monitored after, not before the surgery
Short appointments
Avoidance of noradrenaline in patients receiving anti-hypertensive agents
The most serious complications of hypertension are all, except
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Haemorrhagic diathesis
According to the pathogenic mechanism, the one that is not the group of bleeding disorders is
Vascular disorders
Thrombocytic disorders
Disorders of coagulation
Hemoglobin disorders
The incorrect preventive measure for the patients with hemorrhagic diathesis is
Designation for the time and place of procedure
Local control of bleeding
Scheduling of surgical procedure for evening hours
Administration of medication by the treating haematologist
The safest vasoconstrictor for patients with hyperthyroidism is considered to be
All are correct about diabetes mellitus, except
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by alteration of metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids
Diabetes mellitus is caused by the abnormalities of the secretion mechanism and effect of insulin
To avoid insulin shock, dental surgery should be performed in the morning
After dental surgery, patients should not eat much because that can cause bleeding and pain
Diabetic hypoglycemia is characterized by all, except
Diabetic hypoglycemia is characterized by all, except
Diabetic hypoglycemia is characterized by all, except
Loss of consciousness
Diabetic hyperglycemia is characterized by all, except
Diabetic hyperglycemia is characterized by all, except
Blurred vision
Patients with controlled diabetes require
Preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis
Postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis
Diet change
Dental procedure at the hospital
Chronic renal failure is
Clinical syndrome characterized by permanent damage of kidney
Clinical syndrome characterized by temporary kidney damage
Characterized by acute, diffused inflammation of the glomeruli
Syndrome characterized by the alteration of metabolism of carbohydrates
Most common causes of chronic renal failure are all, except
Diabetes mellitus
Hypotensive nephrosclerosis
All are necessary preventive measures for the surgical procedure on patients with chronic renal failure, except
Consultation with the patients’ nephrologist
Use of minimal amounts of vasoconstrictors
Use of minimal amounts of local anesthetics
Dental procedure on the day of hemodialysis
Stenosis of ducts of small bronchi and bronchioles in the patient of asthma is due to all, except…
Edema of mucosa
Viscous mucosa production
Vascular haemorrhage
When asthma attacks, all are correct about the patient, except
The patient’s expression is anxious
The patient’s face is pale
The patient’s limbs are cold
The patient wants to vomit
The incorrect preventive measure for patients with asthma is
Taking detailed medical history
Control of pain
Long appointments with little pain.
Administration of sedative medication
All are infectious diseases, except
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Incorrect preventive measure for dentists when a patient with infectious disease comes into the clinic is
Using a pair of sterilized glove
Programming the procedure as the last of the day
Good care of disposable needles
Discarding of surgical blades
All are true about epilepsy, except
Epilepsy is a clinical manifestation of abnormal electrical activity of the brain
Epileptic patients may present with epileptic seizures under certain circumstances
Certain epileptic patients may present with status epilepticus
Epilepsy can lead to sensory activity and altered states of consciousness.
The precipitating factors of epilepsy are all, except
Severe pain
Alcoholic drinks
Severe stress
The first phase of epileptic seizure is
Convulsion phase
Anxiety phase
Post-convulsion phase
The second phase of epileptic seizure is
Convulsion phase
Anxiety phase
Post-convulsion phase
The third phase of epileptic seizure is
Convulsion phase
Anxiety phase
Post-convulsion phase
The first phase of epileptic seizure presents with the following symptoms, except
The first phase of epileptic seizure presents with the following symptoms, except
Characteristic smells
Feeling hungry
The phase that does not exist in epileptic seizure is
Convulsion phase
Anxiety phase
Post-convulsion phase
The first phase of epileptic seizure lasts
A few seconds
3 to 5 minutes
2 minutes
More than 5 minutes
The second phase of epileptic seizure presents with all, except
Forcible jaw closing
Rolling the eyes upward or to the side
Nose bleeding
The sign that does not exist in second phase of epilepsy is
Pinkish froth from the mouth
Extreme dizziness
Urinary incontinence
Possible breathless
The third phase of epileptic seizure consists of all, except
Eye bleeding
Disturbances of the consciousness state
The recommended time for dental surgery for a patient who used to receive radiotherapy
At least 6 months has passed
At least 8 months has passed
At least 12 months has passed
At least 10 months has passed
The analgesics that is considered to be responsible for most allergic reaction is
One type that does not belong to allergic reactions is
Cytotoxic hypersensitivity
Cell-mediated hypersensitivity
Delayed-type hyposensitivity
Allergy that is caused by the use of local anesthetics is usually due to
Preservatives in the ampoule
Amount of adrenaline
Amount of noradrenaline
Expired anesthetics
The most common allergic reaction is
Angioneurotic edema
The people who are usually affected by allergic reactions from anxiolytic drugs are those who report the history of
Angioneurotic edema
The most dangerous type of allergic reactions is
Angioneurotic edema
Allergic asthma
Anaphylaxis may present with all, except
Painful sensation
Anaphylaxis may present with all, except
Cyanosis of limbs
Urinary blockage
{"name":"Dental Emergery (prak surn)", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on dental emergencies and airway management with this comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike.Key Features:Multiple choice and checkbox questionsCovers critical scenarios and management strategiesIdentify common causes of emergencies in dental practice","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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