WHich Hogwarts House Are you In ?(By Ilian, Emilie, Héloïse, Yoann and Margaux )

1. What are you keen on doing in your free time ?
A. Partying up
B. Reading in the Common Room
C.Playing with friends
D. Training for Quidditch
2. Which spell do you prefer ?
B. Alohomora
D. Wingardium Leviosa
A. Incendio
C. Expelliarmus
3. What sweet do you take ? the flavour ?
D. Cherry
A. Watermelon
C. Lemon
B. blueberry
4. You don't have the permission to cast a spell in front of a Muggle , you see a Muggle in danger , what do you do ?
C. You don't hesitate and you save the Muggle
B. You know perfectly the law and you help him
D . You know you don't have the permission , so you try to save the Muggle without magic
A. You let it , you don't have the permission , so you don't help him
5. WHat are you scared of ?
A. Nothing
B.Failing your exams
C. Losing a friend
6. What is your ideal routine ?
A. You wake up at 12 o'clock
C. You wake up at 8am to take breakfast with your friends
B.You wake up at 5 am to study
D. You wake up at 7 to play QUidditch
7. WHat is your favourite school subject ?
A. D.A. D.A
B.History of Magic
C. Herbology
D. A dementor
{"name":"WHich Hogwarts House Are you In ?(By Ilian, Emilie, Héloïse, Yoann and Margaux )", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q6SGBJK","txt":"If your enemy is in danger , what do you do?, WHat are you favourite colours ?, What spell do you enjoy ?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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