ADHD Toolbox Quiz
If you walk into the dining room and the table is covered with all sorts of junk, including dirty dishes, old food, trash, papers and toys, how do you go about cleaning it up?
You don't. You just start screaming and run away
You pick a type of item (such as dishes) and pull out all of those, and then move on to another type of item.
You start at the corner nearest you and pick up the first item, figure out what to do with that and then move on to the next item closest to that starting point until you make your way across the table.
You pick up the first thing that catches your eye, take it off the table and put it on the floor, you proceed to do this with each item, making separate piles for each type and then attack the piles, one at a time.
When you are going to a new place and trying to remember how to get there, how do you remember?
You see it like a map you’ve drawn in your head
You see it like a movie, remembering the visual details
You see the directions, written out on the page as you read them
You cannot remember directions so you always write them down and take them with you or use a gps app and if you don’t have one of those you won’t go.
Are you more likely to remember to do something if you:
Write it down on a piece of paper or in a notebook
Put it into your phone as an event with an alarm
Write it on your hand so its written down but you can’t lose it
Get someone else to remember and instruct them to continuously annoy you until you get it done?
If someone hands you a list of things to do, do you:
Attack the list, one item at a time, eagerly crossing them off as you make your way down the list until you complete the last item with a sense of satisfaction.
Calculate how long it’s going to take you to complete and then reorder the list in order from easiest or shortest to hardest or longest
Decide on an amount of time for each item and try to get it done in that amount of time
Pick the most important thing to work on first and hope for the best
When trying to establish a routine, do you find that you
Take a while to adapt, but once routine is established follow it religiously
Have the intention of following it, but suddenly realize at some point you forgot that there was a routine to be followed
Need to find a way to make the routine more interesting so create various ways to follow the routing
Find the idea of a routine comforting and eagerly jump right in
How do you organize your room?
It is very neat and if anything is out of place it is very annoying
It’s not completely neat, but you have your own system of organization and know where everything is
It’s a total mess and you are very happy with it that way
It’s a total mess and you can’t stand it but you have no idea where to start or how to get it organized
You need to read an article for an assignment. You find the article online, but what do you do next?
You read the article online while taking notes in another program
You print out the article, so you can highlight things and make notes by hand
You read the article and then do a screen capture and save the picture in a file
You print out the article, but take notes on the computer
When working on a project that requires focus
It helps you concentrate to have music on in the room
You need absolute silence because even white noise is distracting
It helps to have music, but not music with words, you focus on the words and get distracted
If the task involves reading I need it silent but if it involves only physical activity, music helps
You are out on an all-day hike, during which you will need to take breaks do you prefer
To divide your time and take a break at regular intervals, even if you are in the middle of nowhere
Look on the map for specific towns or rest stops and plan your stops according to places
Plan your breaks to coincide with regular, established meal times
Keep on going until you are tired and then stop, regardless of where you are or how much time you’ve been going
If you were working at a job where the tasks were the same every day, would you
Get totally bored and look for ways to make it more interesting (some of which might get you in trouble)
Find comfort in the consistency because you don’t like change or surprises
Relax and do the job while secretly planning the takeover of the world
Quit after the 2nd day
You get a new book you’ve been looking forward to for a long time, do you
Open it and start reading from the beginning
Read reviews first so you know basically what’s going to happen
Turn to the last few pages and read them before beginning the book
Threaten to kill anyone who spoils it for you
You have an important meeting about a job opportunity that you really want and you are given four options for the first stage of the process, which would you choose?
A series of questions emailed to you that you answer and email back
A phone interview
A skype video interview
A series of whatsapp voice messages
You are out shopping for clothes, and you are waiting in line to pay. What are you most likely to do while you are waiting?
Look around at other clothes on the racks (or the things on the shelves lining the path to the cashier)
Talk to the person next to you in line
Fidget or move back and forth
Stick in your earbuds and listen to your favorite song on your phone
You have a shopping list of 10 things you must get at the store, they all must be gotten and they are all equally important, but you get stuck in traffic and only have 10 minutes to shop. If you take more than 10 minutes you will miss your ride and have to find another way home and then miss the movie you are supposed to go see on a date. Do you
Move as fast as you can but make sure to get all the items regardless of how long it takes
Move as fast as you can but stop when you reach your time limit, even if you haven’t gotten everything
Turn around and go home and hope for the best
Figure out the most efficient route to get everything you need, knocking things and people down in the process, but you make sure to get everything on the list.
6 months ago you made a playlist on your phone of your favorite songs. You’ve been listening to the same playlist for 6 months. Do you
Keep listening to the same playlist because, hey, you like it
Go searching for new songs you like and make a new playlist
Keep the same playlist but change the order of the songs
Are you kidding? There’s no way you’ve been listening to the same playlist for 6 months, it changes every few days
You are taking a standardized test and you are told that it is not possible to finish all the questions on the test in the allotted time. When you see that you are running out of time. Do you
Quickly read through the rest of the test to see if there are any questions you can answer quickly, answer those and then go back and try to answer the other questions until you run out of time
Continue answering the questions in order until you run out of time and then stop
Answer as many questions as you can until you have about a minute left and then fill in all the remaining questions randomly
Start getting really upset that you aren’t going to be able to finish the test and end up not being able to focus on the test because you see you are running out of time
What’s the best way for you to study for a test?
Read the book or your notes and review pictures or charts
Have someone ask you questions that you can answer out loud
Make up index cards that you can review
Watch a video on the topic
You want to figure out how something works (like a computer, video game or machine of some sort), do you
Get someone to show you
Read about it or watch a video on it
Listen to someone explain it
Figure it out on your own
If you went to a school dance, what would you be most likely to remember the next day?
The faces of the people who were there
The music that was played
The dance moves you did and the food you ate
The way the room was decorated
When you are in a new place, how do you find your way around?
You look for a map or directory that shows you where everything is
Ask someone for directions
Just start walking around until you find what you are looking for
Become totally overwhelmed and do nothing
When you hear a song on the radio, what are you most likely to do?
Listen to the words
Picture the video that goes along with it
Hum the tune, who cares about the words?
Start dancing or tapping your foot
When doing a word search puzzle, do you
Start at one corner and scan each line for words and then go a different direction until you’ve scanned the whole puzzle
Stare at the whole page and see if any words jump out at you
Pick a word from the clue list and look for two of those letters next to each other until you find the word and then move on to another
Ahhhhhh, I can’t stand those because everything is such a jumble!
Someone challenges you to play 20 rounds of solitaire, do you
Pull out a deck of cards
Turn on the computer and open the solitaire program
Download the game to your phone
What’s solitaire?
You decide you want to work mowing lawns and doing gardening for about 10 hours per week, but you need to find customers. Do you
Call twenty people
Call until you actually reach and get to talk to five people
Make calls for one hour
Make calls until you fill the first 10 hours of working time
Every day you walk to school, do you
Find the most direct route and take the same route every single day
Find the most direct route and take that most days but then on days when you have extra time, take a different route so you can explore a little
Take the same route there every day but take a different route home most days and change it up every few days
Take a set route for a while and then change it a little but take that route for a while and then when you get bored with that one change it again
{"name":"ADHD Toolbox Quiz", "url":"","txt":"If you walk into the dining room and the table is covered with all sorts of junk, including dirty dishes, old food, trash, papers and toys, how do you go about cleaning it up?, When you are going to a new place and trying to remember how to get there, how do you remember?, Are you more likely to remember to do something if you:","img":""}
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