Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in math-ph on Tue, 19 Jan 21
[2101.06330] Guillaume Bal, Daniel Massatt: Multiscale Invariants of Floquet Topological Insulators
[2101.06416] Y. Aharonov, F. Colombo, I. Sabadini et al.: A new method to generate superoscillating functions and supershifts
[2101.06467] Matteo Casati, Paolo Lorenzoni, Daniele Valeri et al.: Weakly nonlocal Poisson brackets: tools, examples, computations
[2101.06539] Heinz Siedentop: A Statistical Theory of Heavy Atoms: Asymptotic Behavior of the Energy and Stability of Matter
[2101.07170] Nataliya A. Balabanova, James Montaldi: Two body problem on a sphere in the presence of a uniform magnetic field
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in math-ph on Tue, 19 Jan 21","img":""}