Subsea Well Control Practice Quiz
{"name":"Subsea Well Control Practice Quiz", "url":"","txt":"If you are about to start killing a well on an offshore deep water rig and ignore the recorded 245 psi choke line friction and come on choke holding casing pressure constant, bottom hole pressure will, The well has been shut in on a floating rig and the choke line is full of 8.3 ppg fresh water. Calculate the SICP if the choke line was filled with mud instead of water. Distance from BOP to the rig floor is 2000 feet. Density of the mud in the well is 10.2 ppg. SICP is 1050 psi with water in the choke line, While doing a CLFP test, the driller circulated down the drill string and up the riser at 40 spm and recorded 800 psi. The Driller then closed the Annular and circulated at 40 spm down the string and up the choke line with the choke wide open and recorded 1050 psi. From the BOP stack to the rig floor is 4000 feet. The choke line friction pressure is","img":""}