Week 13

1 The key advantage(s) of models being simplified descriptions of real-world processes
1) Are absent, since some details are missed.
2) Is they are easier to understand.
3) Are that they can often be reused for a different domain (e.g., a tornado model can be used for huricanes).
4) Depend upon the specific process being modeled.
5) None of the above
2 Computed simulation results are used to predict what will happen with a real-world process
1) So they usually need to run faster than real-time.
2) Making them helpful for experiments that would otherwise be too costly to conduct.
3) To inform future human actions.
4) Over which we have limited control.
5) None of the above
3 When available, actual real-world data is compared to computed simulation results (i.e., predictions) in order to
1) Determine what should have happened in the real-world.
2) Evaluate the accuracy of the model in specific circumstances.
3) Create suitable test data.
4) Enable improvement of the underlying simulation model.
5) None of the above
4 The best models are the ones that
1) Address a wide variety of scenarios.
2) Explain the vast majority of behavior.
3) Always agree with expert opinions.
4) Use the simplest descriptions.
5) None of the above
5 A characteristic of emergent behavior in simulations is that
1) Results after a sufficiently long period of time are unpredictable without actually running the simulation.
2) It always describes a Turing Complete system.
3) Complex rule sets are always needed.
4) They are often extremely sensitive to their initial conditions.
5) None of the above
6 Discrete time simulations usually
1) use fixed time increments between actions.
2) can use varying time increments between actions that can be any (fractional) value greater than 0.
3) sometimes calculate when the next interaction between model elements will occur (e.g., pool balls colliding) and advance the time to that point in the simulation.
4) are almost never used since the real-world is continuous.
5) None of the above
7 Simulations that divide space up into discrete units
1) Are almost never used since the real-world is continuous.
2) Must use a unit that is extremely small in size to mimic the real-world as closely as possible.
3) Use a single unit (of fixed size) arranged so that every point in space resides in one of these units.
4) Must also use discrete time as well.
5) None of the above
8 A preferred technique to make discrete simulations more accurate, while maintaining efficient execution, is to
1) Always use the absolute smallest discrete unit size possible.
2) Run the complete simulation at one size, and then run it again at a smaller size (e.g., half). Stop when halving doesn't yield a significant difference.
3) Adjust the discrete parameter (e.g., by halving - down to a predetermined minimum size) during run-time if doing so reduces the amount of error.
4) Rewrite the simulation rules so that they are continuous.
5) None of the above
9 Cellular Automata simulations use
1) Discrete time
2) Continuous time
3) Discrete space
4) Continuous space
5) None of the above
10 The cells in a Cellular Automata simulation are usually
1) Updated according to a uniform set of rules shared by all cells.
2) Of varying sizes to allow computer calculations to focus on the most needed areas.
3) Updated synchronously so that it appears as if all cells were updated simultaneously.
4) Of varying shapes to better fit the real-world situation being modeled.
5) None of the above
11 One of the most well known Cellular Automata models is
1) Schelling's Segregation
2) Craig Reynolds' Boids
3) Langton's Loops
4) Conway's Game of Life
5) None of the above
12 Conway's Game of Life exists on a 2-dimensional square grid
1) With each cell either "alive" or "dead".
2) Using only the values of its North, South, East, and West neighbors to determine its next value.
3) And exhibits complex emergent behavior that is Turing complete.
4) With rules that cause cells to die of both overcrowding and loneliness.
5) None of the above
13 Which class of Cellular Automata is described as quickly settling into a stable homogeneous state, with any randomness in the initial conditions disappearing.
1) Class 1
2) Class 2
3) Class 3
3) Class 4
14 Which class of Cellular Automata is described as quickly settling into stable or short-period oscillating structures, while the impact of any remaining initial randomness on the final pattern tends to be localized.
1) Class 1
2) Class 2
3) Class 3
4) Class 4
5) None of the above
15 Which class of Cellular Automata is described as giving rise to pseudo-random or chaotic behavior, with any stable structures that emerge being local in both time and space and are quickly destroyed by the surrounding noise.
1) Class 1
2) Class 2
3) Class 3
4) Class 4
5) None of the above
16 Which class of Cellular Automata is described as giving rise to interesting and complex behaviors that are neither random nor simple short-period oscillators.
1) Class 1
2) Class 2
3) Class 3
4) Class 4
5) None of the above
17 Agent-based Modeling (ABM) differs from Cellular Automata (CA) in that they
1) Can use continuous time units whereas CA are limited to discrete time steps.
2) Divide space into discrete units.
3) Support mobile entities that can change locations.
4) Are Turing complete but CA are not.
5) None of the above
18 Agent-based Modeling (ABM) and Cellular Automata (CA) share these characteristic(s)
1) The ability to move entities from one location to another.
2) Turing completeness.
3) Stigmergic interactions between spacial locations.
4) Divide space into discrete units.
5) None of the above
19 Comments in NetLogo programs
1) Begin with a lb (#) and extend to the end of the line.
2) Begin with a percent (%) and extend to the end of the line.
3) Begin with a double slash (//) and extend to the end of the line.
4) Are contained between double quotes (").
5) None of the above
20 NetLogo supports which of the following four kinds of entities?
1) Agents, patches, links, and an oracle.
2) Turtles, patches, links, and an observer.
3) Turtles, cells, links, and an observer.
4) Agents, cells, links, and an oracle.
5) None of the above
21 The location of a patch in NetLogo is given by
1) "x" and "y"
2) "px" and "py"
3) "xcor" and "ycor"
4) "pxcor" and "pycor"
5) None of the above
22 The location of a turtle in NetLogo is given by
1) "x" and "y"
2) "px" and "py"
3) "xcor" and "ycor"
4) "pxcor" and "pycor"
5) None of the above
23 Patch coordinates in NetLogo must be
1) Given only in two dimensions.
2) Integer values.
3) Non-negative numbers.
4) Given as relative locations to the current patch.
5) None of the above
24 Turtle coordinates in NetLogo must be
1) Given only in two dimensions.
2) Integer values.
3) Non-negative numbers.
4) Given as relative locations to the current patch.
5) None of the above
25 In NetLogo, to have one or more patches, turtles, or links perform an action, the request must
1) Be given via the "ask" command.
2) Appear within a user defined procedure named "go".
3) Specify the location of the entities.
4) Occur within a loop if more than one entity is involved.
5) None of the above
{"name":"Week 13", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1 The key advantage(s) of models being simplified descriptions of real-world processes, 2 Computed simulation results are used to predict what will happen with a real-world process, 3 When available, actual real-world data is compared to computed simulation results (i.e., predictions) in order to","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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