Preflop Master Series HU BB

Select correct statements (more than one answer might be correct):
Charts are made based on population tendencies
Use charts readless
When you have reads on your opponents, you should follow your reads and adjust
Readless our basic strategy vs minraises should be to:
Fold a lot
Flat wide
Tight 3bet AI and non AI
Wide 3b AI and non AI
Readless our basic strategy vs limps should be to:
Iso non-AI with polarised range (top and bluffs only)
Iso non-AI with wide range (only top and medium range, no bluffs at all)
Iso non-AI only with bluffs
Iso non-AI only with top of our range
Against opponent who minraises very wide, you shoud:
3bet non-AI some weak holdings as a bluff
Fold more than charts say
3bet AI some medium holdings
Play only with charts
If he's passive postflop - play wider range than standard
If your opponent minraises a lot (85%+ minraise at 25bb, 70%+ minraise at 20bb, 60%+ minraise at 16bb) which hands are best candidates for 3bet AI?
If your opponent minraises 65% at 20+ bb stack, what should you do with 75s/76s/87s?
3bet AI
3bet non-AI
If your opponent minraises 95% at 16+ bb stack, what should you do with 76o/86o/87o?
3bet AI
3bet non-AI
If your opponent minraises a lot (85%+ minraise at 25bb, 70%+ minraise at 20bb, 60%+ minraise at 16bb) which hands are best candidates for 3bet non-AI?
Your opponent minraised 6/6 so far in HU, at 20bb+ stacksize. You have 75s/86s/97s/T8s. What is best action against his minraise in next hand with those holdings at this stacksize?
3b AI
3b non-AI
Your opponent minraised 6/6 so far in HU, at 20bb+ stacksize. You have 65o/96o/87o/T8o. What is best action against his minraise in next hand with those holdings at this stacksize?
3b AI
3b non-AI
Your opponent minraised 6/6 so far in HU, at 20bb+ stacksize. You have T3s-43s/T2s-32s. What is best action against his minraise in next hand with those holdings at this stacksize?
3b AI
3b non-AI
Your opponent minraised 6/6 so far in HU, at 20bb+ stacksize. You have 54o-T4o/Q2o-Q5o. What is best action against his minraise in next hand with those holdings at this stacksize?
3b AI
3b non-AI
{"name":"Preflop Master Series HU BB", "url":"","txt":"In HUD, what does F stand for?, You are on BB in HU, your opponent minraised and you called. Flop goes check\/check. You bet turn. What action did you do?, You are on BB in HU, your opponent minraised and you called. You bet on flop. What action did you do?","img":""}
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