Political Ideology

Do you believe in a society of total tolerance and equal opportunity?
No; I believe some members of society are superior to others and only certain values should be upheld
Yes; I believe every one should be allowed to uphold their values (as long as they do not infringe others), and tolerate others
Yes; I believe every one should be allowed to uphold their values no matter how it may impact others
I have no preference
Do you believe the markets should be controlled by the state?
No; I do not believe in markets full stop
No; I believe the state should play no part whatsoever in the regulation, prohibition or taxation of the marketplace
Yes; however I believe it should have a limited and regulated amount of power over the markets
Yes; I believe the state should have complete control over the markets
I have no preference
Do you support a multiple-party system?
No; I am firmly against political parties full stop and believe in either direct democracy, non-democratic rule or individual power
No; I believe there should be one sole political party
Yes; I believe there should be multiple political parties to choose from
I have no preference
Do you believe in exclusive ownership rights?
No; I believe everything should be owned by everyone and that private ownership should be abolished
Yes; however I believe ownership rights should end after the individual's death
Yes; anything created by an individual is their intellectual property even after their death
I have no preference
Do you believe in active rebellion against the state?
No; I believe active rebellion is not required and that any goals will be achieved naturally through the political system
Yes; however I do not advocate violence and rather civil disobedience/peaceful protest
Yes; I also believe revolutionary and militant activities are required to rebel
I have no preference
Do you believe in co-operation and fellowship?
No; I believe in a philosophy of every man for himself - if a person wants to help another person so be it
Yes; I believe in a society in which we work together
I have no preference
Do you have a strong connection with nature and the traditional rural lifestyle?
No; I prefer the urban lifestyle to nature and the country
Yes; I prefer nature and the country to the urban lifestyle
I have no preference
Do you believe in gender equality and freedom of oppressive gender roles?
No; I do not agree with gender equality and believe one gender is superior to the other, as well as set gender roles
Yes; however I do not advocate violence and rather civil disobedience/peaceful protest
Yes; I also believe militancy is the only way to achieve this goal
I have no preference
Do you believe in a state/government?
No; I believe there should be no state or authority full stop
Yes; however I believe it should have as little power as possible in our daily lives
Yes; however I believe it should have a limited and regulated amount of power over our daily lives
Yes; I also believe it should have complete control over our lives and activities to maintain order
I have no preference
Do you believe in a structured class system?
No; I believe all humans are equal and thus should be valued, treated and ranked equally regardless of their own personal contribution
Yes; I believe some members/groups of society are superior to others and thus should be ranked higher
Yes; however I believe there should be fluid movement between the classes allowing a lower class individual to become upper class based on their own hard work
I have no preference
Are you a keen environmentalist?
No; I believe humans are vastly more important than the environment
Yes; I believe the environment is vastly more important than humans
Yes; however I believe there needs to be a balance between ecology and the economy
I have no preference
Are you a supporter of technology?
No; I am firmly against technology and believe it has corrupted human beings
Yes; I believe technology is a beneficial thing which we can use to our advantage
I have no preference
Which class do you favour the most?
The Lower/Working Classes
The Middle Classes
The Upper Classes
I have no preference
Are you religious?
No; however I do not believe my non-religious values generally play a strong role in my political philosophy
No; I also believe my non-religious values play a strong role in my political philosophy
Yes; however I do not believe my religious values generally play a strong role in my political philosophy
Yes; I also believe my religious values play a strong role in my political philosophy
Do you ascribe to any of the following religions?
Do you believe in 'Western Medicine'?
No; I do not believe in modern and 'Western' medicine full stop and prefer more natural methods
Yes; I embrace modern and 'Western' medicine and believe it is the best form of healthcare
I have no preference
Do you support the use of GM crops?
No; I am firmly against GM crops in any form
Yes; I support the use of GM crops in any situation
Yes; however I believe limitations are required to control and regulate the use of GM crops in case of danger
I have no preference
Do you believe the church and state should exist as one entity?
No; I believe the church and state should be completely seperate
No; however I believe each should have a limited amount of power over the other and work together for the greater good
Yes; I also believe the state head should have full control of the church
Yes; I also believe the church head should have full control of the state
I have no preference
Do you support abortion?
No; I am firmly against abortion in any context
Yes; however I believe it should only be used in emergency situations, or if the unborn child may develop a fatal deformity
Yes; I believe women should have the choice to terminate their child if they deem it necessary
I have no preference
Do you support capital punishment?
No; I am firmly against capital punishment in any context
Yes; however I believe it should only be used in the most extreme cases - for example serial killers or terrorists
Yes; I also believe it should be used on most if not all criminals
I have no preference
{"name":"Political Ideology", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you religious?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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