3RD Para USMLE 100Q

A 3-year-old boy of African descent is brought to your office by his stepfather because of easy bruising. He says that the child bruises easily even without trauma. The child started playing games by himself recently. He has a past history of clavicular fracture, which the stepfather attributes to a fall down a set of stairs. The history of the biological father is unknown. On examination, there is a right knee effusion with decreased range of motion, and multiple soft tissue hematomas on the thigh. What is the most appropriate diagnostic step in management?
Contact child protective services
Obtain type 1 collagen assay
Obtain prothrombin time and liver function tests
Obtain factor VIII level
Obtain bleeding time
A 3-year-old child presents to your office for an evaluation of constipation. The mother notes that since birth, and despite frequent use of stool softeners, the child has only about one stool per week. He does not have fecal soiling or diarrhea. He was born at term and without pregnancy complications. The child stayed an extra day in the hospital at birth because he did not pass stool for 48 hours, but has not been in the hospital since. Initial evaluation of this child should include which of the following?
A child psychiatry evaluation for stool retention and parenting assistance
A barium enema and rectal manometry
Plain films of the abdomen
Dietary log and observation
Beginning oral antispasmodic medication
A 3-year-old girl is brought to the pediatrician with complaints of abdominal pain and fever. Her mother states that the fever started 2 days ago, with the highest temperature being 39.0 C (102.2 F). She has had no vomiting or diarrhea. The mother states that her daughter has been complaining of pain on urination. On examination, she is tender in her lower abdomen, and there is some right-sided costovertebral angle tenderness. A urinalysis confirms the suspicion of a urinary tract infection. Which of the following would be the most appropriate diagnostic procedure?
Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan in 1-2 months
Intravenous pyelogram
Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) now
VCUG in 1-2 months
A 3-year-old girl with a ventricular septal defect (VSD) presents to the emergency department after a 15-minute focal seizure of her left arm and leg. A brief history reveals that the child has no known seizure disorder and has been having a low-grade fever at home for about 4 days. She also has been less active and has had poor appetite. On physical examination, her temperature is 40.2 C (104.3 F), and her pulse is 82/min. She is not responsive to her name, but she is responsive to painful stimuli with withdrawal of her extremities. Cardiac examination is significant for a grade 3 systolic murmur best heard at the left lower sternal border. Neurologic examination reveals anisocoria with a dilated right pupil. After stabilization, which of the following is the most appropriate next step in diagnosis?
CT of the brain
MRI of the brain
Complete blood count and blood culture
A 30-hour-old infant has not passed meconium since birth. He was full term with a birth weight of 3856 g (8 lb 8 oz). The pregnancy was uncomplicated. The baby appears well with no respiratory distress. Slight abdominal distention is noted. Rectal examination reveals a slightly tight rectum and results in a greenish gush of stool. Which of the following tests will probably confirm the likely diagnosis?
A stool culture
A rectal biopsy
A barium enema
An alpha1-antitrypsin level
A serum TSH level
A 30-year old woman has irregular menses. She reports that her last menstrual period (LMP) was 8 weeks ago. She has been experiencing vaginal spotting and left lower quadrant pain. She is afebrile. She has a normal size uterus and mild tenderness in the right lower quadrant with no rebound tenderness. A human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) beta-subunit level of 1400 mIU/ml is reported in her records from an obstetrics visit 2 days ago. Which of the following is the appropriate management?
Perform a pelvis ultrasound
Perform a culdocentesis
Repeat hCG measurement in 1 week
Repeat hCG measurement in 24 hours
Refer for diagnostic laparoscopy
A 30-year-old black female has a 2-month history of non-productive cough and a painful skin eruption in the lower extremities. She denies fever or weight loss. Physical examination shows several non-tenders raised plaques around the nares and scattered similar plaques around the base of the neck. In the lower extremities she has several erythematous tender non-ulcerated nodules, measuring up to 4 cm in diameter. Chest x-ray reveals bilateral hilar adenopathy and a streaky interstitial density in the right upper lobe. What is the best way to establish a histological diagnosis?
Punch biopsy of one of the plaques on the neck
Incisional biopsy of one of the lower extremity nodules
Sputum studies for AFB and fungi
Mediastinoscopy and biopsy of one of the hilar or mediastinal nodes
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme assay
A 30-year-old female complains of palpitations, fatigue, and insomnia. On physical examination, her extremities are warm and she is tachycardic. There is diffuse thyroid gland enlargement and proptosis. There is thickening of the skin in the pretibial area. Mild clubbing of digits is present. Which of the following laboratory values would you expect in this patient?
Increased free thyroxine (free T4), increased TSH
Increased free thyroxine, decreased TSH
Increased free thyroxine, normal TSH
Normal free thyroxine, elevated triiodothyronine (T3), normal TSH
Normal free thyroxine, decreased TSH
A 30-year-old G1P0 with a twin gestation at 25 weeks presents to labor and delivery complaining of irregular uterine contractions and back pain. She reports an increase in the amount of her vaginal discharge, but denies any rupture of membranes. She reports that earlier in the day she had some very light vaginal bleeding, which has now resolved. On arrival to labor and delivery, she is placed on an external fetal monitor, which indicates uterine contractions every 2 to 4 minutes. She is afebrile and her vital signs are all normal. Her gravid uterus is non tender. The nurses call you to evaluate the patient. Which of the following is the most appropriate first step in the valuation of vaginal bleeding in this patient?
Vaginal examination to determine cervical dilation
Ultrasound to check placental location
Urine culture to check for urinary tract infection
Labs to evaluate for disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
Apt test to determine if blood is from the fetus
A 30-year-old male comes to the emergency department screaming, "Something blew into my right eye while I was drilling !' He complains of a foreign body sensation in the right eye, photophobia, and excessive lacrimation. Gross examination of the right eye with a penlight after the application of a topical anesthetic is insignificant. What is the best next step in the management of this patient?
Fluorescein examination
Topical antibiotic
MRI of the orbits
A 30-year-old male presents with right upper quadrant pain. He has been well except for an episode of diarrhea that occurred 4 months ago, just after he returned from a missionary trip to Mexico. He has lost 7 pounds. He is not having diarrhea. His blood pressure is 140/70, pulse 80, and temperature 37.5°C (99.5°F). On physical examination there is right upper-quadrant tenderness without rebound. There is some radiation of the pain to the shoulder. The liver is percussed at 14 cm. There is no lower-quadrant tenderness. Bowel sounds are normal and active. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in evaluation of the patient?
Serology and ultrasound
Stool for ova and parasite
Blood cultures
Diagnostic aspirate
Empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy
A 30-year-old male with sickle cell anemia is admitted with cough, rusty sputum, and a single shaking chill. Physical examination reveals increased tactile fremitus and bronchial breath sounds in the left posterior chest. The patient is able to expectorate a purulent sample. Which of the following best describes the role of sputum Gram stain and culture?
Sputum Gram stain and culture lack the sensitivity and specificity to be of value in this setting
If the sample is a good one, sputum culture is useful in determining the antibiotic sensitivity pattern of the organism, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae
Empirical use of antibiotics for pneumonia has made specific diagnosis unnecessary
There is no characteristic Gram stain in a patient with pneumococcal pneumonia
Gram-positive cocci in clusters suggest pneumococcal infection
A 30-year-old man presents to the emergency department with sudden onset of severe epigastric pain and vomiting 3 hours ago. He reports a 6-month history of chronic epigastric pain occurring nearly every day and relieved by antacids. On examination, he appears sweaty and avoids movement. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 100°F, BP of 100/60 mmHg, pulse rate of 110/min, and respiratory rate of 12/min. The remainder of his examination reveals diminished bowel sounds and a markedly tender and rigid abdomen. A chest x-ray and abdominal films reveal pneumoperitoneum. Which of the following is the most appropriate next diagnostic test?
CT scan
UGI water-soluble contrast study
Lower GI water-soluble contrast study
Abdominal ultrasound
None of the above
A 30-year-old obese woman comes to the physician with a six-month history of oligomenorrhea. She has never had this problem before. She has no galactorrhea. She has gained significant weight over the past two years despite a regular exercise program. She has also experienced hair loss during this time. She has had regular Pap smears since the age of 21; none of which have shown any abnormalities. She takes no medications. She does not use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Her mother has a history of endometrial carcinoma and her grandmother had a history of ovarian carcinoma. Physical examination shows male pattern baldness. Abdominal and pelvic examination shows no abnormalities. A urine pregnancy test is negative. Serum prolactin level and thyroid function tests are normal. Which of the following is indicated in the initial workup of this patient?
Screening mammogram
Oral glucose tolerance test
CA-125 levels, annually
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Iron studies
A 30-year-old patient with a history of mild persistent asthma (baseline peak expiratory flow rate of 85%) presents to the emergency department with shortness of breath and wheezing that has not relieved by her albuterol inhaler for the past 12 hours. She was able to tolerate pulmonary function tests and a set was performed. Which of the following is the most likely test result?
Decreased FEV1, normal/increased FVC, decreased FEV1: FVC ratio, with post- bronchodilator FEV1 increased by 13%
Decreased residual volume and total lung capacity
Increased FEV1, increased FVC, normal FEV1: FVC ratio
Increased residual volume, increased total lung capacity, increased FEV1
Normal FEV1, decreased FVC, increased FEV1: FVC ratio
A 30-year-old white female presents with an attack of common migraine. This is her fourth attack of migraine over the last 4 months. Her attacks previously responded well to aspirin and ibuprofen; however, her current headache is very severe and not relieved by NSAIDs. She has been trying to conceive for the past 2 months. Six years ago, she was treated with isoniazid due to a positive PPD test. Her father died at the age of 45 from an acute myocardial infarction. Before starting therapy with serotonin agonists (e.g., sumatriptan), which of the following tests should be performed in this patient?
Liver function tests
Stress echocardiogram
PPD and chest x-ray
Pregnancy test
Visual field testing
A 30-year-old woman comes to the office due to the recent onset of fever, chills, and dysuria. Her temperature is 38.3°C (101.0°F), blood pressure is 110/70mm Hg, pulse is 68/min, and respirations are 15/min. Examination shows tenderness at the right costovertebral angle. Laboratory studies show WBC count of 16,000/microl with left shift. Urinalysis shows bacteriuria and pyuria. Her urine and blood is collected for culture and sensitivity. She is prescribed oral ciprofloxacin and sent home. After three days, she returns for a follow-up visit. She is still febrile, and the physical examination is unchanged. The blood cultures have no growth after 72 hours of incubation. Results of the urine culture show. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Start intravenous ampicillin and gentamicin
Start intravenous ciprofloxacin
Continue oral ciprofloxacin for another 10 days
Perform renal ultrasound
Renal CT scan
A 30-year-old woman presents for a physical examination for work. She denies any medical problems or surgeries in the past. She has had no pregnancies. She is sexually active and has been using oral contraceptive pills for the past 6 years. She denies any allergies to medications. On examination, her weight is 62 kg, blood pressure 120/78 mm Hg, pulse 76 beats per minute, respiratory rate 15 breaths per minute, temperature 36.8C (98.4F). Her physical examination is normal. Laboratory evaluation is also done. Which direct effect of birth control pills could be noted in the laboratory results?
Decreased glucose tolerance
Decreased binding globulins
Decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
Decreased triglycerides
Decreased hemoglobin concentration
A 30-year-old woman presents with a 5-month history of episodic retrosternal pain that radiates to the interscapular region. The pain episodes typically last 15 minutes, and are precipitated by emotional stress and hot or cold food. Her relative gave her sublingual nitroglycerine tablets, which alleviated the pain. Her past medical history is unremarkable, and she does not take any other medications. There is no family history of coronary artery disease. Her vital signs are within normal limits. Physical examination shows no abnormalities. A lipid profile is within normal limits. An EKG shows a normal sinus rhythm. A stress test fails to reproduce the symptoms or to induce ST/T wave changes. Chest x-ray, upper GI endoscopy, and echocardiography show no abnormalities. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in diagnosis?
CT scan of the chest with contrast
Esophageal motility studies (manometric recordings)
Coronary angiogram
Acid perfusion (Bernstein) test
Pulmonary perfusion/ventilation scintigraphy
A 30-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 2, at 26 weeks gestation comes to the physician because of a decrease in fetal movements. She has felt few fetal kicks the past 20 hours. Her prenatal course, prenatal tests and fetal growth have been normal. She has chronic hypertension and is now taking methyldopa and labetalol. Her previous pregnancies were uncomplicated and both delivered vaginally. She does not use tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Fetal heart tones are heard by Doppler. Non-stress test is reactive. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Repeat non-stress test weekly
Perform contraction stress test
Biophysical profile
Give vibroacoustic stimulation
Deliver the baby immediately
A 3010-g (6.6-lb) boy was born to a 37-year-old primagravida by spontaneous vaginal delivery after an uncomplicated pregnancy. On examination he has cyanotic extremities and a significant right precordial heave, a single S2, and a harsh systolic ejection murmur along the sternal border. He also has a prominent squared nose and cleft palate. An echocardiogram is subsequently performed and demonstrates tetralogy of Fallot. Corrective surgery is performed without complications. At 2 months of age the infant is diagnosed with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, and at 3 months he is diagnosed with fungal septicemia. Additional work-up of this child should include which of the following tests?
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Nitroblue tetrazolium
Quantitative immunoglobulin levels
Renal ultrasound
Serum calcium
A 31-year-old man is brought by helicopter to the trauma center after a motor vehicle accident in which he sustained massive lower extremity crush injury. The patient is alert and awake but in tremendous pain. His blood pressure is 140/80 mm Hg, and his pulse is 110/min. There is copious ongoing blood loss from the sites of injury. Urgent laboratory data will most likely show which of the following electrolyte abnormalities?
A 31-year-old man with severe kyphoscoliosis due to cerebral palsy is experiencing worsening shortness of breath with exertion. On examination, he has a severe scoliosis to the left and decreased air entry to that side. His right lung is clear, JVP is 3 cm, and heart sounds are normal. Pulmonary function tests are performed. Which of the following is the most likely abnormality to be seen on the pulmonary function tests?
Increased total lung capacity (TLC)
Increased functional residual capacity (FRC)
Decreased TLC
Increased compliance
Increased vital capacity (VC)
A 31-year-old pregnant woman 6–7 weeks from her last menses comes to the emergency department of your hospital complaining of lower abdominal pain for 3 hours. The pain is diffused in the lower abdomen but worse on the right side. Her serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration is 9600 mIU/mL. Which of the following is the strongest evidence that she has a tubal ectopic pregnancy?
Absence of an extrauterine sac on ultrasonography
Absence of blood on culdocentesis
Absence of a mass on bimanual examination
Absence of an intrauterine sac on ultrasonography
Her hCG concentration
A 31-year-old woman comes to the clinic for a preoperative evaluation. She is undergoing an infertility workup and a laparoscopy is planned. She and her husband have been trying to have a child for the last 5 years, but have not had any success. Over that time period, this woman has suffered three miscarriages. Her past medical history is remarkable for anemia, a history of depression, and a deep venous thrombus suffered during her first pregnancy. Her review of systems reveals diffuse arthralgias, but is otherwise unremarkable. She is currently not taking any medications, though she does report having a drug reaction to prenatal vitamins. Early in pregnancy, she had a red facial rash across her face that spared her nasolabial folds. Physical examination today is unremarkable. Laboratory studies, with the exception of a prothrombin time elevated to two times greater than normal, are unremarkable. Which of the following studies will most likely explain this patient’s laboratory abnormality?
Assay for cardiolipin antibody
Blood smear with manual review
Screening for Factor V Leiden mutation
Ristocetin cofactor analysis
Serologic test for syphilis
A 31-year-old woman presents to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath. She denies associated chest pain or palpitations. She tells you that she recently returned from a trip to Thailand. She smokes one pack of cigarettes per day and drinks alcohol occasionally. She is married and uses oral contraceptives. She has no significant past medical history. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg and her heart rate is 120/min. A negative result on which of the following tests would best exclude pulmonary venous thromboembolism in this patient?
Chest x-ray
Venous ultrasound
Plasma D-dimer
A 32-year-old Caucasian female comes to the physician because of a one-week history of fatigue, progressive worsening of shortness of breath and swelling of feet. She denies any chest pain. She has no other medical problems except a recent cold two weeks ago. She is not taking any medication. Her temperature is 36.7°C (98°F), blood pressure is 110/65 mmHg, pulse is 90/min, and respirations are 20/min. Bilateral basal crackles, elevated jugular venous pressure, and 2+ bilateral pitting edema of the ankles are noted. Complete blood count is unremarkable. Transthoracic echocardiogram of her heat will most likely show?
Concentric hypertrophy of the heart
Eccentric hypertrophy of the heart
Mitral stenosis
Hypokinesia of the inferior wall
Dilated ventricles with diffuse hypokinesia
A 32-year-old Caucasian female presents to your office with persistent cough and shortness of breath. She has had three episodes of pneumonia over the last year. She had severe sinusitis one year ago, and an episode of bloody diarrhea that required hospitalization and IV antibiotic therapy six months ago. She does not smoke or consume alcohol. She denies any illicit drug use. She is currently not taking any medications. All her immunizations are up-to-date. Her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg and heart rate is 90/min. Physical examination reveals fine crackles over the right lower lung lobe. No lower extremity edema is present. Neck palpation does not reveal any lymph node enlargement. The chest x-ray shows right lower lobe infiltrates and left upper lobe fibrosis. The ECG reveals non-specific ST segment and T wave changes. What is the best next step in the management of this patient?
Measurement of serum alpha-1-antitrypsin level
Methacholine challenge test
Quantitative measurement of serum lg levels
Sweat chloride test
Ventilation/perfusion lung scan
A 32-year-old Caucasian primigravida presents to your office in her 30'" week of pregnancy. On review of systems, she complains of leg swelling and occasional heartburn. She denies abdominal pain or vaginal discharge. She eats a balanced diet and takes folic acid supplements. Her blood pressure is 165/100 mmHg and her heart rate is 90/min. Which of the following additional findings is most likely in this patient?
Fasting hyperglycemia
A 32-year-old female from South America presents with a 3-month history of progressive difficulty with swallowing for both liquids and solids. At night she has a bitter taste in her mouth. Over the past two months, she has had a 10 lb (4.54 kg) weight loss. She has not had any previous illnesses, and does not take any medication. Physical examination is unremarkable. A lateral x-ray film of the chest shows extreme dilatation of the esophagus with an air fluid level. Which of the following is the diagnostic test for this patient's condition?
Barium swallow
PH monitoring
A 32-year-old female is being evaluated for abnormal uterine bleeding. A urine pregnancy test is negative. Pelvic ultrasound reveals endometrial hyperplasia and a right-sided adnexal mass. In this patient, the adnexal mass is most likely to be a?
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
Granulosa cell tumor
Fallopian tube cancer
A 32-year-old female is brought to the clinic by her husband because he believes she is a malingerer and is "just being difficult." Sometimes, she appears confused and disoriented. Over the past year, she has complained of visual loss, eye pain and inability to do any household chores. Two months ago, she claimed to have lost control of her bladder. Interestingly, she is "her normal self" when it is time to go for summer trips. The wife insists that she does not understand what is happening to her, and adds that she occasionally loses the ability to move her right hand. The physical examination is basically normal. The patient appears, alert, oriented, and is in no distress. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
MRI of the brain
Lumbar puncture
Serum immunoglobulins
Nerve conduction studies
A 32-year-old male presents to your office with concern about progressive fatigue and lower extremity edema. He has experienced decreased exercise tolerance over the past few months, and occasionally awakens coughing at night. Past medical history is significant for sickle cell anemia and diabetes mellitus. He has had multiple admissions to the hospital secondary to vasoocclusive crises since the age of three. Physical examination reveals a displaced PMI, but is otherwise unremarkable. ECG shows a first degree AV block and low voltage. Chest x-ray shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette with clear lung fields. Which of the following would be the best initial diagnostic approach?
Order brain-natriuretic peptide (BNP)
Order CT scan of the chest
Arrange for placement of a 24-hour ambulatory cardiac monitor
Arrange for cardiac catheterization
Order serum iron, iron-binding capacity, and ferritin level
A 32-year-old man is in a high-speed motorcycle collision and presents with an obvious pelvic fracture. On examination, he has a scrotal hematoma and blood at his urethral meatus. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in his management?
Placement of a Foley catheter
CT of the pelvis
Retrograde urethrogram
Nephrostomy tube placement
A 32-year-old man is intubated and mechanically ventilated after an opioid drug overdose. The ventilator triggers 12 breaths per minute, each delivering 500 ml of tidal volume at a flow rate of 60 L/min. You perform an inspiratory hold for 2 seconds following delivery of the tidal volume, and the airway pressure is measured to be 30 cm H2O. The measured pressure reflects which of the following?
Upper airway resistance
Total airway resistance
Pulmonary compliance
Expiratory muscle strength
End-expiratory pressure
A 32-year-old multiparous African-American woman comes for her initial prenatal visit at 14 weeks gestation. She complains of the recent appearance of facial hair and acne. The beta-HCG level is consistent with gestational age. Examination shows hirsutism. Ultrasonogram shows an intrauterine gestation consistent with dates and bilateral solid nodular masses in both ovaries. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Suction evacuation of uterus
Exploratory laparotomy
Ultrasound guided aspiration of the mass
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Reassurance and follow-up with ultrasonogram
A 32-year-old woman comes to the emergency department complaining of sudden onset shortness of breath accompanied by a non-productive cough and left-sided chest discomfort that increases on inspiration. She denies subjective fever, coughing up blood, wheezing, palpitations, leg pain, and swelling of the lower extremities or any recent travel. Past medical history is significant for an appendectomy at age 15. Her medications include birth control pills and over- the-counter vitamins. She is a known carrier of sickle cell trait. Her father, age 65, has had diabetes for 20 years; mother, age 58, has coronary artery disease. She has never been pregnant, drinks alcohol socially and does not smoke. Her temperature is 99°F (38°C), blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, pulse 130/min and respirations are 33/min. Pulse oximetry shows an oxygen saturation of 85% on 6 liters of oxygen. Her BMI is 30 kg/m2. She is alert and cooperative without cyanosis or jaundice. Her lungs are clear to auscultation. Her abdomen is soft, nondistended and non-tender. Which of the following is the best test to confirm this patient's diagnosis?
EKG and cardiac enzymes
Doppler ultrasound of lower extremities
Spiral CT-Scan of the chest
Chest-x ray and sputum cultures
A 32-year-old woman consults with you for evaluation of an abnormal Pap smear done by a nurse practitioner at a family planning clinic. The Pap smear shows evidence of a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL). You perform colposcopy in the office. Your colposcopic impression is of acetowhite changes suggestive of human papilloma virus infection (HPV). Your biopsies show chronic cervicitis but no evidence of dysplasia. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
Cryotherapy of the cervix
Laser ablation of the cervix
Conization of the cervix
Repeat the Pap smear in 3 to 6 months
A 32-year-old woman presents to the ED with a persistent fever of 101°F over the last 3 days. The patient states that she used to work as a convenience store clerk but was fired 2 weeks ago. Since then, she has been using drugs intravenously daily. Cardiac examination reveals a heart murmur. Her abdomen is soft and nontender with an enlarged spleen. Chest radiograph reveals multiple patchy infiltrates in both lung fields. Laboratory results reveal white blood cells (WBC) 14,000/μL with 91% neutrophils, hematocrit 33%, and platelets 250/μL. An ECG reveals sinus rhythm with first-degree heart block. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Obtain four sets of blood cultures, order a TTE, and start antibiotic treatment
Order a monospot test and recommend that the patient refrain from vigorous activities for 1 month
Administer a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and inform the patient she has pericarditis
Administer isoniazid (INH) and report the patient to the Department of Health
Order a Lyme antibody and begin antibiotic therapy
A 33-year-old African-American woman presents with one week of painful skin lesions on her legs. She has no cough, shortness of breath or bowel symptoms, and denies any recent illness or travel. She has no other significant past medical history and does not take any medication. She smokes one pack of cigarettes and drinks one glass of wine daily. She denies a history of sexually transmitted diseases and has been married to a monogamous partner for the past eight years. Her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 65. Her temperature is 37.2°C (98.9°F), and blood pressure is 126/76 mmHg. On examination, she has multiple tender pink to reddish nodules noted below the knee on the extensor surface, as shown below. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in her management?
CT scan of the abdomen
HIV testing
Chest x-ray
Rectal swab for culture
A 33-year-old male was involved in a motor vehicle accident with numerous rib fractures. His course in the hospital was complicated by difficulty with deep breathing and later developed pneumonia. The chest x-ray later confirmed that the patient had developed a parapneumonic effusion. Which one of the following laboratory tests on the pleural fluid is currently thought to be most helpful in determining the need for chest tube placement in parapneumonic effusion?
Lactate dehydrogenase
WBC count
Pleural fluid pH
Total protein
Color of the pleural fluid
A 33-year-old woman comes to the emergency department due to a 4-day history of left-sided flank pain, nausea, vomiting, fevers and chills. Her temperature is 39°C (102°F) and blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg. Examination shows significant left costovertebral angle tenderness. Urinalysis shows positive nitrites, many WBC and bacteria. Laboratory studies show a WBC count of 17,000/cmm with 8% bands. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Intravenous pyelogram
Intravenous antibiotics
Blood cultures
CT scan of the abdomen
Ultrasound of the abdomen
A 33-year-old woman, gravida 1, para 0, comes for a routine prenatal visit, for the first time. According to her history, she is at 18-weeks gestation. Her family history is significant for Down syndrome on her maternal side. She does not use tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Vital signs are normal, and physical examination is unremarkable. Initial laboratory studies show a decreased maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP). Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Chorionic villus sampling
Urinary estradiol levels
A 33-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 3, comes to the physician for an annual examination. She has no complaints. Past medical history is significant for two episodes of Chlamydia and one episode of gonorrhea. Obstetric history is significant for three normal spontaneous vaginal deliveries with gestational diabetes during the last two pregnancies. She takes no medications. Family history is significant for paternal coronary artery disease. Physical examination is unremarkable. Which of the following interventions should this patient most likely have?
Chest x-ray every 3 years
Coronary angiography every 3 years
Fasting glucose testing every 3 years
Mammography every 3 years
Pap testing every 3 years
A 33-year-old woman, otherwise perfectly well, presents with recurrent episodes of hemoptysis. She has no fever, weight loss, cough, or sputum production. Her physical examination is entirely normal. Her CXR, biochemisty, CBC, and coagulation profile are also normal. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial diagnostic test?
Gallium scan
CT scan of chest
Pulmonary function tests
A 34-year-old African American man presents with mild dyspnea on exertion and joint discomfort in his knees, wrists, and ankles. He also has a fever and red tender rash on his shins. Physical examination reveals hepatosplenomegaly, generalized lymphadenopathy, and tender erythematous nodules on his legs. CXR shows bilateral symmetric hilar adenopathy. Which of the following laboratory findings is not characteristic of this condition?
Elevated ACE level
Elevated sedimentation rate (ESR)
Elevated serum calcium
Normal gallium scan
A 34-year-old Caucasian man presents to your office with a several day history of difficulty walking. He also describes some "funny" sensations in his feet. He denies any recent skin rash, diarrhea, or joint pain. His past medical history is significant only for a recent mild respiratory infection. He visited his friends in Connecticut one month ago. He smokes one pack of cigarettes a day and admits to occasional IV drug use. He is not sexually active. His temperature is 36°C (98°F), heart rate is 90/min, respirations are 20/min, and blood pressure is 160/100 mmHg. Chest examination is unremarkable. Abdomen is soft and non-tender. The liver span is 8 cm and the spleen is not palpable. Cranial nerves II-XII are intact. Muscle strength is reduced in the lower extremities but well preserved in the upper extremities. Lower extremity sensation is decreased. Stroking the soles of the feet elicits extension of the great toe. Which of the following is most likely to diagnose this patient's condition?
CT scan of the brain
MRI of the spine
Serologic tests for B. burgdorferi
Lumbar puncture
A 34-year-old female comes to your office for an infertility evaluation. She has been having irregular menstrual cycles for the past five years, stating that her menstrual periods come on average once every two to three months. Her past medical history is not significant. She is not taking any medications currently. Her blood pressure is 145/96 mmHg and heart rate is 72/min. Her BMI is 33 kg/m2. Physical examination reveals facial acne and excessive hair growth over the upper lip and chin. Which of the following is the most likely pathologic finding in this patient?
Polycystic kidneys
Enlarged ovaries
Pituitary adenoma
Atrophic adrenals
Atrophic endometrium
A 34-year-old G2P1 at 31 weeks gestation presents to labor and delivery with complaints of vaginal bleeding earlier in the day that resolved on its own. She denies any leakage of fluid or uterine contractions. She reports good fetal movement. In her last pregnancy, she had a low transverse cesarean delivery for breech presentation at term. She denies any medical problems. Her vital signs are normal and electronic external monitoring reveals a reactive fetal heart rate tracing and no uterine contractions. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
Send her home, since the bleeding has completely resolved and she is experiencing good fetal movements
Perform a sterile digital examination
Perform an amniocentesis to rule out infection
Perform a sterile speculum examination
Perform an ultrasound examination
A 34-year-old immigrant from Mexico presents following an episode of massive hemoptysis. He describes bringing up large amounts of bright red, foamy sputum. He denies any recent trauma. On physical examination, the patient is agitated and has difficulty speaking. His blood pressure is 100/60 mmHg and his heart rate is 110/min. On physical examination, breath sounds are audible bilaterally. You immediately initiate intravenous infusion of crystalloid. Portable chest x-ray shows opacity in the right upper lobe. Which of the following is the best next step in the management of this patient?
Chest CT scan
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Pulmonary arteriography with embolization
Immediate thoracotomy
A 34-year-old male is recovering from head trauma sustained in a motor vehicle accident. He is currently in the intensive care unit on mechanical ventilation. His most recent arterial blood gas analysis shows: pH 7.54, PaO2 124 mmHg, PaCO2 20 mmHg, Bicarbonate 17 mEq/L. Which of the following additional findings do you most expect in this patient?
Low urine bicarbonate excretion
High urine pH
High serum aldosterone level
High serum anion gap
High serum albumin level
A 34-year-old man complains of severe abdominal pain. He describes the pain as "sharp" and "unbearable." It is located in the lower left abdomen and radiates to the perineum. He has vomited twice since the pain began. He denies dysuria. On exam, he is afebrile. He cannot lie still on the examination table due to his discomfort. Mucus membranes appear slightly dry. Lungs are clear to auscultation. Heart sounds are normal and there are no murmurs or gallops. His abdomen is soft and non-tender to palpation. Inspection and palpation of his genitalia is unrevealing. Extremities have no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Which of the following is the best test to diagnose this patient's condition?
Abdominal and pelvic X-ray
Abdominal CT scan
Urinalysis and urine culture
Radioisotope (HIDA) scanning
A 34-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. He was the restrained front passenger. He has had epigastric pain since the accident. He is hemodynamically stable and has no obvious injury or other complaints. An x-ray of the abdomen shows retroperitoneal air. Which of the following is the most appropriate test to confirm the diagnosis?
CT scan of the abdomen without contrast
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
CT scan of the abdomen with oral contrast
Ultrasonogram of the abdomen
A 34-year-old man presents to your office for a routine check-up. He has no current complaints except for being "a little stressed out." He works as an executive officer and travels a lot within the country. He does not smoke and consumes alcohol occasionally. He currently takes no medications. His family history is insignificant. His blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg and heart rate is 80/min. Chest examination is unremarkable. The liver span is 8 cm and the spleen is not palpable. There is no cervical lymphadenopathy. Laboratory studies show: Erythrocyte count 5 million/mm3, Hemoglobin 14.0 g/dL, Leukocyte count 8,000/mm3, Platelet count 80,000/mm3. Which of the following is the best initial test for this patient?
Epstein-Barr virus titers
HIV antibody test
Rapid plasma reagin test
Schilling test
Blood folate level
A 34-year-old unrestrained male driver is brought to the ER after a motor vehicle accident. His cervical spine is immobilized. At the scene of the accident, his blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg and heart rate is 130/min. He is able to communicate and follows simple commands. Lungs are clear to auscultation. Abdominal wall ecchymosis is present. Abdomen is mildly distended. Bowel sounds are decreased. Neck veins are collapsed. After two liters of intravenous fluids, his blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management of this patient?
Focused assessment with sonography
X-ray films of the abdomen and pelvis
CT scan of the chest
A 34-year-old white woman is treated for a UTI with amoxicillin. Initially she improves, but 5 days after beginning treatment, she develops recurrent fever, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea with six to eight loose stools per day. What is the best diagnostic test to confirm your diagnosis?
Identification of Clostridium difficile toxin in the stool
Isolation of C difficile in stool culture
Stool positive for white blood cells (fecal leukocytes)
Detection of IgG antibodies against C difficile in the serum
Visualization of clue cells on microscopic examination of stool
A 34-year-old woman comes to your office to establish primary care. While she has no current complaints and reports herself to be “fairly healthy,” she wishes to see a doctor regularly for preventive medicine. She does regular breast examinations on herself, has a good diet and exercise, and has no family history of malignancy or chronic disease. While all of her other habits are healthy, she reluctantly admits to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. She had a “cervical smear” in her twenties, which she says was normal, and has never had a mammogram or ultrasound of her breasts. She reports being sexually active, and that she practices safe sex. Physical examination reveals a young woman in no apparent distress, with unremarkable vital signs. Her examination, including a breast and genitourinary exam, is normal. Which of the following is the most appropriate screening exam at this time?
Bone density measurement to screen for osteoporosis
Lipid level to screen for dyslipidemia
Mammogram to screen for breast cancer
Papanicolaou smear to screen for cervical cancer
X-ray of thorax to screen for lung and breast cancer
A 34-year-old woman complains of occasional diarrhea and crampy lower abdominal pain. She says that at times her symptoms hamper her performance in important business meetings. The pain sometimes occurs after meals but is not always preceded by eating. The pain is often accompanied by diarrhea with small amounts of stool and mucus. Her past medical history is significant for bleeding hemorrhoids. Her mother died of colon cancer. Which of the following findings is most likely in this patient?
Normal colonic mucosa
Crypt abscesses
Folic acid deficiency
Duodenal ulcer
Intestinal villous atrophy
A 34-year-old woman has recurrent fainting spells induced by fasting. She also reports palpitations, trembling, diaphoresis, and confusion prior to the syncopal episodes. She has relief of symptoms with the administration of glucose. Which of the following findings is most consistent with the diagnosis of an insulinoma?
Serum glucose level > 50 mg/dL, elevated serum insulin levels, elevated C-peptide levels
Serum glucose level > 50 mg/dL, elevated serum insulin levels, decreased C-peptide levels
Serum glucose level < 50 mg/dL, elevated serum insulin levels, elevated C-peptide levels
Serum glucose level < 50 mg/dL, elevated serum insulin levels, decreased C-peptide levels
Serum glucose level < 50 mg/dL, decreased serum insulin levels, decreased C-peptide levels
A 34-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital because of septic shock secondary to a urinary tract infection. In the intensive care unit, she receives intravenous fluids and antibiotics. Her initial ECG shows sinus tachycardia but is otherwise unremarkable. Chest x-ray shows no abnormalities. An internal jugular vein catheter is placed on the right side using ultrasound guidance to locate the vein. The patient is properly draped, and the skin is cleaned with chlorhexidine solution. Blood is freely aspirated from all ports after insertion. Vital signs are stable, and oxygenation is maintained. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in managing this patient?
Antibiotic installation into the catheter
Heparin installation into the catheter
Portable chest x-ray
Repeat 12-lead ECG
A 34-year-old woman presents with hypertension, generalized weakness, and polyuria. Her electrolyte panel is significant for hypokalemia. Which of the following is the best initial test given her presentation and laboratory findings?
Plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration
Urine electrolytes
Plasma cortisol level
Overnight low-dose dexamethasone suppression test
Twenty-four-hour urinary aldosterone level
A 34-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 2 at term comes to the labor and delivery ward with a gush of blood, abdominal pain, and irregular, painful contractions. Her prenatal course was significant for her being Rh negative and antibody negative. Her temperature is 37 C (98.6 F), pulse is 110/minute, blood pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, and respirations are 12/minute. Abdominal examination shows a tender abdomen and cervical examination shows the cervix to be closed and long with a significant amount of blood in the vagina. The fetal heart rate is in the 170s with moderate to severe variable decelerations with contractions. The diagnosis of placental abruption is made and an emergent cesarean delivery is performed. To determine the correct amount of RhoGAM (anti-D immune globulin) that should be given, which of the following is the most appropriate laboratory test to send?
Apt test
Complete blood count
Partial thromboplastin time
Serum potassium
A 35-year-old alcoholic man is admitted with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain that radiates to the back. He has had several previous episodes of pancreatitis presenting with the same symptoms. Which of the following laboratory values suggests a poor prognosis in this patient?
Elevated serum lipase
Elevated serum amylase
Leukocytosis of 20,000/μm
Diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mm Hg
Heart rate of 100 beats/minute
A 35-year-old bank executive is brought to the emergency department after the sudden onset of a severe (10/10) headache, followed by a brief period of unconsciousness. His headache started while he was at a meeting and shortly thereafter, he vomited and lost consciousness. He regained consciousness soon afterwards, but was quite confused and irritable. His blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg, pulse is 90/min, temperature is 37.2°C (99°F), and respirations are 16/min. The physical examination reveals a normal pupil size, no congestion or inflammation of the eye, and no focal neurological deficits. The ECG reveals nonspecific ST and T wave changes. The CT scan shows a subarachnoid hemorrhage. What is the most likely expected electrolyte abnormality with the patient's disease?
A 35-year-old Caucasian male is being evaluated for poor exercise tolerance and muscle weakness. He has no past medical history. His blood pressure ranges from 175-185 mmHg systolic and 105-115 mmHg diastolic on repeat measurement. His heat rate is 78-95/min His serum chemistry is significant for blood glucose of 95 mg/dL serum creatinine of 0.7mg/dL serum Na of 146 mEq/L and serum K of 2.4 mEq/L. CT scan of the abdomen reveals a 3 cm mass in the left adrenal gland. Which of the following additional findings would you expect in this patient? ( Plasma renin activity, Serum aldosterone, Serum bicarbonate )
High High Low
High High High
Low High High
Low High Low
High Low High
A 35-year-old Caucasian male presents with weakness, fatigue, and weight loss over the past year. He is anorexic and has lost interest in all his activities. His temperature is 37.1°C (99°F), pulse is 84/min, blood pressure is 101/72 mmHg, and respirations are 14/min. On physical examination, he does not appear to be in acute distress. Dark brown pigmentation is present on his skin creases and oral cavity mucous membranes. Laboratory studies show: Hemoglobin 10.3 g/dL, WBC count 3,000/micro-L, Neutrophils 60%, Monocytes 5%,Eosinophils 10%, Basophils 1%, Lymphocytes 24%, Serum sodium 130 meq/L, Serum potassium 5.5 meq/L. Chest x-ray and PPD tests are normal. What is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
24-hour urinary free cortisol
Low-dose overnight dexamethasone suppression test
Cosyntropin stimulation test
Measure plasma ACTH level
Begin intravenous hydrocortisone
A 35-year-old female complains of nipple discharge. The discharge is from both breasts, brown in color and occurs intermittently. She has two children who are 5 and 8 years old. She has not been recently pregnant. Her last menstrual period was one week ago. She describes no other symptoms. Examination shows normal breasts without palpable lumps or nipple abnormalities. Brownish discharge is expressed from the nipples, and it is guaiac negative. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Cytologic examination
Serum prolactin and TSH levels
Surgical evaluation
A 35-year-old G3P3 with a Pap smear showing high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of the cervix (CIN III) has an inadequate colposcopy. Cone biopsy of the cervix shows squamous cell cancer that has invaded only 1 mm beyond the basement membrane. There are no confluent tongues of tumor, and there is no evidence of lymphatic or vascular invasion. The margins of the cone biopsy specimen are free of disease. How should you classify or stage this patient’s disease?
Carcinoma of low malignant potential
Microinvasive cancer, stage Ia1
Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
Carcinoma in situ
Invasive cancer, stage IIa
A 35-year-old male complains of substernal chest pain aggravated by inspiration and relieved by sitting up. Lung fields are clear to auscultation, and heart sounds are somewhat distant. Chest x-ray shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette. Which of the following is the best next step in evaluation?
Right lateral decubitus chest x-ray
Cardiac catheterization
Serial ECGs
Thallium stress test
A 35-year-old male is brought to the emergency room with headaches and confusion for the past 2 days. He denies any focal weakness or sensory symptoms. His past medical history is significant for HIV and hepatitis C infections for which he is not receiving therapy. The remainder of his medical history is unobtainable due to his mental status. On physical exam, he has a temperature of 37.9°C (100.2°F), a blood pressure of 140/86 mm Hg, a pulse of 96/min, and respirations of 16/min. Mild icterus is present. The patient's oropharynx is clear and his neck is supple and without rigidity. Examination of his chest and abdomen are unremarkable. Neurologic examination reveals no focal deficits. Laboratory studies show: Complete blood count:Hemoglobin 7.6 g/L, MCV 85 fl, Reticulocytes 8.1%, Platelet count 80,000/mm3, Leukocyte count 3,500/mm3. Chemistry panel: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 30 mg/dL, Serum creatinine 2.2 mg/dL, Serum calcium 10.0 mg/dL, Blood glucose 98 mg/dL. Liver studies:Total bilirubin 3.6 mg/dL, Direct bilirubin 1.0 mg/dL, Alkaline phosphatase 120 U/L, Aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT) 178 U/L, Alanine aminotransferase (SGPT) 255 U/L. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
Liver biopsy
Peripheral blood smear
Right upper quadrant ultrasound
Lumbar puncture
CT scan of the head
A 35-year-old male with severe persistent bronchial asthma requiring multiple medications presents complaining of weight gain over the past several months despite no changes in appetite, diet, or activity level. He denies alcohol, tobacco, and drug use and has no other significant past medical history. On physical examination, he has a blood pressure of 143/92 mm Hg, a heart rate of 65/min, a temperature of 98.7°F, and a respiratory rate of 16/min. There is moderate supraclavicular fullness, and his skin is thin with areas of bruising and acne. Neurologic exam reveals decreased proximal muscle strength. Which of the following findings is most likely to also be present in this patient?
A 35-year-old man presents with gastrointestinal complaints for the last 4 months. He currently has fever, bloody diarrhea, nausea, and severe abdominal cramps. He has lost 20 lb (9kg), and has also been feeling fatigued and anorexic. His temperature is 37.3°C (99.1° F), blood pressure is 110/74 mm Hg, pulse is 98/min, and respirations are 22/min. Physical examination reveals tenderness in the right lower quadrant. Digital rectal examination is positive for occult blood. His blood work shows: WBC 11,600 /mm3, Hemoglobin 9.6 g/dl, Hematocrit 30%, Platelets 214,000 /mm3. Flexible sigmoidoscopy reveals larger areas of ulceration within the colon. What is the best next step in the management of this patient?
Refer him for procto-colectomy
Dietary modification and reassurance
Give sulfasalazine
Perform a biopsy of the colon lesion
Give a bolus of corticosteroids
A 35-year-old man who has had type 1 diabetes for many years undergoes a pancreas transplant with enteric drainage (connection of the donor duodenum to the recipient jejunum). Postoperatively, he has increased pain near his pancreas transplant. Which of the following should be performed to confirm a diagnosis of rejection?
Percutaneous biopsy of the transplanted pancreas
Measurement of serum amylase levels
Measurement of serum lipase levels
Measurement of urinary amylase levels
Determination of the ratio of the level of urinary amylase to serum amylase
A 35-year-old white female slipped and fell on her side 2 days ago while she was going down the stairs from her house. Since that time, she has been having pain in her right shoulder. She describes this as an ache, which has been about the same over the last couple of days. She has tried ibuprofen, with only slight relief. She denies smoking and alcohol use. Examination suggests a shoulder sprain. You order an x-ray and see a normal shoulder but incidentally a 1.5cm coin-shaped lesion, in the outer side of right lung with well-aerated surrounding lung. She denies any respiratory complaints. What is the next best step regarding her lung lesion?
Ask for an old X-ray
CT scan chest
Fine needle aspiration
Open lung biopsy
A 35-year-old woman comes to the clinic because of a left breast “thickness.” She noted this 5months ago and it has not receded. She has no family history of breast cancer. There is no drainage. She denies any pain. She has no other medical issues. She takes no birth control pills or any other medication. Examination shows a palpable mass in the left breast at 9 o’clock. A mammogram is nondiagnostic. Which of the following is the appropriate course of action?
Observe and repeat mammogram in 1 month
Prescribe hormone replacement therapy
Schedule breast ultrasound
Schedule a lumpectomy
Schedule a mastectomy
A 35-year-old woman presents to the physician's office after she palpated a lump in her right breast. She has no other complaints. She has not seen a doctor for 10 years. She regularly performs breast self-exams after menses. She has no significant past medical history. Her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 40. Breast examination shows a 1 x 1 cm, rubbery, firm, freely mobile round mass in the upper, outer quadrant of the right breast; no axillary lymph nodes are palpable. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Excisional biopsy
Fine needle aspiration
A 36-year-old female complains of inability to lose weight despite low-calorie diet and daily exercise. She has also noticed that she is cold intolerant. She is wearing a jacket even though it is summer. She also reports constipation and hair loss. These symptoms have been worsening over the past 2 to 3 months. An elevated TSH and low total and free T4 confirm your suspicion of hypothyroidism. You suspect the etiology of this patient’s hypothyroidism to be autoimmune thyroiditis. What is the best test to confirm the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis?
Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb)
Antinuclear antibody
24-hour radioactive iodine uptake
Thyroid ultrasound
Thyroid aspiration
A 36-year-old forest worker is brought to the emergency department after being hit by a falling tree, 3 hours ago. He has pain in the left subscapular region. His temperature is 36C (96.9F), blood pressure is 120/76 mm Hg, pulse is 90/min, and respirations are 18/min. Physical examination shows aggravation of the pain in the left subscapular region with taking a deep breath and with anteroposterior and lateral chest compression. He has ecchymoses on the anterior and posterior chest and on the upper abdominal wall. His abdomen is vaguely tender to palpation in the left upper quadrant (LUQ) and he has left costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness. Examination otherwise shows no abnormalities. An x-ray film of the chest shows posterior factures of the 8th, 9th and 1Oth ribs on the left. An x-ray film of the abdomen shows blunting of the left psoas shadow. Abdominal ultrasound shows no abnormalities. Laboratory studies show: Hb 15.3 g/dL, Hematocrit 43%, WBC 6,200/mm3, Urinary sediment Many erythrocytes; WBC 4-5/hpf; oxalate crystals. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Intravenous pyelography
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
CT with contrast
Lumbar spine X-ray
Renal angiography
A 36-year-old G3P2002 with an IUP at 38 weeks presents for shortness of breath. Shortness of breath has been gradually getting worse for the past 2 weeks. The patient states that she now needs to sleep with three pillows to feel like she can breathe. Vital sign: BP, 135/80 mm Hg; P, 78 beats/min; R, 26 breaths/min; T, 98.6°F. She said: chest pain: Negative, cough: Negative, hemoptysis: Negative, fever: Negative, edema: Positive, fetal movement: Positive, contractions: Negative, vaginal bleeding: Negative, leakage of fluid: Negative. Physical Exam: cardiovascular system (CVS): S1S2 +Regular Rate and Rhythm (RRR) no murmurs, lungs: + Crackles bilaterally, Abdominal: gravid, Extremities: 2+ edema bilaterally. What is the next best step in the management of this patient?
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
Chest computed tomography (CT)
A 36-year-old male comes to the emergency department because of worsening right lower quadrant (RLQ) abdominal pain. One week ago he was started on cephalexin for furunculosis. He has had type I diabetes mellitus for 1Oyears and is on insulin. His temperature is 38.83°C (101.9°F). Examination shows multiple furuncles on the inner side of both thighs; most of them are in regression. Abdominal examination shows tenderness on deep palpation in RLQ without rebound or guarding; no masses are palpated; psoas sign is positive; bowel sounds are present. Rectal examination shows no abnormalities. Laboratory studies show: Hemoglobin 13.0 g/L, Leukocyte count 17,500/mm3. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
CT of abdomen
AP and lateral lumbar films
A 36-year-old male patient, who has a history of Marfan's syndrome, presents with sudden onset of severe central tearing chest pain radiating to his back. The pain is 9/10 in severity and is unrelated to exertion. He denies any history of alcohol or tobacco use. Measurement of his BP shows a difference of 35 mmHg between his two arms. Chest auscultation reveals clear lung sounds and a mid-systolic click. What is the most appropriate next diagnostic step in the management of this patient?
Transesophageal echocardiography
Transthoracic echocardiogram
Cardiac enzymes
Coronary angiogram
Ventilation-perfusion scans
A 36-year-old man is in your intensive care unit on mechanical ventilation following thoracotomy for a 24-hour-old esophageal perforation. His WBC is markedly elevated, and he is febrile, hypotensive, and coagulopathic. His NG tube fills with blood and continues to bleed. Which of the following findings on upper endoscopy would be most suspicious for stress gastritis?
Multiple, shallow lesions with discrete areas of erythema along with focal hemorrhage in the antrum
Multiple, shallow lesions with discrete areas of erythema along with focal hemorrhage in the fundus
Multiple deep ulcerations extending into and through the muscularis mucosa in the antrum
Multiple deep ulcerations extending into and through the muscularis mucosa in the fundus
Single deep ulceration extending into and through the muscularis mucosa in the fundus
A 36-year-old man presents to your office for a routine pre-employment physical. He has no complaints except for occasional morning headaches. His father died suddenly at the age of 54. The patient's blood pressure is 175/103 mmHg in the right arm and 180/105 mmHg in the left arm. His heart rate is 82/min. His lungs are clear bilaterally and his heart sounds are normal. Bilateral, non-tender, upper abdominal masses are palpated on exam. His hemoglobin level is 15.2 g/dL and creatinine concentration is 0.8 mg/dL. Which of the following is most likely to diagnose this patient's condition?
Urine metanephrines
Abdominal ultrasound
Captopril-enhanced radionuclide renal scan
Aldosterone: renin ratio
24-hour urine cortisol
A 36-year-old man sustains a gunshot wound to the left buttock. He is hemodynamically stable. There is no exit wound, and an x-ray of the abdomen shows the bullet to be located in the right lower quadrant. Which of the following is most appropriate in the management of his suspected rectal injury?
Barium studies of the colon and rectum
Barium studies of the bullet track
CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis
Sigmoidoscopy in the ER
A 36-year-old white female comes to the office due to swelling in front of her neck. She denies any hoarseness, dysphagia, fever, chills, diarrhea, constipation, heat or cold intolerance, and changes in appetite or weight. Her menstrual cycles are regular. She does not have any history of head and neck irradiation. Her family history is negative for thyroid problems. Her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, pulse is 80/min, respirations are 16/min, and temperature is 36.7°C (98.0°F). Examination of the neck shows a 2 x 2 cm, discrete, non-tender, firm, mobile nodule in the left thyroid lobe. There is no cervical lymphadenopathy. The rest of the examination is normal. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the evaluation of this patient?
Measurement of TSH
Measurement of free T4 and anti-thyroid antibodies
Radionuclide scan with iodine 131
Fine needle aspiration biopsy
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland
A 36-year-old woman comes to your office complaining of a 12-month history of inter-menstrual bleeding and heavy menses. She has had type-2 diabetes for the past 4-years, managed with glipizide and metformin. She has no family history of gynecological malignancies. She does not use tobacco or alcohol. Her temperature is 37.2 C (98.9 F), and blood pressure is 126/76 mm Hg. Her BMI is 30 Kg/m2. Physical examination shows pale mucus membranes. Pelvic examination is within normal limits; no vaginal lesions are noted. Urine pregnancy test is negative. Her hemoglobin is 10.8 g/dl and platelet count is 223,000/mm3. Coagulation studies are within normal limits. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Prescribe combined oral contraceptive pills
Conjugated estrogens for 3-months
Cyclic progestins
Endometrial ablation
Endometrial biopsy
A 36-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department after she jumped from the second floor of a burning building. On arrival examination shows an unconscious woman with blood coming from her nose and with an open tibial fracture of left leg. Her eyes are closed and her pupils are equal and responsive bilaterally. She makes muffled sounds and responds to pain by opening the eyes and moving all the limbs. After the initial resuscitation, which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
CT scan of head
X-ray of left leg
X-ray of spine
Lumbar puncture
X-ray of head
A 36-year-old woman presents to the ED with sudden onset of left-sided chest pain and mild shortness of breath that began the night before. She was able to fall asleep without difficulty but woke up in the morning with persistent pain that is worsened upon taking a deep breath. She walked up the stairs at home and became very short of breath, which made her come to the ED. Two weeks ago, she took a 7-hour flight from Europe and since then has left-sided calf pain and swelling. What is the most common ECG finding for this patient’s presentation?
S1Q3T3 pattern
Atrial fibrillation
Right-axis deviation
Right-atrial enlargement
Tachycardia or nonspecific ST-T–wave changes
A 36-year-old woman presents to the physician's office after she palpated a lump in her right breast. She has no other complaints. She has not seen a doctor for 10 years. She regularly performs breast self-exams after menses. She has no significant past medical history. Her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 40. Breast examination shows a 1 x 1 cm rubbery, firm, freely mobile, round mass in the upper, outer quadrant of the right breast. No axillary lymph nodes are palpable. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Repeat physical exam in 6 months
Excisional biopsy
Core needle biopsy
Mammography and ultrasound
A 37-year-old male is being evaluated after a motor vehicle accident. He complains of right sided chest pain. Physical examination reveals mild bruising over the right chest wall, and is otherwise unremarkable. Chest x-ray shows no rib fractures but a solitary round lesion is seen in the right upper lobe of the lung. Upon further questioning the patient denies recent weight loss or appetite change. He has never smoked cigarettes. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of his lung lesion?
CT-guided biopsy
CT scan of the chest
Obtain previous x-rays to compare
Obtain whole body CT scan
A 37-year-old pregnant woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic hypertension is 35 weeks’ pregnant. Which of the following is the best test to screen for fetal well-being?
Nonstress test (NST)
Oxytocin challenge test
Fetal movement counting
Fetal biophysical profile
A 37-year-old woman presents for evaluation of abnormal liver chemistries. She has long-standing obesity (current BMI 38) and has previously taken anorectic medications but not for the past several years. She takes no other medications and has not used parenteral drugs or had high risk sexual exposure. On examination, her liver span is 13 cm; she has no spider angiomas or splenomegaly. Several sets of liver enzymes have shown transaminases two to three times normal. Bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase are normal. Hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis C antibody are normal, as are serum iron and total iron-binding capacity. Which of the following is the likely pathology on liver biopsy?
Macrovesicular fatty liver
Microvesicular fatty liver
Portal triaditis with piecemeal necrosis
Copper deposition
A 38-year-old immigrant from Latin America sustained a third-degree burn in the lateral aspect of her lower leg when she was 14. The burn was untreated. Ever since the incident, she has had shallow ulcerations at the scar site that heal and break down all the time. In the past few months she has developed an indolent, dirty-looking, deeper ulcer at the site, with "heaped up" tissue growth around the edges. The ulcer is steadily growing and showing no signs of healing. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in diagnosis?
Doppler studies
Venous pressure tracings
Culture of the ulcer base
Biopsy of the ulcer edge
A 38-year-old woman comes to the emergency department because of the sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. The pain started one hour ago in the epigastrium but now it is mostly localized to the lower abdomen. She has some nausea but denies any vomiting. Her last menstrual period (LMP) was 25 days ago. Her temperature is 36.8C (98.1F), blood pressure is 160/90 mm Hg, pulse is 110/min, and respirations are 25/min. The abdomen is tender on palpation with prominent guarding and positive rebound. There is no shifting dullness, and bowel sounds are absent. Laboratory studies show: Hb 13.1 g/dl, Hct 43%, WBC 10,900/mm3. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Abdominal CT scan
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
Pelvic ultrasound
Pregnancy test
Upright abdominal X- ray
A 39-year-old male with a prior history of myocardial infarction complains of yellow bumps on his elbows and buttocks. Yellow-colored cutaneous plaques are noted in those areas. The lesions occur in crops and have a surrounding reddish halo. Which of the following is the best next step in evaluation of this patient?
Biopsy of skin lesions
Lipid profile
Uric acid level
Chest x-ray
Liver enzymes
A 39-year-old woman comes to the office and complains of double vision. She feels "weak all over," especially at the end of the day. She had the same complaints 8 months ago that persisted for several weeks, but she didn't see a doctor because she had no insurance then. She has no past medical history. Her mother has rheumatoid arthritis, and her brother has type 1 diabetes mellitus. Her vital signs are normal. She has diplopia and mild ptosis. Her blood profile, CBC and thyroid tests are within normal limits. Electromyography and repetitive nerve stimulation reveals a decremental response in compound action potentials. Her acetylcholine receptor antibody test is positive. Which of the following tests should be ordered next?
Muscle biopsy
Edrophonium (Tensilon) test
Anti-Jo antibodies
Anti-RNP antibodies
CT scan of chest
A 4-week-old infant is brought to the office due to several episodes of vomiting over the past week. The episodes have progressively become more frequent and forceful, but the vomitus never contains any blood or bile. The infant has been breastfed since birth. His vital signs are stable, and he is afebrile. An olive-shaped mass is palpated just to the right of the umbilicus, and peristaltic waves are seen in the upper abdomen. Lab studies reveal a sodium level of 135 mEq/L, potassium level of 3.3 mEq/L, chloride level of 92 mEq/L and bicarbonate level of 30 mEq/L. Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic test for this patient?
Abdominal ultrasound
Plain abdominal x-rays
Contrast radiography
CT scan of the abdomen
A 4-week-old male infant is brought to the office due to several episodes of projectile vomiting for the last few days. The vomitus contains milk and doesn't contain bile or blood. The child's appetite has increased for the last few days. He has been fed with goat's milk since birth, but doesn't seem to tolerate it anymore for the last few days. He vomits a few minutes after feedings. He appears dehydrated, and abdominal examination reveals no mass. Blood tests reveal macrocytosis. What is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
Barium swallowing
Ultrasound of the abdomen
Substitute goat's milk with another form of milk
Divide his feedings
Add folic acid to relieve his vomiting
A 4-year-old boy falls from the jungle gym at preschool. He sustains minor abrasions and contusions, and is taken care of by the school nurse. His parents take him that same afternoon to his regular pediatrician and demand "a thorough check-up" for possible internal injuries. The pediatrician complies, and a complete physical examination is normal. His hemoglobin is 14 g/dL, and a urinalysis shows the presence of microhematuria. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis
Reassure the parents that microhematuria from minor trauma will resolve spontaneously
Serial hemoglobin and hematocrit determinations
Urologic workup, starting with a sonogram
Retrograde ureterogram and cystogram
A 4-year-old boy from India presents with weakness. His parents note that he has been looking increasingly pale. Hemoglobin electrophoresis demonstrates an abnormal hemoglobin species. Genetic analysis indicates that the patient has the substitution of a valine for a glutamine in the sixth position of the betahemoglobin chain. Which of the following will most likely be seen on his blood smear?
Hypochromic, sickled red blood cells
Hypochromic, spherical red blood cells
Macrocytic, hypochromic red blood cells
Normocytic, hypochromic red blood cells
Normocytic, normochromic red blood cells
{"name":"3RD Para USMLE 100Q", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A 3-year-old boy of African descent is brought to your office by his stepfather because of easy bruising. He says that the child bruises easily even without trauma. The child started playing games by himself recently. He has a past history of clavicular fracture, which the stepfather attributes to a fall down a set of stairs. The history of the biological father is unknown. On examination, there is a right knee effusion with decreased range of motion, and multiple soft tissue hematomas on the thigh. What is the most appropriate diagnostic step in management?, A 3-year-old child presents to your office for an evaluation of constipation. The mother notes that since birth, and despite frequent use of stool softeners, the child has only about one stool per week. He does not have fecal soiling or diarrhea. He was born at term and without pregnancy complications. The child stayed an extra day in the hospital at birth because he did not pass stool for 48 hours, but has not been in the hospital since. Initial evaluation of this child should include which of the following?, A 3-year-old girl is brought to the pediatrician with complaints of abdominal pain and fever. Her mother states that the fever started 2 days ago, with the highest temperature being 39.0 C (102.2 F). She has had no vomiting or diarrhea. The mother states that her daughter has been complaining of pain on urination. On examination, she is tender in her lower abdomen, and there is some right-sided costovertebral angle tenderness. A urinalysis confirms the suspicion of a urinary tract infection. Which of the following would be the most appropriate diagnostic procedure?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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