Find Your Path Quiz

You have two hours to kill on a rainy Saturday afternoon. How will you spend it?
Hang out with friends/family
Pick up an extra shift to make money
Read a good book
Volunteer at the animal shelter
Work on a project in the garage
Play a video game
When you sign up for classes, what would be your first pick?
English, Art or Music- express yourself
Math and Science- love to problem solve
Technical Classes- welding, shop, CAD
When you have free time in the evening, and go online, what do you do?
Get social- catch up with friends and family
Blog about your day
Look up How-To videos
Edit video and post to YouTube
Update LinkedIn profile; network, network, network
Catch up on News
Who would you rather have dinner with?
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerburg
Talk show host and philanthropist, Oprah
Creator of Charlie Brown, Charles Schulz
NASCAR driver of your choice
Jimmy Fallon
Microsoft Co-Founder, Bill Gates
Which of the following sounds like your ideal vacation
Traveling to a new country
Mission Trip
Camping in the Mountains
Washington, DC
Race or sporting event
The one show you never miss is...
Law & Order
America's Got Talent
Shark Tank
Chicago Fire
In your group of friends you are the...
Leader of the pack
Follower- happy to go along with the flow
Organizer- planner extraordinaire
The Picture Taker
The Problem Solver
The Comforter/Counselor
The first toy you played with on Christmas morning was most likely...
Artist set- easel and paints
Science Experiment Set
Build your own Lemonade Stand
Write your own book Kit
How do you spend your weekends?
DIY/Fix-it projects
Helping Friends and/or Family
Organizing a special event
Rebuilding a computer
Photographing people or scenery
Email Address:
{"name":"Find Your Path Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Want a great career, but don't know where to start? With all of the options, how will you ever decide? Take the two minute career quiz and see what careers\/majors are the best fit for you!","img":"","accounts":"@jdubcc, @jdub_cc","hash":"#findyourpath #jwcc"}
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