Automotive Knowledge Challenge

A detailed illustration of an electric vehicle surrounded by engineering diagrams and automotive components, showing complexity and innovation in vehicle technology.

Automotive Knowledge Challenge

Test your understanding of automotive engineering concepts and regulations with our engaging quiz! Each question is designed to challenge your knowledge and help you learn more about the intricacies of vehicle design and performance.

  • Multiple choice and multiple answer questions
  • Covers various aspects of automotive systems
  • Ideal for students and enthusiasts alike
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DrivingForce202
Which of the following are true?
Opening of the SDC must be done without the influence of any programmable logic in case of an insulation failure and must be reset manually by the ESO.
The ready-to-Drive mode must be left immediately right after a SCS error is detected.
For a DV, If an Autonomous mission is selected and the ASMS is off then the SDC must remain open.
Parts of the brake system can be below the lowest surface of the chassis.
Revolve NTNU competed in FSG 2019 and finished the competition with 50 total penalty points deducted. Choose the correct scenarios.
Submitted the IAD 37 hours and 37minutes later than the initial deadline, the TMD corrected version 165 hours and 197minutes after the correction request and made a protest, which was rejected by the officials .
Submitted the DSS corrected version 236 hours and 256 minutes after the correction request, the SESA 53 hours and 60 minutes later than the initial deadline.
After submitting the VSV prior to the VSV deadline, the team received a ‘fail’. The corrected VSV version was uploaded 75 hours after the point of ‘fail’ notification.(Consider that the elapsed time between the point Revolve submitted the corrected version and the VSV deadline was less than 336 hours). Also, it was noticed from the officials that from the BOM was missing one material.
The team submitted the VSV 12 days, 23 hours and 59 min after the VSV deadline. Also are missing from the BOM 1 process and 1 part.
Choose the correct sentences about the LV batteries:
LV batteries must be behind the firewall that protects the accumulator container
LV batteries can be securely attached to frame.
LV batteries can be fused
LV batteries must have voltage equal to 60Vdc
A joist AB with length AB=5m and W=250N is supported by the wall without friction and at the bottom to a rough ground. If the CoG named K is 2/5AB closed to A and the point B has a distance of 4.33mm from the ground. Calculate the Reaction of the Wall RA in N.[Give your answer in two decimals]
Which of the following are not true ?
For EV competitors, the scoring of the Engineering Design Event finalists will vary from 146 to 150 points.
A time penalty must be assessed, when a black flag is shown.
The team must present at least three safety glasses in the accumulator inspection.
It is acceptable for a temperature measuring device to be placed less than 15mm along the high current path away from the terminal in direct contact with the respective busbar.
After collecting the needed information about the Autocross performance of Trondheim NTNU and Stuttgart U during FSEV19 at Germany, follow the custom made changes below and calculate Trondheim’s team score. Round to 2 decimal. 1.Trondheim’s team after their 2nd run decided to leave the dynamic area and went back to the pits, in order tο make a change, which would help the team make a better performance. So they modified the position of a complete aerodynamic device in relation to the vehicle. As a result after entering again the dynamic area and completing their 3rd and immidiately their 4th run the officials noticed this inappropriate change. 2. Stuttgart’s team after their 3rd run returned to the driver change area, in order to change the driver. The new driver wore an open faced helmet and after completing the 4th run the officials noticed this inappropriate type of helmet. Consider that the team forgot to show that helmet to the officials during the technical inspections.
1) Two capacitors are charged from an external 12V battery. The battery is disconnected when the capacitors are fully charged, and the switch closes at t=0s. Calculate the remaining electric charge in the 3μF capacitor after 1ms.[Give your answer in one decimal in uF]
Which sentences are incorrect ?
One driver must be able to exit the vehicle in less than 5s.
Brake light located in the vehicle centerline and below driver shoulders.
The first AIR (-) is closed when TS voltage is at 120Vdc (TS max=357V)
The AIR State Detection Circuit is disconnected (disconnect data connection to accumulator container) and the ESO activates LV. The TSAL and Cockpit Indicator can be OFF or GREEN.
Petroleum at absolute temperature 288.15 flows through a horizontal tube with diameter 1cm, at a rate of 12 liters every minute. The total length of the tube is 20m. What is the pressure drop in the tube (Give the answer in MPa and round to the 1 decimal) ? Consider the density and the absolute viscosity of the petroleum to be 880 kg/m^3 and 0.160 Pa*s
Which sentences are correct ?
During the EBS inspection test, and under dry track conditions, an autonomous vehicle going 40 km/h must come to a safe stop within a maximum distance of 10m from the point where the RES is triggered.
If analog sensors are used for the APPS, their transfer functions can have negative gradients (i.e. More pedal travel = lower measurement)
A device which logically replaces the TSAL parts in the accumulator container must always be mechanically connected to the vehicle to maintain functionality even if the accumulator container is disconnected.
Openings in the side impact structure for wiring ,e.g. For tyre temperature sensors, must be included in the SES and the wiring must be minimum length
There is a spring mass system, the mass is equal to 3705 g and the spring stiffness k=20 kPa*m. Calculate the neutral frequency of the system in Hz in 2 decimal.
2) Inductive coil with N=220 and R=12cm is present in a homogenous AC magnetic field B which is parallel to his axis as shown. The ratio between the amount of change in amplitude of the magnetic field and the time it takes to change is |20mT/s|. If the power dissipated by the coil is 160 W, calculate the coil resistance R.[ Give your answer in Ohms with 3 decimals]
Choose the correct senstece:
Coolant fluid must consist 100% of water
If the SDC is opened during an Autonomous Mission, it can only be reset through through a LV power cycle
The CBOM may include R&D costs
AMZ’s CRD presented to the judges of Cost Event during FSG 2019 competition were not identical with the uploaded versions, except from the supporting material file and the cost explanation file. Meanwhile, are missing from the BOM 4 parts, 2 materials, 1 assembly and 3 processes. The total deducted points from the Cost Event will be 28.
For a DV, you use a Monopole Antenna with an integrated demodulator so you can receive the ultra high frequency AM signals of the GPS. After demodulating the signals, their frequency is 1 MHz. Can you mount the antenna on top of the main hoop if the demodulating function is sin(5*10^9t) ?Consider that the velocity factor (wave propagation speed) is 1, the speed of light is 300,000km/s and that the antenna only consists of the vertical monopole (i.e. Only the 1 “side”) which is appropriately dimensioned.
Don't know
{"name":"Automotive Knowledge Challenge", "url":"","txt":"Test your understanding of automotive engineering concepts and regulations with our engaging quiz! Each question is designed to challenge your knowledge and help you learn more about the intricacies of vehicle design and performance.Multiple choice and multiple answer questionsCovers various aspects of automotive systemsIdeal for students and enthusiasts alike","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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