BubblyErnie's OCs Personality Quiz!

A colorful and whimsical illustration of various original characters with diverse personalities, each standing in a fun and vibrant environment to represent different traits and styles.

BubblyErnie's OCs Personality Quiz

Discover your unique personality traits through BubblyErnie's OCs Personality Quiz! This fun and engaging quiz is designed to help you learn more about yourself while exploring different character types.

Take a few minutes to answer our questions, and find out which original character matches your personality!
- Fun and interactive
- Matches you with a character
- Great for all ages

14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CuriousCat27
What is your preferred kind of workspace?
A place with a nice atmosphere and plenty of people!
Somewhere where I can get my stuff done but doesn't have a demanding schedule.
A place where talking to people is an option.
Somewhere that has management and order, so everything is efficient.
I prefer to keep my options open!
How would you describe yourself?
Hardworking, but I do have time for myself now and then.
I like going with the flow, not too much to worry about.
A bit stuffy, but only because I know my priorities. Luxury is a second.
Life shouldn't be able completing things, only do what's required and move on.
Some people need to live in the moment, like me!
What's your fashion style?
Whatever's in my closet. Who cares?
Something charming and comfy! Win-win!
I dress to impress. People should know who I am just by my clothes!
Whatever's in season or is trending. It looks good, so I'll look good.
My clothes need to look good, so people don't think bad of me.
What food describes your personality?
A casual and fun dessert, like cake!
Something...classy but generally affordable. Like macarons.
Something spicy, I'd eat it for the challenge and the taste!
Comfort foods, street food, anything I can eat with my friends!
What would be a strong point of yours?
I'm very good at being organized.
I'd say I'm a good leader!
I know how to have fun!
I'm super reliable and a team player.
I'm creative, and love socializing!
Where do you like to relax?
At home, where I can do whatever I want.
In a cafe, with all my friends and good food!
The mall, since theres so much to look at.
A convention, perfect for my interests and hobbies (and hopefully only a handful of people recognize me!)
Where ever me and my friends go, I'll want to go! It's always more fun with me anyway.
What's a genre that you associate yourself with?
Psychological thriller.
Slice of life.
How are you in the morning?
Bold of you to assume I am awake in the morning.
Groggy, but I have things to do so...
I'll be up and running after a few minutes after waking up.
I love sleeping in, my bed is the best place in the world.
I'm not terrible in the morning, but I do enjoy a day or two to rest.
What's something you're worried about of?
My appearance and how others see me.
Accidentally upsetting someone.
Not knowing who I really am.
Things changing.
What do your school notes look like?
I like making them super AESTHICALLY PLEASING.
I don't take notes of specific things, I just mark down pages and sources and go back later.
Neat and tidy, so they can be used well.
I put jot notes, to get straight to the point.
Scribbly chicken scratch, but legible (to me).
How secretive are you?
People will know what they need to know.
I'm an open book. It's less complicated that way.
I save some things for closer people but I'm generally open.
Not secretive, just...reserved.
I'll eventually tell everyone everything, but it takes time.
What animal do you want as a pet?
A dog
A cat
A snake
A bird
A very pretty fish
Someone you're neutral on asks you to a party as their date. You...
Agree, but regret it later.
Agree. It'll be fun anyway, since it's a party.
Decline. You'd rather go with someone you actually have feelings for.
Decline. Offer to go somewhere else though.
Agree, but only because you don't want them to feel bad.
How do you like styling your hair?
It looks messy, but also really good because I made it this way.
Whatever I'm feeling like. It changes a lot.
Something that takes time and effort, but nobody needs to know about it.
Something workable and nice.
I usually just do it up depending on where I'm going.
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