The Biblical Worldview Quiz

1. How do you view the origin of the universe?
God created the universe and made mankind in his image
The universe and all life arose naturally through unguided processes over millions of years.
The universe is divine, and we are all connected to it.
2. How do you view truth?
Truth is absolute and unchanging and revealed in God’s Word.
Truth is relative Each person should define his or her own truth for themselves.
Truth is unknowable.
3. How do you view the Bible?
a. The Bible is a collection of writings of men
b. The Bible is the Word of God but has some errors
c. The Bible is the infallible, inerrant and inspired Word of God
4. Does the Bible reflect true history?
a. Yes and no. Some Old Testament stories are morality tales not history.
b. Yes. The Bible from Genesis chapter 1 record true events of human history.
c. No. The Bible is a collection of made-up history
5. How do you view human nature?
People are born inherently good but sometimes make bad choices.
People are born inherently sinful.
People are neither basically good nor sinful.
6. What’s wrong with the world?
a. Nothing. We are all animals and its survival of the fittest. Good luck.
b. The human race struggles to progress forward but is held back by out dated ideas like religious traditions and patriarchal structures.
c. The human race rebelled against its creator and brought sin and death into the world.
7. How do you view Jesus?
He is God the Son who came to earth in human flesh to pay sin’s penalty
He was a good person and teacher, but not divine
He is God’s Son who came to earth to teach us about loving others
8. How do you view different religions?
All religions are equally true, and we all worship the same God
All religions except atheism are backward forms of thinking
All religions that contradict the Bible are false and cannot save anyone.
9. How do you view eternal life?
a. We all just die and that’s it end of story.
b. Everybody goes to heaven. there is no hell
c. We are reincarnated until we reach a state called nirvana
d. Heaven and hell both exist. A place of reward and a place of judgement.
10. How does one attain eternal life?
a. Try to live a good life, be nice, serve others
b. Trust in Jesus Christ death on the cross and payment for your sins
c. No one can know for sure. God will sort it all out
11. The devil or Satan is
a. a personification of evil in the world
b. A real being created by God that wars against God’s people
c. A mythical character
12. Did Jesus live a sinless life
a. Yes. He was the perfect sinless man who died for all our sin.
b. No. he was a good person but sinned as all humans do
13. How is morality defined?
a. By God’s Word the Bible. Moral absolutes are universal and immutable.
b. By the majority opinion of people living at the time
c. It is a product of human evolution
14. How is evil perpetuated in the world?
a. Evil does not exist. It is a social construct
b. Evil comes from the oppressive hegemonic powers that must be defeated.
c. Evil comes from the heart that rebels against God's
15. What does the Bible say about abortion and the unborn child?
a. The Bible is silent on the issue
b. The Bible gives approval for abortion in certain circumstances.
c. The Bible speaks about God forming us in the womb an does not make a distinction between abortion and infanticide.
16. What does the Bible say about sexuality and marriage?
a. There is no definition of marriage in the Bible
b. Sex is reserved for marriage between a man and a woman in a covenant with God
c. It doesn’t matter who you have sex with as long as you love each other
17. What does the Bible say about Gender?
a. In the beginning God made us male and female
b. Sometimes God makes mistakes and people are born in the wrong body
c. Gender can be redefined and is different than sex
18. What does the bible reveal about its message in relation to race or ethnicity?
a. The Bibles message was only directed towards a particular people group.
b. The Bibles message is to be revealed through God’s people to all nations, all peoples
c. The Bible is silent on the issue.
What is the overall message of the Bible
Treat others kindly and you will be rewarded
Do your best to achieve salvation through good works.
Trust in God's plan of redemption through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ for your salvation
{"name":"The Biblical Worldview Quiz", "url":"","txt":"1. How do you view the origin of the universe?, 2. How do you view truth?, 3. How do you view the Bible?","img":""}
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