A tracking check compares?
Any 2 blades
2 adjacent blades
2 opposite blades
The blade angle is taken from the chord and?
 Relative airflow
 Propeller shaft
The plane of rotation
What is the primary purpose of the propeller governor?
To increase engine speed
To maintain constant engine speed
To govern the propeller speed
Splined shaft propellers are fitted to?
 Low power piston and turbo-prop engines
High power piston and turbo-j,prop engines
Small aircraft
What would be the effect of ice formation on propellers during an aircraft flight?
 Decrease thrust and cause excessive vibration
 Increase thrust and cause excessive vibration
Decrease thrust and cause excessive noise
In climbing attitude, which of the propeller blades has the greatest angle attack?
The propeller attached to the left wing
 The downward moving blade
The upward moving blade
A line drawn through the propeller blade chord line intersected by a line drawn parallel to the propeller plane of rotation is a representation of?
Propeller slip
Blade angle
Pitch angle
The angle between the propeller chord and the rotational plane of the propeller is called?
 Angle of attack
 Blade angle of advance
 Angle of incidence
The central portion of a propeller which is fitted to the engine crankshaft and carries the blades is called?
Blade twist is referred to as?
Pitch distribution
Fine pitch
Pitch angel
The resultant airflow over a propeller blade depends on?
RPM only
RPM and forward speed
Forward speed only
Metal at the tip and along the leading edge of a wooden propeller is?
For protection
For anti-icing
For balancing
Propeller De-icing electrical power is supplied via?
Slip rings
Spider rings
Singer rings
After engine shut-down the blades are in?
The lowest (course) pitch position
The lowest (fine) pitch stop position
The highest (fine) pitch position
Centrifugal twisting moment tries to?
Increase the blade angle
No effect
Decrease the blade angle
What unit in the propeller anti-icing system controls the output of the pump?
Cylinder timer
Pressure relief valve
Blade angle at the root is?
The thrust bending force has what effect upon propeller blades?
Has no effect
Tende to push tips forward
Tends to push tips forward
Details of propeller overhaul may be found in?
Airworthiness Notice 55
Airworthiness Notice 75
Propeller blade tracking is the process of determining?
The blade angles are within specified tolerance of each other
The plane of rotation of the propeller with respect to the longitudinal axis
The positions of the tips of the propeller blades relative to each other
Synchronization governor monitors?
Trust tip speed
Propeller tip speed
Ice formation on the propellers, when the aircraft is in flight, will?
Decrease thrust and cause excessive vibration
 Increase aircraft stall speed and increase noise
Decease engine power
The blade angle of an adjustable pitch propeller?
Can be changed during operation
Cannot be changed
Can be changed on the ground when engine is shut down
What causes the increase in the angle of attack of propellers?
Change in relative airflow
Decrease in airspeed or increase in RPM
Increase in airspeed or decrease in RPM
The difference between the geometric pitch and effective pitch is called?
Pitch distribution
Propeller slip
Propeller pitch
What unit in the propeller anti-icing system controls the output of the pump?
Pressure relief valve
Cylinder timer
What is the effect of torque bending force on propeller blades?
It has the tendency to bend the propeller in the opposite direction of rotation
It has the tendency to bend the propeller in the same direction of rotation
 It has the tendency to bend the propeller in the forward direction of rotation
The primary purpose of a feathering propeller is to?
Prevent propeller damage when an engine fails in flight
Eliminate the drag created by a wind milling propeller when an engine fails in flight
Prevent further damage when an engine fails in flight
Most modern aircraft propellers are made of what material?
Aluminum alloy
Propeller static loads are superimposing at?
The blade root
The blade tip
The boss
Why propeller blades that are made of wood or composite construction have more favorable vibration behavior?
Because they are widely available
Because of easy maintenance
Due to better self-damping properties
What is the primary purpose of the propeller governor?
 To increase engine speed
To govern the propeller speed
To maintain constant engine speed
The twist in a propeller blade along its length is called?
Geometric pitch
Course angle
Pitch distribution
What pitch is utilized for take-off and climb operations?
Fine pitch
Coarse pitch
Feather pitch
Synchronizing is accomplished through the actuation of?
Propeller lever
Power lever
The propeller governor
The chord line of a propeller is?
A line joining the tips of the blades
A line joining the leading and trailing edges
A line joining the tip to the root of the blade
The primary purpose of propeller is?
Change engine horsepower to thrust
 Provide static and dynamic stability to aircraft
Create lift on the fixed airfoils of an aircraft
If the engine is shut down during flight, the propeller must be moved into?
Unfeathering position
Feathering position so that there as little drag as possible
Feathering position so as to maintain as much drag as possible
Propeller efficiency is?
The ratio of the useful work done by the propeller to work done by the engine on the propeller
The ratio of geometric pitch to useful work done by the C.S.U
The ratio of output speed to input propeller speed
The thrust face of a propeller blade is the?
Blade back or curve side
Blade face or flat side
Blade root
A rotating propeller imparts rearwards motion to a?
Small mass of air at low velocity
Large mass of air at low velocity
Small mass of air at high velocity
The purpose of the propeller twist is?
For smooth feathering operation
To maintain angle of attack at the same value along the blade
To maintain blade angle along the blade
Which of the following forces puts the greatest stress on a propeller as it tries to pull the blades out of the hub?
Centrifugal force
Bending force
Aerodynamic twisting moment tries to twist a blade to a?
Higher angle
Lower angle
No effect
Blade stations are references used to?
Determine repair criteria
Determine repair the pitch angle
Determine repair whole blades
Forces acting on a propeller are?
Centrifugal, bending, and twisting
Centrifugal, thrust, and torsion
Thrust, torsion, and tension
The blade angle at the root is?
Greater than the tip
Same from root to tip
Less than the tip
Which of the following is the main static load on the propeller?
Centripetal force
Centrifugal force
Aerodynamic force
Splined shaft propellers are fitted to?
Small aircraft
 High power piston and turbo-j,prop engines
Low power piston and turbo-prop engines
The propeller is "feathered" when the blade are at?
20 degrees to plane of rotation
0 degrees to plane of rotation
90 degrees to plane of rotation
The thrust face of a propeller blade is the?
Blade root
Blade face or flat side
Blade back or curve side
The blade angle of an adjustable pitch propeller?
Can be changed during operation
Cannot be changed
Can be changed on the ground when engine is shut down
Most modern aircraft propellers are made of what material?
 Aluminium alloy
Metal at the tip and along the leading edge of a wooden propeller is?
For protection
For anti-icing
For balancing
The propeller is feathered when the blade are at?
90 degrees to plane of rotation
0 degrees to plane of rotation
20 degrees to plane of rotation
After engine shut-down the blades are in?
The lowest (course) pitch position
The highest (fine) pitch position
The lowest (fine) pitch stop position
The central portion of a propeller which is fitted to the engine crankshaft and carries the blades is called?
The operation condition where the engine is not driving the propeller as is normal, but conversely the propeller drives the engine, is called?
Reverse torque
Negative feathering
Negative torque
If the engine is shut down during flight, the propeller must be moved into?
Feathering position so as to maintain as much drag as possible
Feathering position so that there as little drag as possible
Unfeathering position
The operation condition where the engine is not driving the propeller as is normal, but conversely the propeller drives the engine, is called?
Reverse torque
Negative torque
Negative feathering
A refined system which allows the pilot to adjust the blade relative position as they rotate is called?
Synchronization is used to?
Reduce vibration and noise
Reduce the pitch of the fastest running blade
Pre-set the phase angle of the propellers
Sets individual propeller blade angles
Has two Engine Master Controls which matches propeller RPM
Has one Engine Master Control which matches propeller RPM
A refined system which allows the pilot to adjust the blade relative position as they rotate is called?
Synchronization governor monitors?
Trust tip speed
Propeller tip speed
Synchronization is used to?
 Reduce the pitch of the fastest running blade
Reduce vibration and noise
Pre-set the phase angle of the propellers
Has one Engine Master Control which matches propeller RPM
Sets individual propeller blade angles
Has two Engine Master Controls which matches propeller RPM
Synchronizing is accomplished through the actuation of?
Propeller lever
Power lever
The propeller governor
How is the anti-icing fluid fed to the individual blades?
 Pump to each blade rubber feed boot
Pump to a singer ring
Under gravity to snap ring
What would be the effect of ice formation on propellers during an aircraft flight?
Increase thrust and cause excessive vibration
Decrease thrust and cause excessive vibration
Decrease thrust and cause excessive noise
Propeller De-icing electrical power is supplied via?
Spider rings
Slip rings
Singer rings
How is the anti-icing fluid fed to the individual blades?
Under gravity to snap ring
Pump to a singer ring
Pump to each blade rubber feed boot
Ice formation on the propellers, when the aircraft is in flight, will?
Increase aircraft stall speed and increase noise
Decease engine power
Decrease thrust and cause excessive vibration
No repair whatever is permissible on the propeller blade?
Leading edge
A tracking check compares?
2 adjacent blades
Any 2 blades
2 opposite blades
Composite propellers may have minor repair carried out by?
The operator
Any repair station
Any approved composite repair facility
Propellers damage may be classified in which of the following categories?
Minor repair
Major and minor repair
Major repair
What should be ensured before carrying out a maintenance engine ground run (EGR)?
 Always carry engine ground run by you
Always have other personnel with you
Carry out engine ground inside hangar
What causes propeller imbalance?
Unequal mass distribution, different weight and erosion
Nicks, scratches and dents
 Unequal protection coatings and peeling paints
Who determines the TBO?
The owner
 The manufacturer
The operator
What should be done after noting any minor damage on propeller?
Repair as convenient
 Repair quickly
Report it for next scheduled check
The aircraft operator is required to keep the log book of?
 TSN and TSO
No repair whatever is permissible on the propeller blade?
Leading edge
Propeller blade tracking is the process of determining?
The plane of rotation of the propeller with respect to the longitudinal axis
The positions of the tips of the propeller blades relative to each other
The blade angles are within specified tolerance of each other
Details of propeller overhaul may be found in?
Airworthiness Notice 55
) Airworthiness Notice 75
Composite propellers may have minor repair carried out by?
 Any approved composite repair facility
The operator
Any repair station
Propellers damage may be classified in which of the following categories?
Minor repair
Major repair
Major and minor repair
What should be ensured before carrying out a maintenance engine ground run (EGR)?
Carry out engine ground inside hangar
Always have other personnel with you
Always carry engine ground run by you
What causes propeller imbalance?
Nicks, scratches and dents
Unequal mass distribution, different weight and erosion
Unequal protection coatings and peeling paints
Who determines the TBO?
The operator
The manufacturer
The owner
What should be done after noting any minor damage on propeller?
Report it for next scheduled check
Repair quickly
Repair as convenient
The aircraft operator is required to keep the log book of?
 TSN and TSO
An installed propeller should be exercised to ensure lubrication of the internal components. How regularly should the engine be run to ensure complete lubrication?
An installed propeller should be exercised to ensure lubrication of the internal components. How regularly should the engine be run to ensure complete lubrication?
{"name":"A tracking check compares?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A tracking check compares?, The blade angle is taken from the chord and?, What is the primary purpose of the propeller governor?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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