Dec 11 Secret Missions

A cozy holiday-themed scene featuring festive decorations, a Christmas tree, and warm lights, evoking the spirit of celebration and family gatherings.

Holiday Spirit Quiz

Get ready to discover your holiday spirit! This fun and engaging quiz will help you reflect on your feelings about the festive season, family traditions, and favorite holiday memories.

Join us for some holiday cheer and share your thoughts on:

  • Your favorite Christmas movie
  • Worst holiday foods
  • Your ideal present this year
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CheerfulElf42
Welcome! I'm glad you decided to go come on the trip. As much as We all love a general group excursion. I prefer to have something planned, and since I plan on multiple friend groups blending I want to make sure that you guys interact. That being said each one of you will be assigned a group based on this test. A few rules: 1.) You may not tell anyone What your role is. Any player found cheating or breaking this rule will be removed from the prize pool. 2.) You may not tell anyone your answers to any of the following questions. 3.) Try to have fun. No one wants to have a bad time. 4.) You should try to stay with the group. You are all adults, and I think you should be able to handle yourselves but if at anytime you get separated call me and we can get you back on track. 5. Bring a spare mask, and hand sanitizer even though this is a group make sure that you try to give everyone their personal space.
Okay so finally we get on to the good part. So to begin you will need to download the Actionbound app. You can do this anytime before the event but it will give you updates on your group's missions. On the day of We will be meeting at Union Station at 11 am( for those of you coming from aurora you can figure out the train schedule, I wouldn't suggest driving). I'll be there a bit early to make sure people all gather together. I'll be playing as well so I won't be able to tell which group is which.
Okay Lets get started.
Welcome! I'm glad you decided to go come on the trip. As much as We all love a general group excursion. I prefer to have something planned, and since I plan on multiple friend groups blending I want to make sure that you guys interact. That being said each one of you will be assigned a group based on this test. A few rules: 1.) You may not tell anyone What your role is. Any player found cheating or breaking this rule will be removed from the prize pool. 2.) You may not tell anyone your answers to any of the following questions. 3.) Try to have fun. No one wants to have a bad time. 4.) You should try to stay with the group. You are all adults, and I think you should be able to handle yourselves but if at anytime you get separated call me and we can get you back on track. 5. Bring a spare mask, and hand sanitizer even though this is a group make sure that you try to give everyone their personal space.
Okay so finally we get on to the good part. So to begin you will need to download the Actionbound app. You can do this anytime before the event but it will give you updates on your group's missions. On the day of We will be meeting at Union Station at 11 am( for those of you coming from aurora you can figure out the train schedule, I wouldn't suggest driving). I'll be there a bit early to make sure people all gather together. I'll be playing as well so I won't be able to tell which group is which.
Okay Lets get started.
Tis the Time of year to be jolly, or so I'm told at least. How do you feel about the holidays??
I love Everything about them
I love Presents, thats about it
Spending time with loved ones
Not Really a Holiday Person
I love Hating them
It's Literally just another day
You are now a parent (whoa wtf!?). Your Child comes home one day from elementary school and say "Hunter says that there's no such thing as Santa." What are you most likely to tell them?
Oh of course Hunter says that, He's always going to be on the naughty list.
Of Course he isn't, Sit down and let me tell you about the Tooth Fairy.
Hunter said that because his house doesn't have a chimney, so Santa cant get in
Take your child to Hunter's house where you pop his mom, Karen, in the mouth
What is the best Christmas movie?
Die Hard
Home Alone
Nightmare before Christmas
Starwar's Christmas Special
I Haven't Seen any of these
Iron Man 3
Polar Express
Whats your Holiday Anthem
All I want For Christmas- Marry Carry
Last Christmas- Ma Hw
Baby, Its Cold Outside- My Bubble
What's This? - Jak Skel
Mary Did You Know? - SoMeOnE
Carol of the Burgers - Peter Griffin
Who is the Best Reindeer
Who would you Think would win in a fight
Ms. Klaus
The Elves
Its not Christmas without
Copious Amounts of booze
That one uncle doing the thing again
The cold
Hot chocolate
My family
Slipping on ice
What Do You want For Christmas this Year?
What's The Worst Holiday Food
Cranberry Sauce
Whatever My aunt brings
Mashed Taters
What is the Offical Flavor of Christmas
Punkin spice
The Tears of Children
How Many Siblings do you have?
You are asked to get a present for a family member your long-lost brother. What do you get them?
Gift Card
63 and me
Jack Shit
Bottle Of Whiskey
What Sounds the most pleasing
Sizzling of food in a pan
Fresh poured Coffee
The Crackling of fire
Gentle wind blowing
How Strongly do you feel about your grade on this exam?
Not Great
There was a grade?
{"name":"Dec 11 Secret Missions", "url":"","txt":"Get ready to discover your holiday spirit! This fun and engaging quiz will help you reflect on your feelings about the festive season, family traditions, and favorite holiday memories.Join us for some holiday cheer and share your thoughts on:Your favorite Christmas movieWorst holiday foodsYour ideal present this year","img":""}
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