Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 22 Nov 21
[2111.09893] Viktor Bekassy, Johannes Hofmann: Non-relativistic conformal invariance in mesoscopic two-dimensional Fermi gases
[2111.09894] Seth Musser, T. Senthil, Debanjan Chowdhury: Theory of a Continuous Bandwidth-tuned Wigner-Mott Transition
[2111.09904] C.W. von Keyserlingk, Frank Pollmann, Tibor Rakovszky: Operator backflow and the classical simulation of quantum transport
[2111.09906] Nikolay V. Gnezdilov, Yuxuan Wang: Solvable model for a charge-$4e$ superconductor
[2111.09918] Yongtao Liu, Shelby S. Fields, Takanori Mimura et al.: Exploring leakage in dielectric films via automated experiment in scanning probe microscopy
[2111.09919] M. Richter, A. Rehemanjiang, U. Kuhl et al.: Microwave studies of the three chiral ensembles in chains of coupled dielectric resonators
[2111.09921] Sérgio Luiz E. F. da Silva, R. Silva, Gustavo Z. dos Santos Lima et al.: An outlier-resistant $κ$-generalized approach for robust physical parameter estimation
[2111.09926] R. Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Utkarsh Mishra et al.: Floquet dynamical quantum phase transitions under synchronized periodic driving
[2111.09956] James F. E. Croft, John L. Bohn, Goulven Quéméner: Anomalous Lifetimes of Ultracold Complexes Decaying into a Single Channel: What's Taking So Long in There?
[2111.09988] Matheus Schossler, Sumanta Bandyopadhyay, Alexander Seidel: The inner workings of fractional quantum Hall parent Hamiltonians: An MPS point of view
[2111.09997] Siavash Soltani, Chad W. Sinclair, Joerg Rottler: Exploring glassy dynamics with Markov state models from graph dynamical neural networks
[2111.10012] Laurent P. René de Cotret, Martin R. Otto, Jan-Hendrick Pöhls et al.: Direct visualization of polaron formation in the thermoelectric SnSe
[2111.10018] Xu Zhang, Kai Sun, Heqiu Li et al.: Superconductivity and bosonic fluid emerging from Moiré flat bands
[2111.10045] Akira Iyo, Izumi Hase, Hiroshi Fujihisa et al.: Antiperovskite superconductor LaPd$_{3}$P with noncentrosymmetric cubic structure
[2111.10062] Pengfei Kong, Guowei Li, Zhongzheng Yang et al.: Fully two-dimensional incommensurate charge density wave in the Pd-terminated polar surface of PdCoO2
[2111.10068] Hiroyuki Yamase: Phase diagram of ferromagnetic and metamagnetic transitions in itinerant electron system
[2111.10104] Michael Prager, Michaela Trottmann, Jaydean Schmidt et al.: Gating of two-dimensional electron systems in InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures: the role of the intrinsic InAlAs deep donor defects
[2111.10118] Ramgopal Agrawal, Federico Corberi, Ferdinando Insalata et al.: Asymptotic States of Ising Ferromagnets with Long-range Interactions
[2111.10124] Kewei Sun, Orlando J. Silveira, Yujing Ma et al.: Silabenzene Incorporated Covalent Organic Frameworks
[2111.10147] Raphael L. R. C. Teixeira, Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva: Edge $\mathbb{Z}_3$ parafermions in fermionic lattices
[2111.10156] A. A. Zabolotnykh, V. V. Enaldiev, V. A. Volkov: Quasi-stationary near-gate plasmons in van der Waals heterostructures
[2111.10166] Jonathan P. K. Doye, Ard A. Louis, John S. Schreck et al.: Free-energy landscapes of DNA and its assemblies: Perspectives from coarse-grained modelling
[2111.10171] Yuan Tian, Xiaozhe Shen, Qingyang Gao et al.: Structural Origin of Boson Peak in Glasses
[2111.10174] Irina Heinz, Guido Burkard: Crosstalk analysis for simultaneously driven two-qubit gates in spin qubit arrays
[2111.10186] Evgeny A. Mashkovich, Kirill A. Grishunin, Roman M. Dubrovin et al.: Terahertz-Light Driven Coupling of Antiferromagnetic Spins to Lattice
[2111.10189] Piotr Białas, Piotr Korcyl, Tomasz Stebel: Analysis of autocorrelation times in Neural Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations
[2111.10215] Zimeng Guo, Hongye Gao, Keisuke Kondo et al.: Nanoscale Texture and Microstructure in NdFeAs(O,F)/IBAD-MgO Superconducting Thin Film with Superior Critical Current Properties
[2111.10217] S. Reschke, D. G. Farkas, A. Strinić et al.: Confirming the trilinear form of the optical magnetoelectric effect in the polar honeycomb antiferromagnet Co$_{2}$Mo$_3$O$_8$
[2111.10220] Davide Breoni, Ralf Blossey, Hartmut Löwen: Brownian particles driven by spatially periodic noise
[2111.10237] Joshua J.P Thompson, Samuel Brem, Hanlin Fang et al.: Valley-exchange coupling probed by angle-resolved photoluminescence
[2111.10254] D. M. Jezek, H. M. Cataldo: Rotation-driven transition into coexistent Josephson modes in an atomtronic dc-SQUID
[2111.10262] Gengxiang Chen, Yingguang Li, Xu liu et al.: Residual fourier neural operator for thermochemical curing of composites
[2111.10289] Sophie Beck, Alexander Hampel, Olivier Parcollet et al.: Charge self-consistent electronic structure calculations with dynamical mean-field theory using Quantum ESPRESSO, Wannier90 and TRIQS
[2111.10294] Igor S. Aranson, Arkady Pikovsky: Confinement and collective escape of active particles
[2111.10304] Lorenzo Caprini, Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi, René Wittmann et al.: Dynamics of active particles with space-dependent swim velocity
[2111.10310] D. Jahani, O. Akhavan, A. Alidoust Ghatar et al.: Faraday effect optical sensing of single-molecules by graphene-based layered structures
[2111.10316] Lorenzo Gotta, Leonardo Mazza, Pascal Simon et al.: Kinetic formation of trimers in a spinless fermionic chain
[2111.10347] C. A. Downing, D. Zueco: Non-reciprocal population dynamics in a quantum trimer
[2111.10348] Raphael Lefevere, Shin-ichi Sasa: Macroscopic stability of time evolution of Gibbs measures
[2111.10353] George H. Booth, Yannic Rath: The quantum Gaussian process state: A kernel-inspired state with quantum support data
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 22 Nov 21","img":""}
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