What kind of punk are you?

A stuffy evening after zombie battles.
What movie would you watch to unwind?
While strolling down the street, you stepped in, umm piece of sh...
What music would you listen to in order to uplift your mood?
How do you usually spend your weekends?
I go to underground concerts
I hang out on the internet, watching series and eating delicious snacks
I blow everything on spontaneous purchases
I take a stroll in the cemetery
Choose the perfect outfit for a party
Leather jacket with studs
Glittery dress
Luxurious staff with swans, feathers and rhinestones
Something black and baggy, so as not to attract attention
What is your favorite color?
Painful Black
Outrageous Pink
Calming Green
Daring Red
Your beloved pet has passed away and crossed the rainbow bridge... It's time to get a new one. Who will you choose?
A fluffy puppy
A fierce cat
A cunning snake
A fragrant pony
What superpower would you like to have?
Teleportation, because I love traveling
I am modest and want to have the power of invisibility
I want to fly like a bird
I want to be powerful and move mountains with my pinky finger
What do you find pleasing in people?
Courage. With such people, it's not scary to go to the store at night
Modesty. I love it when people are quiet and listen
Sense of humor. Because I can't stand dullness
Sense of style, to contemplate and enjoy
You are facing an extensive café menu.
What will you choose?
Lavender latte
Crouton with black caviar and edible gold
Ramen with shiitake mushrooms
Oily chips
If it were possible to be friends with a zombie, who would you choose?
Fastfood Clown
Ice Cream Zombie
Flaming Zombie
What will you say to a punk who trapped you?
Ah, you zombie dandruff!
Sorry for getting in your way, sir punk
One day you will drown in your own tears
Omae wa mou shindeiru
You have 2 donuts: one with strawberry and the other one is chocolate. Which one will you keep for yourself and which one will you give to your friend?
Keep strawberry, give chocolate to a friend
Keep chocolate, give strawberry to a friend
Keep both for yourself
Give both donuts away
You have just won a championship and are looking for a pedestal to climb onto to show everyone how cool you are.
What will you climb onto?
A soft velvet throne
A rusty nail
I won't climb, I'll lay down
A barrel of milk with garlic
It's time to think about the eternity of space and time.
What tombstone design do you like the most?
A two-hundred-meter high f*ck
A two-hundred-meter tall torch
A two-hundred-meter tall sugar head
A two-hundred-meter high fountain
You caught a llama, and it wants to eat. But it refuses to take donuts. What will you treat it with?
My tears
A piece of concrete
Grandma's slippers
Pickled egg
{"name":"What kind of punk are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","emurl":1,"txt":"Take the test and find out which Donut Punks universe punk you are!","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/89-4356663/212.jpg?sz=1200","accounts":"https://donut.games/","hash":"#donutpunks #mobilegame"}
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