Hurricane Personality Quiz

A colorful illustration of a stormy ocean scene with magical elements, such as swirling tides infused with sparkling gems, and a whimsical seagull soaring overhead, capturing the essence of a personality quiz that focuses on magic and self-discovery.

Hurricane Personality Quiz

Discover your magical personality type with our fun and engaging Hurricane Personality Quiz! Dive into a world where your affinities for magic and your reactions to unique scenarios reveal your true self.

Take this quiz to explore:

  • Your naturally aligned magical abilities.
  • Your approach to unexpected situations.
  • Your friendships and social dynamics.
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ExploringWaves42
For which do you think you'd have an affinity?
Apricity Opal—defensive and utility magic (healing, teleporting, etc.)
Ugh, neither. Overrated.
Ummm... Why only one?
I'll work with whichever I get.
Spindrift Sapphire—offensive magic.
There's a mysterious substance sitting innocently on the counter. Do you pick it up?
Noooo. "Innocently" is ominous.
Yeah, of course!
I'd look at it first.
Uh, I need more info? Where is this counter? What does the substance look like?
This never ends well, but why not?
I might poke it with a stick.
This is specifically what teachers don't want us to do.
I've learned from experience. Nope.
Are you smart?
It SHOULD be obvious, oof.
No, not in comparison.
Yes, and do you have a problem with that?
Oh, um, I guess.
I'm not really sure.
Smart... Is relative.
There are millions of people more intelligent than me. But there are also thousands who are less intelligent...
More so than most my age, yes.
I am, but that's not important. It doesn't really matter, truthfully.
If someone you loved died midway through an experiment, you'd...
Finish the experiment, even if it killed them. Even if it kills me.
Did the experiment kill them? I need to find out.
No more experiments. I need to keep everyone else safe.
...I'd take a break and grieve... Like a normal person?
Quietly honor them.
Live my life as they would.
I'd prevent it from happening in the first place.
Comfort everyone else who loved this person.
I wouldn't think about it. Move on. Whatever.
A seagull has saved your life countless times. Thoughts?
Friendship <3
I should research this.
Sounds like a bad Disney princess movie.
I'd like more context.
That's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
...This is a joke, correct?
You're in the elevator with a stranger, running very late to an important meeting. Suddenly, the stranger presses every button at once What would you do?
Ask them why they did that.
Ya know the button that forces the doors open? I'd push that and shove them out. Haha... kidding?
I'd get out as soon as the doors open and would run up the stairs to the meeting.
HA, this is precisely why I only take the stairs.
Jerk???????????????? Can I call the police on them?
Awkwardly hang around in the elevator until it reaches my floor.
Pull out my staff. That's creepy stuff right there—are they gonna attack me?
Politely ask if they're okay.
Remain calm, firstly.
Sorry to get deep, but how much do you think you matter?
Currently... Not much, but I'm working toward something that's really good.
Oh, that's a weird question. I don't really get it?
I matter as much as the people who love me believe I do.
I haven't really thought about it.
Not at all, but, you know, none of us do.
I'm significantly worthless.
I'd like to think I'm worth something.
I matter more than anything to someone, so... yes.
Tricky question. I'd be mourned if I died, so I must matter to some extent.
Bart Simpson's what now???
I—o-oh, I know this.
I can probably get 100% if it's multi-choice.
Ha, easy.
We learned this... Once upon a time... I just don't..
Inertia, conservation of mass—wait, that's not right. Ugh, I'm so mixed up.
Shamelessly fail.
Ah, I learned this in kindergarten.
Really funny. Ha. Ha. Ha.
If you see someone alone, do you walk up to them?
Sure, why not?
Are they willingly alone? I don't want to bother them, but if they'd like company...
I don't want to intimidate them (it's NOT like they intimidate me!)
I'll hover near them, also alone. We can be alone in unity.
Sorry, nope.
"Hi, what's your name?"
I'd observe them first.
Yes, are they okay?
Why should I? If they don't want to be alone, they can walk up to me.
Do you have a lot of friends?
Yeah, but no close ones.
I have (note from maker: technically this SHOULD be in past tense but) one super close friend, but not really any others.
My siblings are my friends! Oh, and I also have a close one.
Do fictional characters count?
Yes, I'm part of a nice little community.
I think I have the normal amount, honestly.
None, but don't be judgy about it.
I have many peers.
None of your business.
Would you sing in public to win $100?
Could be fun, but I'd force my friend to do it with me.
Yeah, sure.
MONEY $$$$.
Ooh, um, I'll pass.
Not worth it.
I already have a song in mind!!!
Unfortunately, I think they'd fine me $100 if I sang in public.
Do I look like an idiot?
Are you any good at chess?
Yes, I love it.
I don't have the patience.
I'd say I'm decent.
I can beat my family members sometimes?
Is that different from checkers?
Nope, I'm too busy!
I don't know, why don't we play to find out?
I wish I played more often; my skills are rusty.
I plead the fifth.
Pet baby bird: yes or no.
I feel like I'd accidentally kill it :(
YES!!! I'd treat it like (or better than) a child.
I'd name it Simurgh, of course.
I would love having one, but it's not realistic for me.
I-I don't really like animals—
I'd give it to someone I know.
I'd track its growth as a school project.
{"name":"Hurricane Personality Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover your magical personality type with our fun and engaging Hurricane Personality Quiz! Dive into a world where your affinities for magic and your reactions to unique scenarios reveal your true self.Take this quiz to explore:Your naturally aligned magical abilities.Your approach to unexpected situations.Your friendships and social dynamics.","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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