Which is the greatest number ?
28 555
28 705
28 750
What number completes the sentence? 28 542 + _______ = 70 789
42 255
42 247
42 257
42 259
Multiply: 987X65
64 155
64 125
64 158
65 155
Write the number below in words: 15 319
Billy sold 4 034 cakes on Sunday. He sold 1 429 cakes on Monday. How many more cakes did he sell in Sunday than Monday?
2 605 cakes
2 505 cakes
2 545 cakes
2 645 cakes
Douglas gave away 8 107 toys during a party. There were 3 297 toys left.. How many toys were there at first?
11 404 toys
11 504 toys
21 404 toys
11 444 toys
I slept late last night and woke up at 5:45 am today. If I had 6 hours of sleep last night, what time did I sleep?
11:45 pm
12:25 pm
10:55 pm
1:45 pm
Using all the digits 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9, form two numbers that have the greatest difference between them. What is the difference?
71 973
72 973
71 933
71 773
{"name":"NIMS QUIZ", "url":"","txt":"Which is the greatest number ?, What number completes the sentence? 28 542 + _______ = 70 789, Multiply: 987X65","img":""}
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