C5 Systems

While taxiing with the APU bleed valve selected, what is the condition of the APU bleed valve?
The APU Bleed Valve could be open depending on engine bleed availability.
The APU Bleed Valve is closed.
The APU Bleed Valve is set in cross-feed.
None of the above
Under what condition would the engine oil lever indication turn amber?
Below 6 quarts.
Below 12 quarts.
Below 5 quarts.
Below 1 quart.
When in AUTO mode, when will the electric motor-driven hydraulic pump turn on?
When N2 is above 60%.
When the associated hydraulic pressure drops below 1600 PSI or the associated engine N1 drops below 56.4%
When the associated hydraulic pressure drops below 1600 PSI or the associated engine N2 drops below 56.4%
In the event of a #2 engine failure at takeoff, how is hydraulic power for the flight controls protected?
The electric motor-driven hydraulic pumps.
It is provided by the actuator #1.
It is provided by the actuator #2.
Provided by the priority valve.
The Takeoff Sequence of Pressurization lasts until the Theoretical Cabin Altitude becomes greater than the actual cabin altitude or…
Fifteen minutes have elapsed since takeoff.
Twenty minutes have elapsed since takeoff.
Five minutes have elapsed since takeoff.
Thirty minutes have elapsed since takeoff.
What primary flight controls would be lost with the failure of both hydraulic systems?
Ailerons & Rudders.
With the passenger oxygen selector knob at auto, when will the system automatically activate?
If and when the cabin altitude exceeds 14,000 feet.
If and when the cabin altitude exceeds 14,500 feet.
If and when the cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet.
It does not activate automatically.
A battery exceeding 70° will result in what EICAS message?
If the Left Engine Bleed Valve is open, the ____ valve will close if the ___ bleed valve and cross bleed valves are open.
APU, right.
APU, left.
Left, APU.
Under what condition(s) would the shed busses be de-energized?
On the ground with only the batteries for electrical power.
Weight on Wheels (WOW).
Connecting the GPU.
Electrical Override Extension for the gear is available in case of what?
Landing gear is stuck.
Asymmetrical landing gear situation.
None of the above.
A malfunctioning Landing Gear Electronic Unit (LGEU).
The EICAS will display GEN 1 (2,3,4,) OVLD caution message when?
When the generator current exceeds 400 amps.
When the generator current exceeds 500 amps.
When the generator current exceeds 300 amps.
When the generator current exceeds 44 amps.
What happens when the APU Fire Extinguishing button is pressed?
The APU fire extinguishing bottle is discharged and the APU Fuel Shutoff valve is closed.
The APU fire extinguishing bottle is discharged and the APU Fuel Shutoff valve is open to prevent a fire.
The hydraulic shutoff valve for the APU is closed.
The APU fire horn will sound.
The Engine Air Inlet Anti-Icing system receives bleed air when the High Stage Valve is shut. True or False?
The rudder Power Control Unit is a dual hydraulic unit. What does that mean?
It is simultaneously powered by both hydraulic systems.
It is powered by Hydraulic System 1
It is powered by Hydraulic System 2
It means that we have a Priority Valve for system redundancy.
What indication does a Radio Management Unit give that it has been cross-tuned?
Cross-tuned COMM frequencies will be displayed in yellow.
Cross-tuned COMM frequencies will be displayed in red.
Cross-tuned COMM frequencies will be displayed in blue.
Cross-tuned COMM frequencies will be displayed in black.
What altitude does the Digital Controller require pilots to enter prior to takeoff?
Landing elevation.
Takeoff field elevation.
Mean Sea Level.
Above Ground Level.
What system is used for APU start?
APU is always ON.
With the pressurization system in AUTO mode, when will the cabin altitude increase?
Between landing and opening the main door or turning off the air conditioning.
Taking off.
After beginning an approach with flaps set to 9°
Using the DUMP switch.
Locked wheel protection is available at what speeds?
Above 30 knots.
Below 30 knots.
Above 50 knots.
Above 135 knots.
From where does the integrated Standby Instrument System get information?
AHRS #1 and Pitot/Static 3.
AHRS #2 and Pitot/Static 3.
AHRS #1 and Pitot/Static 1.
AHRS #6 and Pitot/Static 4.
When will the EICAS present a HYD SYS 1(2) OVHT message?
Associated hydraulic system fluid temperature is above 90°C.
Associated hydraulic system fluid temperature is above 70°C.
Associated hydraulic system fluid temperature is above 60°C.
Associated hydraulic system fluid temperature is above 884°C.
When is the APU available to supply electrical and/or pneumatic power?
7 seconds after having reached 95% rotor speed.
10 seconds after having reached 100% rotor speed.
3 seconds after having reached 95% rotor speed.
3 minutes and 45 seconds.
When is the airspeed trend vector disabled?
During takeoff.
During landing.
During approach.
During periods of acceleration and deceleration.
How are the nose gear doors held closed?
Hydraulic pressure from the #1 system.
Hydraulic pressure from the #2 system.
Hydraulic pressure from the #1 & #2 system.
Hydraulic pressure from the #4 system.
The CKPT and PASS CABIN temperature and mode selector knob can be pushed in to enable what?
Automatic mode.
Manual mode.
Landing mode.
Passenger-comfort mode.
When will a ROL comparison monitor be displayed on the PFD?
Whenever there is a deviation of more than 6° in roll information between PFDs.
Whenever there is a deviation of more than 12° in roll information between PFDs.
When the autopilot is engaged but NAV mode is not selected.
When the hydraulic system is not operating the ailerons.
The pressurization system uses static pressure information from…
The pressurization static ports on the aft fuselage.
The pressurization static ports on the forward fuselage.
The pressurization static ports located inside the baggage compartment.
The pressurization Pitot 1 port.
How is emergency oxygen for the flight crew provided?
A compressed gas cylinder.
There is no emergency oxygen provided for the flight crew.
It is provided by mixing two chemicals and it will only lasts for 12 minutes.
Provided by the packs only when set to AUTO.
What is the purpose of the Touchdown Protection?
Prevents brake actuation before the main wheels spin up.
Inhibits the brakes in case of landing hard.
Inhibits the thrust reversers.
The E-145XR is only equipped with Anti-Skid and Locked Wheel Protection.
What does the E1(2) OIL LOW PRESS EICAS warning indicate?
Oil pressure is less than 34 PSI.
Oil pressure is less than 24 PSI.
Oil pressure is less than 90 PSI.
Oil pressure is less than 110 PSI.
How can either rudder system be shut down?
Using dedicated shutoff switches.
Pulling the T-Handle.
Disconnecting using the QUICK-DISCONNECT button.
They cannot be shutdown.
What is the purpose of the Anti-Skid Protection system?
Controls the amount of hydraulic pressure applied by the pilots on the brakes.
Controls the speed of the wheels.
Controls only the nose gear in contaminated surfaces.
The E-145XR is not equipped with Anti-Skid Protection.
1. Under which abnormal starting sequence will the FADEC not automatically shut down the start sequence?
Hot start.
Hung start.
N2 stagnation.
N1 stagnation.
What is the maximum ramp weight for the E-145XR?
53,351 lbs.
53,355 lbs.
52,351 lbs.
What is the maximum zero fuel weight for the E-145XR?
What is the maximum takeoff weight for the E-145XR?
53,131 lbs.
53,151 lbs.
53,351 lbs.
53,101 lbs.
What is the maximum fuel imbalance?
800 lbs.
500 lbs.
850 lbs.
200 lbs.
What is the capacity of the ventral tank?
What is the maximum ITT for the powerplant?
What is the maximum speed at which the SIDE WINDOW can be opened?
140 KIAS
160 KIAS
150 KIAS
200 KIAS
What is VLE?
250 KIAS
200 KIAS
220 KIAS
170 KIAS
What is the maximum output the APU GEN can provide above FL300?
400 AMPS
300 AMPS
200 AMPS
600 AMPS
Engines must be in IDLE or TAXI thrust before shutting down for...
2 minutes
60 seconds
4 minutes
90 minutes
Minimum ILS approach altitude for the Auto-Pilot?
200 feet AGL
300 feet AGL.
120 feet AGL.
100 feet AGL
Maximum tailwind?
10 knots
20 knots
15 knots
12 knots
Gasper fan provides air to what areas?
Avionics bay and cockpit.
Passenger cabin.
Crew oxygen compartment, AFT avionics bay and Oxygen Cylinder.
Cargo bay.
Maximum altitude where flaps can be used or deployed?
20,000 feet
30,000 feet
10,000 feet
15,000 feet
Maximum pressure differencial?
7.8 PSI
9.0 PSI
8.0 PSI
8.7 PSI
DO NOT start the APU if BAT 2 is below...
What is the maximum cargo compartment weight?
3,000 lbs.
2,644 lbs.
2,900 lbs.
2,646 lbs.
68 ft 11 in
69 ft 11 in
70 ft
39 ft 10 in
Normal pressure for the hydraulic system?
3000 PSI
2900 PSI
2000 PSI
34-110 PSI
Which flight control is connected to Hydraulic System 1 and 2?
Aileron and Rudder
Rudder only
If Hydraulic level drops to 1 liter, HYD 1(2) LO QTY message will appear on EICAS. True or False?
What is Ali's favorite word?
None of the above.
Low bank mode provides...
Up to 14° of bank.
Up to 27° of bank.
Up to 20° of bank.
Up to 60° of bank.
Which items are included inside the accessory gear box?
Hydraulic Pump, Oil Pump, PMA, FPMU, ATS, and 2 GENs.
PMA and Oil Pump.
Hydraulic Pump, Oil Pump, PMA and APU.
Fuel pump only.
How many electric fuel pumps are required for Takeoff or Go Arounds?
Pulling the T Handle will shut off the...
FUEL SOV, HYD SOV, Engine Bleed Valve and Engine Inlet Anti-Ice Valve.
What is the maximum ITT for the APU?
What is the minimum speed we need to maintain in case of a double engine failure?
260 KTS
290 KTS
240 KTS
200 KTS
What is the intended purpose of the backup battery?
Provide power for operation of the GCUs protective function and the ISIS.
Provide power for the PMA.
Provide power for the DC system.
Provide power for the operation of the landing gear
When would you encounter the E1(2) ATS SOC OPN EICAS message?
During an abnormal engine start.
During takeoff.
During go-around with flaps retracted.
After shutting down the APU.
At what speed do the engine-driven generators come on-line?
56.4% N2
56.4 N1
56.4 N3
90% N2
What is the only valve that is closed by pulling a T-handle that cannot otherwise be manually closed?
Fuel shutoff valve.
Hydraulic shutoff valve.
Bleed air shutoff valve.
Lip shutoff valve.
How are the Environmental Control Units (ECUs or PACKs) cooled in flight?
By external air drawn by the Air Cycle Machine fans, supported by ram air from NACA inlets.
With the GASPER fan.
With the Anti-Ice air.
A/C air drawn from the APU.
Which battery is used to start the APU?
Battery #2.
Battery #1
Battery #3.
Lead-Acid Battery.
Pulling a T-handle and rotating it counter clockwise will do what?
Empty extinguisher bottle A into the corresponding engine.
Empty extinguisher bottle B into the corresponding engine.
Empty extinguisher bottle into the APU.
Shutdown the engine #1.
{"name":"C5 Systems", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"While taxiing with the APU bleed valve selected, what is the condition of the APU bleed valve?, Under what condition would the engine oil lever indication turn amber?, When in AUTO mode, when will the electric motor-driven hydraulic pump turn on?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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