Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 12 Apr 22
[2204.04229] Alexander Wietek, Jie Wang, Jiawei Zang et al.: Tunable Stripe Order and Weak Superconductivity in the Moiré Hubbard Model
[2204.04249] Eric Bobrow, Yi Li: Monopole Superconductivity in Magnetically Doped Cd$_3$As$_2$
[2204.04250] Katherine Sytwu, Catherine Groschner, Mary C. Scott: Understanding the Influence of Receptive Field and Network Complexity in Neural-Network-Guided TEM Image Analysis
[2204.04261] Shannon Harvey: Quantum Dots / Spin Qubits
[2204.04268] M. Chandler Bennett, Jeonghwan Ahn, Anh Pham et al.: Magnetic measures of purity for MnBi$_2$Te$_4$
[2204.04300] Marko J. Rančić: A comment on: Universal control of superexchange in linear triple quantum dots with an empty mediator
[2204.04302] Jannis Lehmann, Naëmi Leo, Laura Jane Heyderman et al.: Long-range order in arrays of composite and monolithic magneto-toroidal moments
[2204.04304] Chenjiang Qian, Viviana Villafañe, Pedro Soubelet et al.: Selective Exciton-Phonon-Phonon Coupling and Anharmonicity with Cavity Vibrational Phonons and MoS$_2$ Lattice Phonons in Hybrid Nano...
[2204.04314] Natsuda Klongvessa, Christophe Ybert, Cécile Cottin-Bizonne et al.: Aging or DEAD: origin of the non-monotonic response to weak self-propulsion in active glasses
[2204.04341] Yositake Takane: Phase Diagram of a Non-Hermitian Chern Insulator: Destabilization of Chiral Edge States and Bulk-Boundary Correspondence
[2204.04365] T. Shang, D. Tay, H. Su et al.: Evidence of fully-gapped superconductivity in NbReSi: A combined $μ$SR and NMR study
[2204.04402] Shama, Dinesh Kumar, Goutam Sheet et al.: Unusual Magnetotransport from two dimensional Dirac Fermions in Pd$_{3}$Bi$_{2}$Se$_{2}$
[2204.04411] Pallai Das, Srikanth Sastry: Crossover in dynamics in the Kob-Andersen binary mixture glass-forming liquid
[2204.04426] David Ming Ting Kuo: Effects of zigzag edge states on the thermoelectric properties of finite-size armchair graphene nanoribbons
[2204.04429] Kamran Behnia: What is measured when measuring a thermoelectric coefficient?
[2204.04439] Zhaozhuo Zeng, Nasir Mehmood, Yunxu Ma et al.: The skyrmion bags in an anisotropy gradient
[2204.04447] Jaemo Jung, Dongwook Kim, Youngkuk Kim: Stable topological phase transitions without symmetry indications in NaZnSb$_{1-x}$Bi$_x$
[2204.04463] Hang Su, Feng Du, Shuaishuai Luo et al.: A Family of Lanthanide Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors La$_4$$TX$ ($T$ = Ru, Rh, Ir; $X$ = Al, In)
[2204.04468] Xiao Zhang, Michael De Volder, Wenbin Zhou et al.: Simultaneously Enhanced Tenacity, Rupture Work, and Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes Fibers by Increasing the Effective Tube Contrib...
[2204.04475] Jens Oppliger, Berk Zengin, Danyang Liu et al.: Adaptive Sparse Sampling for Quasiparticle Interference Imaging
[2204.04478] Frank Balzer, Nicholas J. Hestand, Jennifer Zablocki et al.: Spotlight on Charge-Transfer Excitons in Crystalline Textured n-Alkyl Anilino Squaraine Thin Films
[2204.04484] Yuichi Motoyama, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Harumichi Iwamoto et al.: Data-analysis software framework 2DMAT and its application to experimental measurements for two-dimensional material structures
[2204.04490] F. Ampuero, M. O. Hase: First-passage process in degree space for the time-dependent Erdős-Rényi and Watts-Strogatz models
[2204.04499] Tina Hecksher, Niels Boye Olsen, Jeppe C. Dyre: Rheological model for the alpha relaxation of glass-forming liquids and its comparison to data for DC704 and DC705
[2204.04502] Debjyoti Bhattacharya, Devon C. Kleeblatt, Antonia Statt et al.: Predicting aggregation of sequence-defined macromolecules with Recurrent Neural Networks
[2204.04520] Luca Leuzzi, Alberto Patti, Federico Ricci Tersenghi: A generalized Hopfield model to store and retrieve mismatched memory patterns
[2204.04525] Ananya Renuka Balakrishna: Crystallographic design of intercalation materials
[2204.04529] Jan N. Fuhg, Nikolaos Bouklas, Reese E. Jones: Learning hyperelastic anisotropy from data via a tensor basis neural network
[2204.04531] Siamak Pooyan, Mir Vahid Hosseini: Enhanced and stable spin Hall conductivity in a disordered time-reversal and inversion symmetry broken topological insulator thin film
[2204.04536] S.I. Bondarenko, A.V. Krevsun, V.P. Koverya et al.: Electrical breakdown of a dielectric for the formation of a superconducting nanocontact
[2204.04552] M. Ledesma-Motolinia, J. L. Carrillo-Estrada, A. Escobar et al.: Magnetized granular particles running and tumbling on $S^{1}$
[2204.04560] Pierre Ayoub, Fabrice Thalmann: Excimer formation of pyrene labeled lipids interpreted by means of coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations
[2204.04572] Hyeondeok Shin, Panchapakesan Ganesh, Paul R. C. Kent et al.: DFT+U and Quantum Monte Carlo study of electronic and optical properties of AgNiO$_2$ and AgNi$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$O$_2$ delafossite
[2204.04589] Jing Xia, Xichao Zhang, Xiaoxi Liu et al.: Universal quantum computation based on nanoscale skyrmion helicity qubits in frustrated magnets
[2204.04590] J. W. Rao, Bimu Yao, C. Y. Wang et al.: Unveiling Pump induced Magnon Mode via its Strong Interaction with Walker Modes
[2204.04593] Xintong Li, Yuchen Gu, Yue Chen et al.: Giant magnetic in-plane anisotropy and competing instabilities in Na3Co2SbO6
[2204.04595] Ren Zhang, Chenwei Lv, Qi Zhou: Analogue Black Holes in Reactive Molecules
[2204.04608] Mehrdad Rostami Osanloo, Kolade A. Oyekan, William G. Vandenberghe: A First-Principles Study on Electronic, Thermodynamic, and Dielectric Properties of Monolayer Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2
[2204.04622] M.A. Semina, M.M. Glazov, C. Robert et al.: Valley polarization fluctuations, bistability, and switching in two-dimensional semiconductors
[2204.04623] Jingkai Bi, Yuki Nakamoto, Katsuya Shimizu et al.: Efficient route to achieve superconductivity improvement via substitutional La-Ce alloy superhydride at high pressure
[2204.04641] Alok Pokharel, Hao Xu, Srisaran Venkatachalam et al.: Capacitively coupled distinct mechanical resonators for room temperature phonon-cavity electromechanics
[2204.04649] Xiaoxue Zhao, Kejing Ran, Jinghui Wang et al.: Neutron spectroscopy evidence for a possible magnetic-field-induced gapless quantum-spin-liquid phase in a Kitaev material $α$-RuCl$_3$
[2204.04657] Gal Tuvia, Sapir Weitz Sobelman, Shay Sandik et al.: Tunable Magnetic Scattering and Ferroelectric Switching at the LaAlO$_3$/EuTiO$_3$/Sr$_{0.99}$Ca$_{0.01}$TiO$_3$ Interface
[2204.04660] A.Mavrogonatos, E-M. Papia, P. Dimitrakellis et al.: Measuring the randomness of micro and nanostructure spatial distributions: Effects of Scanning Electron Microscope image processing and an...
[2204.04669] Hua-Chen Zhang, Ying-Hai Wu, Hong-Hao Tu: Generalized Calogero-Sutherland models for Kondo physics in Luttinger liquid
[2204.04697] Zengjia Liu, Xiao-Sheng Ni, Lisi Li et al.: Effect of iron vacancies on the magnetic order and spin dynamics of the spin ladder BaFe$_{2-δ}$S$_{1.5}$Se$_{1.5}$
[2204.04712] Kurt Langfeld, Pavel Buividovich, P.E.L Rakow et al.: Reduced critical slowing down for statistical physics simulations
[2204.04714] Kaifa Luo, Xi Dai: Transverse Peierls Transition
[2204.04720] Alexandre Krajenbrink, Pierre Le Doussal: The crossover from the Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation controls the large deviations beyond Einstein's diffusion
[2204.04738] Deepika Gill, Gunjana Yadav, Saswata Bhattacharya: Sn/Ge substitution in ((C$_\textrm{n}$H$_{2\textrm{n}-1}$NH$_3$)$_2$PbI$_4$; n=3): An emerging 2D layered hybrid perovskites with enhanced o...
[2204.04740] Qi-Jun Hong: Melting temperature prediction via first principles and deep learning
[2204.04747] Emre Ergeçen, Batyr Ilyas, Dan Mao et al.: Magnetically brightened dark electron-phonon bound states in a van der Waals antiferromagnet
[2204.04761] Bertrand Berche, Tim Ellis, Yurij Holovatch et al.: Phase transitions above the upper critical dimension
[2204.04764] Jhon W. González, Sanber Vizcaya, Eric Suárez Morell: V$_2$C-based lithium batteries: The influence of magnetic phase and Hubbard interaction
[2204.04791] Hari Padmanabhan, Vladimir A. Stoica, Peter Kim et al.: Large Itinerant Electron Exchange Coupling in the Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4
[2204.04835] Yuan Zhou, Shuang-Liang Yang, Dong-Yan Lv et al.: First- and second-order gradient couplings to NV centers engineered by the geometric symmetry
[2204.04838] Kabir Husain, Sriram Ramaswamy, Madan Rao: Robust Molecular Computation by Active Mechanics
[2204.04850] Lianhua Zhang, Jian Chen, Fei Liu et al.: Electron transport in the single-layer semiconductor
[2204.04852] Man-Yu Shang, Wen-Hao Mao, Nuo Yang et al.: A unified theory of second sound in two dimensional materials
[2204.04863] Zhihua Yang, Zhen Yang, Qiping Su et al.: Superconductivity in TlBi$_2$ with a large Kadowaki-Woods ratio
[2204.04884] Yuan Da Liao, Xiao Yan Xu, Zi Yang Meng et al.: Gross-Neveu and deconfined quantum criticalities in an extended Hubbard model on the square lattice
[2204.04906] Tadayoshi Matsumori, Masato Taki, Tadashi Kadowaki: Application of QUBO solver using black-box optimization to structural design for resonance avoidance
[2204.04943] A. Crépieux, M. Lavagna: Dynamical charge susceptibility in non-equilibrium double quantum dots
[2204.04985] Christof Dues, Marius J. Müller, Sangam Chatterjee et al.: Nonlinear optical response of ferroelectric oxides: first-principles calculations within the time-domain and the frequency-domain
[2204.04995] Ernest B. Van der Wee, Brendan C. Blackwell, Florencio Balboa Usabiaga et al.: A simple catch: thermal fluctuations enable hydrodynamic trapping of microrollers by obstacles
[2204.04999] Peng Xiao, Alexandros El Sachat, Emigdio Chávez Angel et al.: Thermal insulation and heat guiding using nanopatterned MoS2
[2204.05000] Y. Tikhonov, J. R. Maguire, C. J. McCluskey et al.: Topological polarization networking in uniaxial ferroelectrics
[2204.05005] Jean-François Berret, Fanny Mousseau, Rémi Le Borgne et Evdokia K. Oikonomou: Sol-gel transition induced by alumina nanoparticles in a model pulmonary surfactant
[2204.05029] Jin-Tao Jin, Kun Jiang, Hong Yao et al.: Interplay between Pair Density Wave and a Nested Fermi Surface
[2204.05061] Oliver T. Dyer, Robin C. Ball: Surfactancy in a tadpole model of proteins
[2204.05065] Lukas Körber, Roman Verba, Jorge A. Otálora et al.: Curvilinear spin-wave dynamics beyond the thin-shell approximation: Magnetic nanotubes as a case study
[2204.05073] Joanna Marciniak, Wojciech Marciniak, Mirosław Werwiński: DFT calculation of intrinsic properties of magnetically hard phase L1$\mathrm{_0}$ FePt
[2204.05078] Bruna S. de Mendonça, Antonio L. R. Manesco, Nancy Sandler et al.: Can Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon and Majorana vortex states be distinguished in the presence of impurities?
[2204.05087] Ahmed Kenawy, Fabian Hassler, Roman-Pascal Riwar: Electromotive force in driven topological quantum circuits
[2204.05106] Shahid Sattar, Md. Fhokrul Islam, C. M. Canali: Monolayer MnX and Janus XMnY (X, Y= S, Se, Te): A New Family of 2D Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors
[2204.05121] Balázs Fábián, Sebastian Thallmair, Gerhard Hummer: Small ionic radii limit time step in Martini 3 molecular dynamics simulations
[2204.05129] Bo Xu, Zhanpeng Gong, Jingren Liu et al.: Tunable ferroelectric topological defects on 2D topological surfaces: strain engineering skyrmion-like polar structures in 2D materials
[2204.05130] Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier: Collective dynamics in a glass-former with Mari-Kurchan interactions
[2204.05131] Lianhua Zhang, Jian Chen, Fei Liu et al.: Charge transport in monolayers of metal nanoparticles
[2204.05140] Dmitry Churochkin, Fernando Lund: Diffusion of elastic waves in a continuum solid with a random array of pinned dislocations
[2204.05152] Mauricio Cruz Saldivar, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Mohammad J. Mirzaali et al.: Nonlinear Coarse-graining Models for 3D Printed Multi-material Biomimetic Composites
[2204.05166] Johannes Haust, Jürgen Belz, Marius Müller et al.: White-light generating molecular materials: correlation between the amorphous/crystalline structure and nonlinear optical properties
[2204.05179] Qi Wang, Xiaole Qiu, Cuiying Pei et al.: Emergent superconductivity in van der Waals Kagome material Pd3P2S8 under high pressure
[2204.05190] Andrea Blason, Michele Fabrizio: Topological Jahn-Teller Mott insulators in twisted bilayer graphene
[2204.05198] Antonio Štrkalj, Elmer V. H. Doggen, Claudio Castelnovo: Coexistence of localization and transport in many-body two-dimensional Aubry-André models
[2204.05213] Rajeswari Roy Chowdhury, Samik DuttaGupta, Chandan Patra et al.: Anisotropic magnetotransport in the layered antiferromagnet TaFe$_{1.25}$Te$_3$
[2204.05216] Jia-Wei Mei, Fei Ye, Xiaobin Chen: Lattice dynamics in the charge-density-wave metal at a van-Hove-singularity filling
[2204.05242] Andrea Benfenati, Mats Barkman, Egor Babaev: Demonstration of $\mathbb{C}P^2$ skyrmions in three-band superconductors by self-consistent solutions to a Bogoliubov-de Gennes model
[2204.05252] Francesco Delodovici, Paolo Barone, Silvia Picozzi: Finite-size effects on the ferroelectricity in rhombohedral HfO$_2$
[2204.05261] Santanu Pakhira, Farhan Islam, Evan O'Leary et al.: A-type antiferromagnetic order in semiconducting EuMg$_2$Sb$_2$ single crystals
[2204.05295] P. H. Lundow: Damage spreading in the random cluster model
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 12 Apr 22","img":""}