
Each message is a small sample of the personality
Reasonable, objective, perfect
You're doing this wrong
High ideals, avoid mistakes
Perfectionist, missionary zeal
Order, morality, perfection
Rules, principles, conscience, reason
I am always right
Niggle, criticize
Belittle and degrading
Love and recognition
Compassionate, loving, warm-hearted
Hosts, show feelings
Used and appreciated
Regret, help
Worry, take care of
Helpful, caring, possessive
Flatter, praise
Successful, enviable
Recognition, admiration
Packaging, impress
Role playing, chocolate side, image
Charmer, victory type, prestige, status
Staging, lying, heroic deeds
Success, career, confrontation
Attention, arrogant, narcissistic
What belongs to me, whom I know
Creative, inspired, imaginative
Striking, colorful, shrill and crazy
Special, interesting
Romantics, moods, dreams
Creativity, aesthetics
Self-realization, intuition
Whims, feeling depth
Attractive, original, class, style, taste
Observers, theorists
Snail shell
Lone wolf
Knowledge, discovery, theory
First think, then act
Reliable, loyal, safe
Doubter, troublemaker, querulant
Duty, suspicion, critical
Yes but...
Warn, Limit
I must, must not, can not
Give away decisions
Lack of self-confidence
Help me, fear of exploitation
Happy and passionate
Fun, enjoy, experience
Joy of life, optimist, lust, artist
Future plans, change
Material possessions, extravagant
Fairy tales, entertainers
Adventure, risky
Good mood
Variety, enthusiasm, spontaneous
Strong and self-confident
Enforce, territorial combat
Exercise power, control relationships
Fights, struggling, punishing
Open and direct
Power, influence and authority
Leadership, struggle, courage
Protect friends, fight enemies
Peaceful and unfamiliar
Idyllic, harmony and peace
Consistency, calm, confidence
Restraint, no quarrel
To be satisfied, daydreaming
Comfortable, sluggish
Decisive, cumbersome
Simply switch off, sit out
Still water, sunny, unknown
{"name":"Self-revelation", "url":"","txt":"Bitte wählen Sie die zutreffenen Botschaften:","img":""}
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