Welcome to the New Salem Bible Trivia contest - "Week 8"     Answer the question with the correct response. You will have 20 seconds to answer each question and you will only have one chance to answer the questions correctly.   PLEASE ONLY TAKE THE QUIZ ONCE! We will post the winners each week and will keep a tabulation of scores throughout the summer. The top 3 scorers will receive awesome prizes at the end of the summer.  Please participate each week, do your best and have fun!

Fill the blanks: "And I will give them one _____, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the ____ heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of _____:"
Spirit, dead, life
Heart, stony, flesh
Song, hollow, strength
Life, bloody, stone
Who wrote the book of Colossians?
In which city did the men of Judah anoint David king over Judah?
After offering a sacrifice on the evening of the first day of the Passover Celebration what were the Israelites commanded to do with the meat?
To pack the leftover meat in clay pots
Eat it all that night leaving nothing overnight
To give the meat away
To burn it up
The scriptures say: "and David was afraid of God that day…" What had made David afraid?
Samuel the prophet was dead
David had just killed Goliath
Saul and Jonathan had just died
The Lord had just killed Uzza for touching the ark
What plant did Jesus curse for not bearing fruit?
A fig tree
An olive tree
A stock of wheat
A grapevine
Rebekah and Laban were …
Father and Daughter
Uncle and niece
Husband and wife
Brother and sister
What did the king of Egypt tell the Hebrew midwives to do?
Bring all the baby boys to the palace to be killed
To report the number of baby boys being born
To kill all the newborns
To kill all the newborn baby boys
What was Malachi's main purpose in writing to the Israelites?
O tell them of God's love for them
To tell them that judgment was coming unless they repented
To tell them that a famine was coming for the next seven years
To tell them that there is hope in times of despair
How long had Lazarus been in the grave when Jesus arrived?
3 days
7 days
5 days
4 days
When was James called to be a disciple?
Before John
At the same tim as John
After John
He was the last of the disciples to be called
When giving alms "let not thy _______ know what thy _______ doeth"
Left hand, right hand
Right hand, left hand
Heart, hands
Hands, heart
"And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." is found in what New Testament book?
Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian, lived where?
Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian, lived where?
The blind and lame
Poor Israelites
Foreigners, orphans & widows
Israelite Children
What does Paul mean when he said that Apollos watered the seed?
Apollos was a great gardener
Apollos was edifying the converts Paul had won
Apollos was softening the hearts of unbelievers for the gospel
Apollos was diluting the work of the gospel
{"name":"Welcome to the New Salem Bible Trivia contest - \"Week 8\" Answer the question with the correct response. You will have 20 seconds to answer each question and you will only have one chance to answer the questions correctly. PLEASE ONLY TAKE THE QUIZ ONCE! We will post the winners each week and will keep a tabulation of scores throughout the summer. The top 3 scorers will receive awesome prizes at the end of the summer. Please participate each week, do your best and have fun!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Fill the blanks: \"And I will give them one _____, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the ____ heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of _____:\", Who wrote the book of Colossians?, In which city did the men of Judah anoint David king over Judah?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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