12 Questions: Are you ready for a wilderness emergency?

What is the first action to take when treating most kinds of bleeding?
Apply a tourniquet, take it off later
Apply a bandaid
Apply a pressure dressing
Apply direct pressure with a gloved hand and gauze
You discover a small, bubbling wound on your patient’s chest. What should you do next?
Insert your finger into the wound to seal it
Cover the wound with your gloved palm to seal it
Leave it uncovered to allow it to vent
Cover it with gauze and tape, and monitor it for bleeding
Your patient with the bubbling open chest wound needs an occlusive dressing. Your supplies are limited. Which item below would be suitable to use as an occlusive dressing?
A rolled up wool mitten
Cloth climbing tape from your harness
Your face buff or scarf
The foil bag from your dehydrated backpacking meal
What is compartment syndrome?
Pressure build up within an injured limb that can compress blood vessels and nerves
Pressure build up within the skull that can compress the brain and it’s nerves and blood vessels
The loss of pressure with a limb that leads to the collapse blood vessels and nerves
The partial amputation of a hand or foot
When should you apply a pelvic splint?
Only when I find pelvic instability during my assessment
When the patient says they have pelvic pain but can still walk
When I have a patient that has suffered a mechanism of injury capable of causing a pelvis fracture
A pelvic splint should never be applied
How should you treat a femur fracture if you do not have a commercial traction device?
Create an improvised traction device out of trekking poles and para cord
Splint the femur fracture and avoid unnecessary movement
No other treatment options exist if a traction device is not available
Splint the knee and ankle and do not move the patient
Your friend is a known diabetic who suddenly went unconscious. You are not sure if they are experiencing low blood sugar or high blood sugar. What should you do?
Do not give sugar since you are not certain which it is
Give sugar anyway since it will not cause more harm for high sugar
Give sugar, but only a small amount to see if there is an improvement
Do not give sugar since the patient is unconscious and can not swallow
How would you give sugar to your unconscious friend?
Dissolve sugar in water and slowly pour down patient’s throat
Using a tongue depressor, rub a small amount under the patient’s tongue
Rectally insert sugar using a tongue depressor
Using a tongue depressor, rub a small amount at a time against the inside of the patient’s cheek
Why should a shock patient be treated for hypothermia even if they are not hypothermic?
Because hypothermia makes shock worse
Because hypothermia reverses shock
Because warmth increases patient morale
Because hyperthermia is an ideal healing state
The basic components of a hypo wrap include insulation from the ground, insulation around the patient, a heat retaining layer, and…
A hat on the patient’s head to prevent radiation heat loss
Adequate ventilation for heat circulation
Protection from the environment, like a tarp, tent, or trash bag
Water bottles filled with water and placed inside hypo wrap
What is the main priority when treating a heat stroke patient?
Remove the patient from the heat and cool the body.
Hydrate the patient to replace fluid lost.
Evacuate the patient immediately even if it delays treatment.
Prepare to protect the patient’s airway if they begin seizing.
Which is the best method to cool a heat stroke victim?
Submerging the patient in cool water or an ice bath.
Fanning the patient.
Soaking the patient’s clothes with water.
Giving cool drinks to the patient to slowly sip on.
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