Find Your Insurance Career

What's your favourite board game?
Money is no issue, where would you go for your next holiday?
Exploring Tokyo
A luxury getaway in Paris
A trip to New York City
Backpacking through Asia
How do you organise your wardrobe?
By colour, of course
Easy access to the things I wear most
Grouped together by type of clothing
You mean my floordrobe…
Which of these TV shows would you most likely binge-watch?
Stranger Things
The Crown
Breaking Bad
The Home Edit
If you could be a superhero for a day, who would you be?
Black Panther
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
If you were stuck on a desert island, what is the one thing you couldn’t be without? (Assuming you had everything needed for survival)
A Tool Box
Your favourite novel
A compass for exploring
Good travel insurance
How do you prefer to work?
Independently with clear guidelines
Collaboratively with clients and colleagues
In a fast-paced environment with multiple projects
Analysing data sets and working independently to develop insights
If you were an animal, would you be a:
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