Elevate Your Brand Quiz

How long have you been in business?
A. > 1 year
B. 1 year
C. 2-3 years
D. 3+ years
Are your profits aligned with your vision for your business?
A. I’m barely getting by in my business
B. I know I could be making more
C. I’m making decent money in my business but not reaching my goals
D. I am attracting abundance and want to amplify that
Do you currently have a set of brand guidelines?
A. I don’t know what those are
B. I have some reference points but nothing official
C. I have solid brand guidelines that I’m ready to put into action
D. I have a good foundation but I’ve evolved and need clarity
What’s the status of your current brand strategy?
A. I don’t have one and am starting from scratch
B. I have ideas and no idea where to go with them
C. I DIYed my way to where I am now
D. I’ve outgrown my current strategy and need a brand that matches the level my business is at (and going)
How do you feel about your website?
A. What website?
B. I’ve been avoiding it.
C. I have one, but it isn’t at the level I wish it was at.
D. It works but my business has evolved. It needs an overhaul!
What is your level of confidence about the success of your business?
A. I don’t know what I’m doing and need help getting my ducks in a row.
B. I know I have magic brewing but no clue how to execute.
C. I feel somewhat confident in my skills but need help getting visible.
D. I’m confident in my brand foundation and ready to take it to the next level.
Which short term goal would you like to achieve in the next 6-12 months?
A. Start my business
B. Cultivate my brand
C. Launch my brand and website
D. Elevate my online presence
If you could get my help on ONE thing, what would it be?
A. Strategy: I need help figuring out how to position my business so it attracts my ideal clients.
B. Brand Design: I need you to bring my vision to the next level with design & aesthetics that connect with my mission.
C. Website Design: I need help making my website match my brand!
D. Complete Overhaul: I need you to take what I have currently and elevate it to take my business where it is going.
{"name":"Elevate Your Brand Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Your brand evolution is inevitable - take the Elevate Your Brand Quiz to learn your next steps in cultivating your magnetic brand!","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/84-4042928/elevate-your-brand-quiz-graphic.png?sz=1200-00063016490940405300","accounts":"@calandra.martin","hash":"#businessquiz, #entrepreneur, #spiritualentrepreneur, #branddesign, #intuitive, #intuitivebusiness, #personalgrowth, #inspiredaction, "}
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