Bioresources Induction Quiz

What is the definition of SPF?
Specific-pathogen free. Animals are free from a list of specific pathogens.
Scientific purpose Facility. A facility that is used for scientific purposes.
Specific pathogen facility. A facility that is free from a list of specific pathogens.
What is the definition of PC2 animal facility (OGTR certification)
Physical containment level 2: to contain GMOs as regulated by the Gene Technology Act and Regulations
Pathogen containment level 2: to contain infectious pathogens as regulated by the Animal care and Ethics committee.
Physical containment level 2: to contain infectious organisms as regulated by the code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes.
What is the difference between sterilisation and disinfection?
Sterilisation in the process of eliminating or reducing harmful microorganisms, disinfection is the process of eliminating all microorganisms.
Disinfection in the process of eliminating or reducing harmful microorganisms, sterilisation is the process of eliminating all microorganisms.
There si no difference.
What are the two institutional approvals that you must obtain before you commence any animal research?
Animal ethics approval and safety approval.
Animal ethics approval and Animal research authority.
Animal research authority and SOP
What are the two key pieces of legislation which govern the work with research animals in a certified PC2 animal facility?
6. Guidelines for certification of a Physical Containment Level 2 Animal Facility and 5. The OGTR “Guidelines for the Transport, Storage and Disposal of GMOs.
3. The Gene Technology Act 2000, and accompanying Gene Technology Amendment Regulations and Guidelines for certification of a Physical Containment Level 2 Animal Facility.
The Gene Technology Act 2000, and accompanying Gene Technology Amendment Regulations 2011 and the Australian Code for the Care and Use off Animals for Scientific Purposes.
What potential hazards may be associated with animal research?
There is no risk.
Lab animal allergies, animal bites and scratches, zoonosis.
Animal allergies.
How and when will you notify the Animal Services Unit (ASU) staff in your facility of hazards associated with your research and when?
After my animals are delivered into the facility I will tell them when I see them in the facility.
After I have approval from the ACEC I will forward SDS's and safety documents to the manager of the facility outlining my work and what potential hazards are involved.
Before I begin treatment, the sds is dropped off to the Bioresources office.
What is the difference between an animal holding room and a procedures room?
The lab area has a BSC and the holding room does not.
The lights run on different timers in the holding room to the procedures rooms.
The lab is for conducting procedures on the animals, whereas you cannot perform any procedures in a holding room.
What air pressure is used in Bioresources and Why?
Non-infected rooms have positive pressure so that air is forced outwards into the corridors, and potentially keeping pathogens from entering the area. Negative pressure is used in all other areas so that there is minimal potential for pathogens to escape each room. This is also maintained at cage level, depending on the area the cage is housed in.
Infected rooms have positive pressure so that air is forced inwards from the corridors, and potentially keeping pathogens from escaping the area. Negative pressure is used in all other areas so that there is minimal potential for pathogens to enter each room. All cages are maintained at negative pressure.
Only negative pressure is used in a PC2 certified facility.
Can you work with infected and non-infected animals in the same room?
Yes, but you must change PPE and run a UV between cages.
Yes, but you must work with non-infected animals first followed by infected animals.
What must you do if you need to enter a ‘cleaner’ animal holding room after being in a room of higher Biosecurity level?
Shower and changing into scrubs if you have entered a room of higher Biosecurity and wish to enter a 'cleaner' room.
Nothing. You can go wherever/whenever.
If you have handled animals of a higher Biosecurity you shoudl change into new PPE before going into a 'cleaner' room. If you have been into Quarantine you must shower and change clothes.
What PPE is required on entry into Bioresources.
Hairnet, shoe covers, gloves, short sleeve gown.
Hairnet, shoe covers, gloves, long sleeve gown.
If you have handled animals of a higher Biosecurity you should change into new PPE before going into a 'cleaner' room. If you have been into Quarantine you must shower and change clothes.
How would you take cages to labs for endpoint?
Push a lab trolley into Bioresources and collect cages then take out to the goods lift and up to the lab.
Take a lab trolley to the exit of Bioresources, collect animal cages on an ASU trolley and wheel it to the exit room, transfer cages onto the lab trolley. Turn water bottles out, cover with a drop sheet and using goods lift take cages to lab for endpoint.
Collect cages on a trolley in Bioresources and wheel it to the exit room, transfer cages onto the lab trolley. Turn water bottles out, cover with a drop sheet and using goods lift take cages to lab for endpoint.
Why do we use IVC's and what are important notes for using them?
To prevent the travel of pathogens in and out of the cages and to prevent cross infection. Cages should be opening in a BSC. Don’t lift the lid with the bottle still in place, and always place the lid facing up when removed from the cage. Push the bung down on water bottles and always, squeeze the water bottle when replacing into the cage to ensure water flow.
To prevent the travel of pathogens in and out of the cages to prevent cross infection of mice between cages. It is easier to lift the lid with the bottle still in place, and always place the lid facing up when removed from the cage. Be sure that the food hopper is in it’s correct place and always, squeeze the water bottle when replacing into the cage to ensure water flow.
They look better in the facility.
Why do we use BSC's and what are important notes for using them?
BSC's provide an area that you can handle the animals, but you could also use a bench. It only helps with keeping fur away from the user. Place your items inside before you run a UV for 20min, and leave your items inside when you are done, again running a UV for 20min.
The BSC provides an area that protects both the user and the animals during treatment. All items should be removed from inside the BSC and the surfaces cleaned with disinfectant. The BSC then must be run fro 20min or run a UV for 20min before use. Remove all items when work is complete and disinfect all surfaces. Running the UV again for 20min.
The BSC provides an area that protects the animals during treatment. All items should be removed from inside the BSC and the surfaces cleaned with disinfectant. The BSC then must run a UV for 20min before use. Remove all items when work is complete and disinfect all surfaces. Running the UV again for 20min.
How do you book shared resources in Bioresources.
You can't it is first in first served.
You leave a note on the equipment with the time and date you need it. Being sure to leave your name, extension number and if the anaesthetic machine will be in use.
You book it using the online calendars, being sure to note your name, extension and if teh anaesthetic machine will be in use.
How do you dispose of empty/ used cages?
Cages are dropped at the washroom door.
The food is tipped into the bottom of the cage and the lid replaced then wrapped in autoclave bags and left in white tubs.
The food is tipped out and the tunnel placed on top of the wire. The lid is closed and the bottle left in place. The card holder is dropped into provided buckets and the cage is left unwrapped in white tubs.
How do you dispose of animals which were infected with naturally occurring microorganisms? How would you dispose of animals which were infected with Genetically Modified (GM) microorganisms?
Animals are wrapped then bagged in zip lock bags. If the animal is within Bioresources the bag is taken to the bio-waste freezer in the neutral corridor and placed into a second yellow waste bag.
Animals infected with GMO's must be autoclaved before disposal. Give to ASU staff in an autoclave bag and they will dispose of it appropriately.
Wrap animal in paper towel or bench coat and tape it to not fall out. Toss in freezer in neutral corridor.
Who is responsible for cleaning in Bioresources?
HMRI cleaners. They come in twice a week and clean up after everyone.
ASU staff. They clean up after every user.
Everyone. All users are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, this includes the benches and floors. Dustpans are provided in all areas for this purpose.
What is required in order to sterilise or disinfect equipment and consumables that you intend to bring into the animal facility?
Nothing, if we need it we bring it in.
New equipment or consumables in their original sealed packaging can be brought into Bioresources, the packaging must be removed in the facility entry. Sensitive or contaminated equipment can be fumigated or autoclaved into Bioresources. No Styrofoam is to be brought into Bioresources.
All items must be fumigated or autoclaved into Bioresources.
How often would you monitor your animals after they are delivered into the facility and what are you checking for?
Untreated animals must be checked at least once per week. Treated animals must be checked daily. The animals are monitored for any sign of injury.
Untreated animals must be checked at least once per week. Treated animals must be checked daily. The animals are monitored for illness, injury, available food and functioning water bottle, signs of fighting or stress and sufficient nesting..
All animals must be checked at least once per week. The animals are monitored for any sign of illness or injury.
What would you do if you find a deceased mouse in one of your animal cages?
Put it in the freezer in the neutral corridor.
Place it in the fridge in the PM room for post-mortem.
Place it in the fridge in the PM room for post-mortem, phone the vet and/or inform ASU staff of the request for post mortem. Fill out an adverse event form within 10 days.
Where could you find the PC2 Laboratory Safety Manual?
The Uni website.
The Uni website and at the shelves near the Bioresources office.
In the Bioresources office.
What are the symptoms of Laboratory Animal Allergy (LAA)? What can you do to reduce the risk of developing this condition?
Rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin rashes, and shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. You can reduce the risk by wearing long sleeved closed front gowns, covered shoes, and gloves during activities involving animals, wearing correctly fitted P2 masks and safety goggles during high exposure activities, and removal of PPE before leaving animal handling areas to prevent spread of allergens outside animal areas.
Sneezing and a rash. Don't work with animals to reduce your risk. Wear a mask if you have to work with them.
Itchy eyes and mouth, sneezing. Wear mask and gloves, shower after handling animals.
Where would you find the Redbooks for newly delivered animals, and to where would you return them once the experiment has ended?
The Red folders are found in the holding room where the animals are stored; you would return the folder to Carolyn? Or if not available, on the shelving outside the office just under the first aid kit.
Redbooks can be found the day of or day after delivery of your animals in the entry room cupboards under the yellow sign. You collect them when you first enter to check your animals then the red book stays with your animals until all from that delivery are end pointed. After this they are brought out to the Bioresources office for processing by ASU staff.
Redbooks can be found the day of or day after delivery of your animals in the entry room cupboards under the yellow sign. You collect them when you first enter to check your animals then the red book stays with your animals until all from that delivery are end pointed. After this they are left in the room and collected by ASU staff.
How would you use ice boxes in the facility?
Spray the ice box at the entry when applying PPE and take into the facility. Leave in the procedures room or put into a wet bag in the room for disposal by ASU staff.
Collect an ice box near the ice machine and fill with ice, then take this ice box to the entry room and move your items which require ice to this ice box as external ice boxes cannot enter Bioresources. Leave in the procedures room for collection by ASU staff.
Collect an ice box near the ice machine and fill with ice, then take this ice box to the entry room and move your items which require ice to this ice box as external ice boxes cannot enter Bioresources. Take with you when you exit the facility and leave at dirty cage drop off for processing by ASU staff.
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