How much of a wetter are you?

When was the last time you wet you pants by accident?
This week
This month
This year
When was the last time you wet the bed by accident?
This week
This month
This year
How often do you end up potty dancing because you have to pee so badly?
All the time, I can't control my bladder
Sometimes if I forgot to go to the bathroom
Occasionally, when my bladder is really full
Rarely because I have bladder control
Rarely because I'm incontinent and I just wet myself mindlessly
Rarely because I wear a diaper and if I have to pee I do it right away
Have you ever worn a diaper, as an adult?
Yes, I'm wearing a diaper right now
Yes I've worn a diaper as an adult
Not yet, but I probably will wear a diaper soon because I need one
If you had to pee really badly, standing in line at the supermarket and you started peeing yourself, how would you feel?
Embarassed of my accident
Ashamed that I can't keep my pants dry
Shocked that my bladder is so weak
Excited that others saw my accident
Mixed feelings
Feeling like a baby who needs a diaper ASAP
I feel fine because I'm wearing a diaper
Have you ever wet your pants while driving?
Yes many times
Yes at least once
No, but I've almost wet my pants driving
No never
Did you have more wetting accidents this year than last year? Be honest
Yes my bladder is getting weaker
Not sure because I don't count how often I wet my pants
No because I'm incontinent and I constantly pee myself
No I was more of a pants wetter last year
{"name":"How much of a wetter are you?", "url":"","txt":"When was the last time you wet you pants by accident?, When was the last time you wet the bed by accident?, How often do you end up potty dancing because you have to pee so badly?","img":""}
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