What is affiliate marketing?
A) A marketing strategy that involves promoting other people's products in exchange for a commission
B) A marketing strategy that involves creating your own products and promoting them
C) A marketing strategy that involves using paid advertising to drive traffic to your website
What is a commission-based program?
A) A program where affiliates earn a commission for every sale they refer
B) A program where affiliates earn a flat fee for promoting a product
C) A program where affiliates earn a commission for every click they generate
What is an affiliate network?
A) A platform that connects affiliates with merchants
B) A platform that only merchants can use
C) A platform that only affiliates can use
What is a referral link?
A) A unique link that affiliates use to promote a product and earn a commission
B) A link that directs visitors to a merchant's website
C) A link that only merchants can use
What is an affiliate manager?
A) A person who is responsible for managing an affiliate program
B) A person who is responsible for managing a merchant's website
C) A person who is responsible for managing affiliate payouts
What is affiliate recruitment?
A) The process of finding and bringing on new affiliates to promote a product
B) The process of finding and bringing on new merchants to sell products
C) The process of finding and bringing on new customers to buy products
What is revenue sharing?
A) A model where affiliates earn a percentage of the revenue generated from their promotions
B) A model where affiliates earn a flat fee for every sale they refer
C) A model where affiliates earn a commission for every click they generate
What is performance-based marketing?
A) A model where affiliates earn a commission based on their performance in promoting a product
B) A model where affiliates earn a commission regardless of their performance
C) A model where affiliates earn a flat fee for every sale they refer
What is an influencer?
A) A person who has a large following on social media and can influence their followers'
B) A person who is responsible for managing an affiliate program
C) A person who creates their own products to sell
What is an affiliate payout?
A) The commission earned by an affiliate for promoting a product
B) The fee paid by an affiliate to join an affiliate program
C) The fee paid by a merchant to join an affiliate network
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