
Create an illustrative image showing the architecture of Hadoop and Flink, emphasizing data processing, stream management, and big data concepts, with vibrant colors and engaging visuals.

Hadoop and Flink Knowledge Assessment

Test your knowledge on Hadoop and Flink with this comprehensive quiz designed for students and professionals alike. Dive into the world of big data technologies and see how well you understand key concepts and functionalities.

This quiz covers:

  • HDFS Insights
  • Flink Architecture
  • MapReduce Characteristics
  • Data Integrity and Processing Scenarios
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ExploringData42
Выберите правильные утверждениѝ о Secondary NameNode
Разгружает NameNode, выполнѝѝ чаѝть функций по поддержке актуальноѝти ѝлепка HDFS
Хранит ѝлепок (image) файловой ѝиѝтемы, уѝтаревший на некоторый лаг
Хранит актуальный ѝлепок файловой ѝиѝтемы
Явлѝетѝѝ бѝкапом NameNode и автоматичеѝки ѝтановитѝѝ NameNode, еѝли она упала
Где хранѝтѝѝ результаты работы Mapper'a перед отправкой на Reducer?
В оперативной памѝти на нодах
В локальной файловой ѝиѝтеме на нодах
На NameNode
Which of the folowing HDFS commanfs can be used to check the integrity of data blocks
HDFS fsck /
HDFS fsck -delete
HDFS dfsadmin -report
HDFS balancer -threshhold 1
What is the default block size of HDFS in Fusioninsight HD system?
Which one of the following is not a state store supported by Flink
Which of the folowing scenarios are not what Flink components good at?
Batch processing
Stream processing
Data storage
Iterative computations
Which of the following factors have contributed to the vigorous development of the big data era
Reduction of hardware cost and increase of network bandwidth
The rise of cloud computing
The popularity of smart terminals and increase of social demand
All above are correct
How is the main master of Hbase elected
Random selection
Ruling be RegionServer
Adjudication through Zookeeper
HMaster is a dual-master mode, no adjudication is required
In the Flink technical architecture, (__) is the computational engine for stream processing and batch processing
Which of the folowing does not belong to the characteristics of the MapReduce component in Hadoop
Good scalability
Easy to program
Real-time calculation
High fault tolerance
The following figure shows the storage locations of files A, B, C, and D. Among them, A and B are related, and their storage locations conform to the colocation strategy of Colocation.
Which of the following in wrong about Flink barrier
The barrier is periodically inserted into the data stream and flows as part of the data stream
The barrier is the core of the Flink snapshot
A barrier separates the data of this cycle snapshot from the data in the next snapshot
When the barrier is inserted the data stream is temporarily blocked
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