Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 17 Jun 20
[2006.08615] James Schombert, Stacy McGaugh, Federico Lelli: Using The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation to Measure $H_o$
[2006.08617] Matthew J. Temple, Gary J. Ferland, Amy L. Rankine et al.: Fe III emission in quasars: evidence for a dense turbulent medium
[2006.08618] Adam S. Jermyn, Matteo Cantiello: The Origin of the Bimodal Distribution of Magnetic Fields in Early-type Stars
[2006.08619] X. Ding, T. Treu, S. Birrer et al.: Time Delay Lens modelling Challenge: II. Results
[2006.08621] Emily C. Cunningham, Nicolas Garavito-Camargo, Alis J. Deason et al.: Quantifying the Stellar Halo's Response to the LMC's Infall with Spherical Harmonics
[2006.08622] Michael A. Kuhn, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, John M. Carpenter et al.: The Formation of a Stellar Association in the NGC 7000/IC 5070 Complex: Results from Kinematic Analysis of Stars and Gas
[2006.08623] Laura A. Lopez, Smita Mathur, Dustin D. Nguyen et al.: Temperature and Metallicity Gradients in the Hot Gas Outflows of M82
[2006.08625] Rohan P. Naidu, Charlie Conroy, Ana Bonaca et al.: Evidence from the H3 Survey that the Stellar Halo is Entirely Comprised of Substructure
[2006.08627] A. Paggi, M. Bonato, C. M. Raiteri et al.: A New Multi-Wavelength Census of Blazars
[2006.08628] Mathieu Remazeilles, Aditya Rotti, Jens Chluba: Peeling off foregrounds with the constrained moment ILC method to unveil primordial CMB $B$-modes
[2006.08632] C.J. Lada, T.M. Dame: The Mass-Size Relation and the Constancy of GMC Surface Densities in the Milky Way
[2006.08634] Ping Zhao, Haojie Xu, Antonios Katsianis et al.: The intrinsic SFRF and sSFRF of galaxies: comparing SDSS observation with IllustrisTNG simulation
[2006.08635] Shyeh Tjing Loi: Effect of a strong magnetic field on gravity-mode period spacings in red giant stars
[2006.08637] David Ellis, David J. E. Marsh, Christoph Behrens: Axion Miniclusters Made Easy
[2006.08638] Peter M. Weilbacher, Ralf Palsa, Ole Streicher et al.: The Data Processing Pipeline for the MUSE Instrument
[2006.08640] Nathan R. Sandford, Daniel R. Weisz, Yuan-Sen Ting: Forecasting Chemical Abundance Precision for Extragalactic Stellar Archaeology
[2006.08641] Anke Arentsen, Else Starkenburg, Nicolas F. Martin et al.: The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) II: Uncovering the most metal-poor populations in the inner Milky Way
[2006.08645] Hengxiao Guo, Jiacheng Peng, Kaiwen Zhang et al.: High-redshift Extreme Variability Quasars from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Multi-Epoch Spectroscopy
[2006.08651] Elizabeth J. Gonzalez, Martin Makler, Diego Garcia Lambas et al.: Measuring the surface mass density ellipticity of redMaPPer galaxy clusters using weak-lensing
[2006.08657] Yan-Fei Jiang, Omer Blaes: Opacity Driven Convection and Variability in Accretion Disks around Supermassive Black Holes
[2006.08660] Claire Guépin: Signatures of secondary acceleration in neutrino flares
[2006.08662] M. Caleb, B. W. Stappers, T. D. Abbott et al.: Simultaneous multi-telescope observations of FRB 121102
[2006.08665] Lucas Porth, Robert E. Smith, Patrick Simon et al.: Fast estimation of aperture-mass statistics I: aperture mass variance and an application to the CFHTLenS data
[2006.08678] A. Vazdekis, P. Rodríguez-Beltrán, M. Cerviño et al.: Surface Brightness Fluctuations for constraining the chemical enrichment of massive galaxies
[2006.08681] Héctor Martínez-Rodríguez, Laura A. Lopez, Katie Auchettl et al.: Evidence of a Type Ia Progenitor for Supernova Remnant 3C 397
[2006.08695] Ryan M. Lau, J.J. Eldridge, Matthew J. Hankins et al.: Revisiting the Impact of Dust Production from Carbon-Rich Wolf-Rayet Binaries
[2006.08703] Ulisses Barres de Almeida, Alberto Krone-Martins, Marcos Diaz et al.: Information technology & astronomical data in Brazil: Perspectives and proposals
[2006.08716] R. C. Forrey, J. F. Babb, E. D. S. Courtney et al.: Revisiting the Formation of HeH$^+$ in the Planetary Nebula NGC 7027
[2006.08721] Tao Cai: Upward Overshooting in Turbulent Compressible Convection. III. Calibrate Parameters for One-dimensional Reynolds Stress Model
[2006.08757] J. Eagle, S. Marchesi, M. Ajello et al.: Gamma-ray emission revealed at the western edge of SNR G344.7-0.1
[2006.08763] Louise Breuval, Pierre Kervella, Richard I. Anderson et al.: The Milky Way Cepheid Leavitt law based on Gaia DR2 parallaxes of companion stars and host open clusters populations
[2006.08764] Thomas Donlon II, Heidi Jo Newberg, Robyn Sanderson et al.: The Milky Way's Shell Structure Reveals the Time of a Radial Collision
[2006.08784] Óscar Carrión-González, Antonio García Muñoz, Juan Cabrera et al.: Directly imaged exoplanets in reflected starlight. The importance of knowing the planet radius
[2006.08799] Christian T. Lenz, Hubert Klahr, Tilman Birnstiel et al.: Constraining the parameter space for the Solar Nebula
[2006.08827] Davide Amato, Renu Malhotra, Vladislav Sidorenko et al.: Lunar close encounters compete with the circumterrestrial Lidov-Kozai effect
[2006.08834] Chris Nagele, Hideyuki Umeda, Koh Takahashi et al.: The Final Fate of Supermassive $M \sim 5 \times 10^4 \; M_\odot$ Pop III Stars: Explosion or Collapse?
[2006.08835] Hrant M. Tovmassian, Juan P. Torres-Papaqui: On the Alignment of Galaxies in Clusters
[2006.08862] Bao-Zhi Lin, Yong Zhang: Can the Kappa-distributed electron energies account for the intensity ratios of O II lines in photoionized gaseous nebulae?
[2006.08874] Yuan-Chuan Zou: Conceptual remote distance measurement with a double-slit interference
[2006.08940] M. W. Kunz, J. Squire, A. A. Schekochihin et al.: Self-sustaining sound in collisionless, high-beta plasma
[2006.08979] Pamela Rowden, Tamás Borkovits, Jon M. Jenkins et al.: TIC 278956474: Two close binaries in one young quadruple system, identified by \textit{TESS}
[2006.08980] V. Fioretti, A. Bulgarelli, M. Tavani et al.: AGILESim: Monte Carlo simulation of the AGILE gamma-ray telescope
[2006.09005] R. Middei, P.-O. Petrucci, S. Bianchi et al.: The soft excess of the NLS1 galaxy Mrk 359 studied with an XMM-Newton-NuSTAR monitoring campaign
[2006.09068] Tadahiro Kimura, Masahiro Ikoma: Formation of aqua planets with water of nebular origin: Effects of water enrichment on the structure and mass of captured atmospheres of terrestrial planets
[2006.09077] D. Chatterjee, D. Debnath, A. Banerjee et al.: AstroSat Observation of Non-Resonant Type-C QPOs in MAXI J1535-571
[2006.09079] Kevin S. Olsen, Franck Lefèvre, Franck Montmessin et al.: First detection of ozone in the mid-infrared at Mars: implications for methane detection
[2006.09082] GangHua Lin, GaoFei Zhu, Xiao Yang et al.: A New Comprehensive Data Set of Solar Filaments of 100 yr Interval. I
[2006.09135] David H. Cohen, Jiaming Wang, Lamiaa Dakir et al.: New Chandra spectral measurements of the O supergiant $ζ$ Puppis indicate a surprising increase in the wind mass-loss rate over 18 years
[2006.09143] Sara C. Beck, John Lacy, Jean Turner et al.: Ionized Gas in the NGC 5253 Supernebula:High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Observations with the JVLA and TEXES
[2006.09152] O. L. Dors, R. Maiolino, M. V. Cardaci et al.: Chemical abundances of Seyfert 2 AGNs-III. Reducing the oxygen abundance discrepancy
[2006.09159] Alessandro B. Romeo, Oscar Agertz, Florent Renaud: From lenticulars to blue compact dwarfs: the stellar mass fraction is regulated by disc gravitational instability
[2006.09168] Ulisses Barres de Almeida, Paolo Giommi, Andrew M. T. Pollock: BRICS Astronomy and the United Nations Open Universe Initiative
[2006.09185] L. Bonavera, J. González-Nuevo, M. M. Cueli et al.: Cosmology with the submillimetre galaxies magnification bias: Proof of concept
[2006.09188] Chao Sun, Ce Yu, Chenzhou Cui et al.: A Redistribution Tool for Long-Term Archive of Astronomical Observation Data
[2006.09206] J. Maíz Apellániz, M. Pantaleoni González, R. H. Barbá et al.: Galactic extinction laws: I. A global NIR analysis with 2MASS photometry
[2006.09224] P. Popesso, A. Concas, L. Morselli et al.: The dust and cold gas content of local star forming galaxies
[2006.09240] M. Wezgowiec, M. Ehle, M. Soida et al.: Hot gas heating via magnetic arms in spiral galaxies. The case of M 83
[2006.09254] Alessandro Ignesti, Gianfranco Brunetti, Myriam Gitti et al.: Radio and X-ray connection in radio mini-halos: implications for hadronic models
[2006.09262] Jordan Wheeler, Jason Glenn, Naseem Rangwala et al.: Arp 220: New Observational Insights into the Structure and Kinematics of the Nuclear Molecular Disks and Surrounding Gas
[2006.09323] David M. French, Bart P. Wakker: Evidence for a Rotational Component in the Circumgalactic Medium of Nearby Galaxies
[2006.09330] A. G. Gonzalez, L. C. Gallo, P. Kosec et al.: Characterising continuum variability in the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 17020+4544
[2006.09360] E. C. Wilson, J. Nordhaus: Convection and Spin-Up During Common Envelope Evolution: The Formation of Short-Period Double White Dwarfs
[2006.09368] Alexandre Barreira, Giovanni Cabass, Fabian Schmidt et al.: Galaxy bias and primordial non-Gaussianity: insights from galaxy formation simulations with IllustrisTNG
[2006.09369] Ting-Wen Lan, J. Xavier Prochaska: Constraining Magnetic Fields in the Circumgalactic Medium
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