Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 22 Jul 21
[2107.09665] Pau Amaro Seoane, Manuel Arca Sedda, Stanislav Babak et al.: The Effect of Mission Duration on LISA Science Objectives
[2107.09666] Alan Coleman: Simulation Study of the Observed Radio Emission of Air Showers by the IceTop Surface Extension
[2107.09675] Sophie Lund Schrøder, Morgan MacLeod, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz et al.: The Evolution of Binaries under the Influence of Radiation-Driven Winds from a Stellar Companion
[2107.09678] Yu-Yen Chang, Bau-Ching Hsieh, Wei-Hao Wang et al.: Identifying AGN host galaxies by Machine Learning with HSC+WISE
[2107.09680] T. W. Spriggs, M. Sarz, P. M. Galán-de Anta et al.: The Fornax3D project: Planetary nebulae catalogue and independent distance measurements to Fornax cluster galaxies
[2107.09681] Joseph M. Michail, Mark Wardle, Farhad Yusef-Zadeh et al.: Multi-wavelength Observations of Sgr A* -- I. 18 July 2019
[2107.09682] Mohammad Farhat, Jihad Touma: Laplace surface dynamics, revisited: satellites, exo-planets and debris with distant, eccentric companions
[2107.09687] Akshay Suresh, Shami Chatterjee, James M. Cordes et al.: An Arecibo Search for Fast Radio Transients from M87
[2107.09692] Vijay Varma, Maximiliano Isi, Sylvia Biscoveanu et al.: Measuring binary black hole orbital-plane spin orientations
[2107.09693] Vijay Varma, Sylvia Biscoveanu, Maximiliano Isi et al.: Hints of spin-orbit resonances in the binary black hole population
[2107.09702] Sergey A. Cherkis, Maxim Lyutikov: Magnetic topology in coupled binaries, spin-orbital resonances, and flares
[2107.09705] N. Gupta, G. Shukla, R. Srianand et al.: MALS SALT-NOT survey of MIR-selected powerful radio-bright AGN at 0
[2107.09715] Cameron E. Norton, Robert J. Scherrer: Evolution of decaying particles and decay products in various scenarios for the future expansion of the universe
[2107.09727] Anjana Ashok, Banafsheh Beheshtipour, Maria Alessandra Papa et al.: New searches for continuous gravitational waves from seven fast pulsars
[2107.09731] J. C. Motter, R. Riffel, T. V. Ricci et al.: A Gemini-NIFS view of the merger remnant NGC 34
[2107.09732] Stephen H. Lubow: An Analytic Solution to the Kozai-Lidov Evolution Equations
[2107.09739] J. Greiner, J. Bolmer, R.M. Yates et al.: Quasar clustering at redshift 6
[2107.09750] M. L. van Gelder, B. Tabone, E. F. van Dishoeck et al.: Modeling accretion shocks at the disk-envelope interface -- Sulfur chemistry
[2107.09752] Alberto Moretti, Gabriele Ghisellini, Alessandro Caccianiga et al.: Minute-timescale variability in the X-ray emission of the highest redshift blazar
[2107.09754] Yue Qiu, Lorenzo Sorbo: The spectrum of tensor perturbations in warm inflation
[2107.09764] Sarah Nowicki: Measuring total neutrino cross section with IceCube at intermediate energies ($\sim$100 GeV to a few TeV)
[2107.09769] M. Solimano, J. González-López, L. F. Barrientos et al.: Molecular gas budget and characterization of four intermediate-mass star-forming galaxies at $z\approx 2-3$
[2107.09791] Peter Craig, Sukanya Chakrabarti, Stefi Baum et al.: A Dynamical Mass Estimate from the Magellanic Stream
[2107.09811] Sarah Mancina, Manuel Silva: Searches for and Characterization of Astrophysical Neutrinos using Starting Track Events in IceCube
[2107.09859] Dao-Zhou Wang, Xiao-Hong Zhao, Zhao Zhang et al.: A Comprehensive Consistency Check between Synchrotron radiation and the Observed Gamma-ray Burst Spectra
[2107.09875] Erdal Yiğit, Alexander S. Medvedev, Paul Hartogh: Variations of the Martian Thermospheric Gravity Wave Activity during the Recent Solar Minimum as Observed by MAVEN
[2107.09913] Taichi Kato, Naoto Kojiguchi: ZTF J185139.81+171430.3 = ZTF18abnbzvx: the second white dwarf pulsar?
[2107.09914] Claudia Toci, Giovanni Rosotti, Giuseppe Lodato et al.: On the secular evolution of the ratio between gas and dust radii in protoplanetary discs
[2107.09940] Tullia Sbarrato: Big and young supermassive black holes in the early Universe
[2107.09954] Lasse Halve, Johannes Werthebach: Design of an Efficient, High-Throughput Photomultiplier Tube Testing Facility for the IceCube Upgrade
[2107.09955] P Pappa Kalaivani, O Prakash, A Shanmugaraju et al.: Analysis of type II and type III radio bursts associated with SEPs from non-interacting/interacting radio-loud CMEs
[2107.09971] Tao Liu, Kun-Feng Lyu: The BH-PSR Gravitational Molecule
[2107.09983] Marie Oehler, Roxanne Turcotte-Tardif: Development of a scintillation and radio hybrid detector array at the South Pole
[2107.09987] E.R. Garro, D. Minniti, M. Gómez et al.: Physical characterization of recently discovered globular clusters in the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy II. Metallicities, ages and luminosities
[2107.10003] Erik Ganster, Richard Naab, Zelong Zhang: A Combined Fit of the Diffuse Neutrino Spectrum using IceCube Muon Tracks and Cascades
[2107.10005] Luc W. IJspeert, Andrew Tkachenko, Cole Johnston et al.: An all-sky sample of intermediate- to high-mass OBA-type eclipsing binaries observed by TESS
[2107.10009] Srikrishna Sekhar, Preshanth Jagannathan, Brian Kirk et al.: Direction Dependent Corrections in Polarimetric Radio Imaging III: A-to-Z Solver -- Modeling the full Jones antenna aperture illuminatio...
[2107.10010] T.-C. Huang, H. Matsuhara, T. Goto et al.: Optically-detected galaxy cluster candidates in the $AKARI$ North Ecliptic Pole field based on photometric redshift from Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam
[2107.10027] J. Hanuš, O. Pejcha, B. J. Shappee et al.: $V$-band photometry of asteroids from ASAS-SN: Finding asteroids with slow spin
[2107.10035] K. Alabarta, D. Altamirano, M. Méndez et al.: Failed-Transition outbursts in Black hole low-mass X-ray binaries
[2107.10049] Jan-Henrik Schmidt-Dencker, Stephan Meighen-Berger, Christian Haack: Search for STaus in IceCube
[2107.10061] David Boyd: Spectroscopic and photometric study of the Mira stars SU Camelopardalis and RY Cephei
[2107.10069] Hubert Baty: On the explosive phase of the tearing mode in double current sheet plasmas: effect of the equilibrium magnetic configuration on the onset threshold and growth rate
[2107.10080] Mehr Un Nisa, Andrew Ludwig: A Time-independent Search for Neutrinos from Galaxy Clusters with IceCube
[2107.10113] E. Petroff, J. W. T. Hessels, D. R. Lorimer: Fast radio bursts at the dawn of the 2020s
[2107.10124] V. S. Dhillon, N. Bezawada, M. Black et al.: HiPERCAM: a quintuple-beam, high-speed optical imager on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias
[2107.10170] J. I. Villaseñor, W. D. Taylor, C. J. Evans et al.: The B-type Binaries Characterisation Programme I. Orbital solutions for the 30 Doradus population
[2107.10182] Herman L. Marshall: Analysis of Polarimetry Data with Angular Uncertainties
[2107.10183] C. J. Nelson, R. J. Campbell, M. Mathioudakis: Oscillations In The Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Strength In A Pore Observed By The GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS)
[2107.10186] Prakruth Adari, Anže Slosar: Generalized Redundant Calibration of Radio Inteferferometers
[2107.10194] John Rack-Helleis, Anna Pollmann, Martin Rongen: The Wavelength-shifting Optical Module (WOM) for the IceCube Upgrade
[2107.10210] Ting-Yun Cheng, Christopher J. Conselice, Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca et al.: Galaxy Morphological Classification Catalogue of the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data with Convolutional Neural Networks
[2107.10247] L. K. Dewangan, J. S. Dhanya, N. K. Bhadari et al.: Lynds Bright Nebulae: Sites of possible twisted filaments and ongoing star formation
[2107.10250] Srinivasan Raghunathan, Nathan Whitehorn, Marcelo A. Alvarez et al.: Constraining Cluster Virialization Mechanism and Cosmology using Thermal-SZ-selected clusters from Future CMB Surveys
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 22 Jul 21","img":""}
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