Which D&D class are you?
Discover Your D&D Class!
Take this fun and engaging quiz to find out which Dungeons & Dragons class fits your personality the best! Whether you lean more towards strength, intelligence, or magic, this quiz will guide you to your perfect character.
- 11 thought-provoking questions
- Multiple choice answers
- Unleash your inner adventurer!
What stat is most important to your arsenal?
Strength (carrying, heavy hitting and raw power)
Dexterity (nimbleness, agility and stealth)
Constitution (health, endurance and resistance)
Intelligence (smarts, reasoning and learning)
Wisdom (will, sensibility and perception)
Charisma (charm, persuasion and use of words)
Pick a weapon.
Covert dagger
Magic based on damage
Magic based on control
Dark magic
Two shortswords, one silver, one steel
My fists
A spear/lance
A warhammer
Holy magic
A sickle or sling
A guitar
An impenetrable fortress lies before you. There are many guards, but multiple points of entry. What do you do?
I smash through the walls
I engage the enemies in combat
I sneak in through the most covert entry
I snipe anyone in my way, and stealthily enter
I use magic to enter in a swarm of chaos
I use my magic to enter discreetly
I use my magic to corrupt the guards
I walk right up and ask to see the leader
I use my martial arts to quickly subdue the guards
In the name of God, I charge in with my horse
I enter in whatever manner God would want
I disguise myself as a guard
I distract the guards before quickly entering
A tyrant of a nation approaches you. You don't know his intentions. How do you react?
I immediately begin bashing them
I stand my ground, but I don't attack yet
I try to pickpocket him after distracting him
I analyse him for weapons
I cast damaging magic
I discreetly use magic to learn of his intentions
I discreetly cast a curse
I ask him if he has any bounties for me
I respectfully greet him
I salute him and stand tall
I bless him
I discreetly disguise my face before speaking with him
I offer him a drink
You're in combat and about to be killed, but your enemy spares your life. What do you do?
I stand up and continue attacking him
I stand up and shake his hand
I thank him, but stab him in the back
I remain cautious and slink away
I knock him over with a spell
I ask why he spared me
I attempt to kill him with magic
If he's a target, a kill him. If not, leave him.
I thank him, and proceed to praise him
I quietly am proud of this man, but I remain angry
I bless him
I bestow a healthy herb to him
I thank him, and become his ally
You're commanding an army and raiding an enemy army. You and the enemy both have melee fighters, ranged fighters and artillery fighters. You have the initiative. What do you do?
I call in artillery and ranged hellfire, and send in melee fighters for a full bull rush
I rain down artillery, and have ranged and melee units dig in
I hold position as I sent in some fighters to sabotage enemy operation
I rain down artillery and ranged hellfire, and have melee units dig in
I wait until the weather is unstable and chaotic, and use it to attack
I analyse the situation and look for flanking opportunities, as well as weather advantages
I rain down full assault on the enemy, but only when the enemy morale is down and the weather is unstable
I balance offense and defense, and have the enemy leader assassinated
I negotiate peace immediately
I charge with melee, have ranged units flank, and artillery hold until retreat
I pray that God will obliterate the enemy for me
I organise a stampede from the nearby forest to destabilise the enemy
I have well organised units charge tactically, with high morale
What is your most likely answer on magic?
"It's unnecessary"
"Helpful, but not needed"
"It gets in the way of things"
"It helps"
"I love it, wish I was born with it"
"Love it, want to study it day and night"
"Love it, would sell my soul for it"
"It is a handy weapon"
"Dangerous, but not out of reach of good people"
"It's a weapon that belongs to God"
"It's a miracle bestowed upon us by God"
"It's way of changing things"
"It's fun"
You are given food by Elves, but it smells off. What do you do?
Smash the food. And probably the Elves.
Politely refuse the food.
Eat some, then ask for more, of higher quality"
Be thankful you have food at all.
Cast an illusion on the food, and say it has hair in it.
Discreetly cast a spell to make it taste better.
Curse the Elves and refuse to eat.
Refuse the food, and ask for a contract.
Eat the food and discuss with the Elves.
Chow down with haste.
Bless the food to reduce disease chances.
Nibble at it.
Play a song to distract the Elves.
You have the choice between killing a King for a million GP, or saving him for half of that. What do you do?
I don't like choices. I smash choices.
I choose to protect the King in exchange for weapons.
I protect him, then slyly assassinate him after I'm paid.
I protect the King, but politely ask for more GP.
I choose depending on my mood.
If the King is good natured, I protect him.
I kill the King, but apologise.
I kill the King, for the money.
I protect the King, no questions.
I protect the King and refuse payment, but for a Knighthood.
I bless the King, but do not take either contract.
If the King is an environmentalist, protect him.
I get drunk.
You are offered to be God. What do you do?
Smash God.
Refuse. You've no desire to be God.
Accept, but only to get whatever you want.
Refuse, you've got exploring to do.
Accept for more power.
Accept for more knowledge.
Refuse, you're bound to other deities.
Refuse, it's just not your thing.
Obey, and make everything peaceful.
Refuse, as you serve God.
Accept, and bless everything.
Accept and fix nature.
Refuse, but create a song based on the encounter.
And finally, in a modern setting, which stands out to you most?
Demolitions Expert
{"name":"Which D&D class are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Take this fun and engaging quiz to find out which Dungeons & Dragons class fits your personality the best! Whether you lean more towards strength, intelligence, or magic, this quiz will guide you to your perfect character.11 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice answersUnleash your inner adventurer!","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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