Training and Development Quiz

An engaging illustration of a training session in a corporate environment, featuring diverse employees participating actively in a group discussion, with charts and graphs visible in the background to represent learning and development.

Training and Development Quiz

Test your knowledge on the principles of training and development in organizations. This quiz covers various aspects such as employee training, organizational development, and motivational theories.

  • Engaging multiple-choice questions
  • Enhance your understanding of training methodologies
  • Perfect for HR professionals and students alike
31 Questions8 MinutesCreated by LearningTree324
It usually involves teaching operational or technical employees how to their jobs more effectively and or efficiently
Skills development
Career development
Responsibilities for training are generally assigned to the?
Training officer
Human resource
It is intended to help the organization fucntion more effectively
Organizational development
Skills development
Career development
He or she must be sure that the productivity can be increased through training and that productivity gains are possible with existing resources
Human resource
Human resource management
Training officer
Refers to a system of educating employees within a company. It includes various tools, instructions, and activities designed to improve employee performance. It's an opportunity for employees to increase their knowledge and upgrade their skills.
Training and development
Career development
It is an educational activities within an organization that are designed to improve the job performance of an individual or group. These programs typically involve advancing a worker's knowledge and skill sets and instilling greater motivation to enhance job performance.
Training and development
Skills development
It is designed to assist employ acquiring better skills for their current job. The focus of employee training on current job skill requirement
Career development
Employee training
It is designed to help the organization to ensure that it has the necessary talent internally for meeting future human resource needs with focus on employee development
Employee development
Organizational development
Training development
Program that designed to assist employees advancing their works lives, the focus of this development provide necessary information and assessment to help them realise their career goals
Employee training
Employee development
Career development
Organizational development
It deals with facilitating system with changes in the organization, the focus of the norganization development is to change the attitudes and values of employees according to new organizational strategic directions
Organizational development
Training and development
Career development
Attitudes development
What are the steps in a succesfull training process
Assess, motivate, design , deliver, evaluate, repeat
Assess, design, motivate, deliver, evaluate, repeat
Assess motivate, design, evaluate, deliver, repeat
What is that training needs an assessment?
To assess if the materials is present in the traianing center
S to identify performance requirements and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an agency's workforce to achieve the requirements. An effective training needs assessment will help direct resources to areas of greatest demand.
To develop new skills
For company compliance
Why is that training needs an analysis?
To identify where the organization needs to improve
To make the organization effectively
Process in which the company identifies training and development needs of its employees so that they can do their job effectively
Both a and c
. Complies with various mandated legal requirements (e.g. Occupational Safety, EEO) and serves as training for all employees (new employee orientation)
Required and regular training
Technical training
Innovative training
None of the above
Enables employee to perform their jobs, tasks, and responsibilities well (e.g. Product knowledge, technical processes and procedures, customer relations)
Development training
Job/Technical Training
Interpesonal training
Skills development training
Addresses both operational and interpersonal problems and seeks improve organizational working relationships (e.g. Interpersonal communication, managerial/supervisory skills, conflict resolution).
Regular and required training
Skills development training
Interpesonal and problem-solving training
Development training
Provides a long-term focus to enhance individual and organizational capabilities for the future (e.g. Business practices, executive development, organizational change)
Developmental and Innovative Training.
Development training
Skills development training
Regular and required training
Defined as the level of contentment employees feel with their job. This goes beyond their daily duties to cover satisfaction with team members/managers, satisfaction with organizational policies, and the impact of their job on employees' personal lives.
Job analysis
Job satisfaction
Job description
Both a and c
Then effect of job satisfaction on employee performance
Satisfaction and productivity
Satisfaction and abesenteeism
Satisfaction and turnover
Is a force that serves three functions: it energizes, or causes people to act; it directs behavior toward the attainment of specific goals; and it sustains the effort expended in reaching those goals.
Job satisfaction
A motivational theory proposed by Maslow, that arranges needs in a hierarchy from lower, more basic needs to higher-order needs
Need Hierarchy Theory
ERG theory
Motivational theory
Physiological needs
Clayton Alderfer’ motivational theory that categorizes needs into existence, relatedness, and growth needs.
Maslow theory
ERG theory
Motivation theory
Big bang theory
David McClelland’s model of motivation that emphasizes the importance of three needs – achievement, power, and affiliation – determining the worker motivation
Reinforcement theory
Positive reinforce
Negative reinforce
Achievement motivation theory
The theory that behavior is motivated by its consequences; draws on principles of operant conditioning:
Achievement motivation theory
Positive reinforce
Reinforcement theory
Motivation theory
Emphasizes the role of specific, challenging performance goals and workers’ commitment to those goals as key determinants of motivation.
Motivation theory
Positive reinforce
Goal-Setting Theory
None of the above
Events that strengthen a behavior through the avoidance of an existing negative state; punishment
None of the above
Positive reinforce
Motivation theory
Negative reinforce
Rewards and recognition
Negative reinforce
Motivation theory
Positive reinforce
Reinforcement theory
Herzberg’s theory implies that organizations should create interesting jobs in order to motivate people
Reinforcement theory
Motivation theory
Achievement motivation theory
Extrinsic and intrinsic theory
Pay, job security, working conditions, status
Extrinsic theory
Intrinsic theory
Job enrichment
Recognition and advancement
Job enrichment
Intrinsic theory
Extrinsic theory
Bothb and c
Is an application of Herzberg’ theory which involves designing of jobs which would improve an employee’s personal growth such as hi/her sense of responsibility and achievement
Job enrichment
Job satisfaction
New learning
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