CCRPC Conflict of Interest Disclosure
{"name":"CCRPC Conflict of Interest Disclosure", "url":"","txt":"Carefully review, e-sign and date the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form. All RPC employees are required to review and sign the form., 11-5 CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee shall engage in self-benefiting arrangements; contractual or otherwise, direct or indirect, which result from said employee’s position, knowledge and\/or responsibilities as an employee of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission. No officer, employee, or agent of the Commission shall participate in the selection, awarding, or administration of a contract if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, is involved. Such conflict would arise were 1) an officer, employee or agent; or 2) any member of his\/her immediate family; or 3) his\/her business partner; or 4) an organization which employs, or is about to employ, any of the above individuals has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award. All programs and services operated by the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission are available to employees and immediate family members of those employees. To receive the services and\/or participate in the various programs, the employees and immediate family members of those employees must meet the specific program or service requirements. No employee may verify or approve an application submitted by an immediate family member or themselves. If the applicant is a department director or immediate family member of a department director, the application will be reviewed and approved by the CEO or designee before services are made available., ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND DISCLOSURE FORM I have read the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission Conflict of Interest Policy and agree to comply fully with its terms and conditions at all times during my service as a board member, fiscal agent, or grant administrator. If, at any time following the submission of this form, I become aware of any actual or potential conflicts of interest, or if the information provided becomes inaccurate or incomplete, I will promptly notify the board or human resources in writing.","img":""}