The super un-silly quiz.

Hello, I have made the opposite of the silly quiz, one that has no silliness. I have even reversed the background from silly quiz number 3, although it weirdly still looks kinda nice, either way there is no silliness here, only facts, with the fun removed, click the space related fake fact.
A day on Venus, is longer than a year on Venus.
By the time the first Star Wars movie came out, France was still executing people using the Guillotine.
0.4% percent of the world suffers from Moon Blindness.
There are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way.
Why not click the true fact this time?
It has snowed in the Sahara Desert this year.
Meteorology is the study of meteors.
Potatoes are less dense than water, so if put in a tub of water, they would float.
Ca is the chemical element for Carbon.
Now click the false one.
An avocado has more potassium than a ba
There's a Wikipedia article on "Countries by pineapple production."
There are 22 states in the US that have a city named Washington Washington is not one them.
There is a word in the english language meaning to throw someone out of a window, but not for the day after tomorrow.
Now the true one.
Almonds are a type of nut.
Brazil's most populous city is also the capital.
Saturn is the only planet with rings.
The Eiffel Tower grows a few inches in summer.
Well I guess were switching every question now so... Click the fake.
The first World Cup trophy was stolen and never recovered.
The two main characters in VeggieTales are botanically fruits.
The Sun contains over 99% of the mass in the solar system.
Russia has a bigger surface area than Pluto.
The average number of legs per animal if rounded to a whole number is 0.
Vancouver is Canada's 4th biggest city.
If you earned a dollar every second, it would take 1,000 years to be the richest person alive.
The Golden Gate Bridge is made of copper.
Can u spot the fake fact?
Wooly Mammoths were still alive when the pyramids were made.
The original height of Mount Everest was 29,000, but it was said to be 29,002 so people wouldn't say it was just rounded.
Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent of Earth.
In Sweden, Hulk's name had to be changed as it was too close sounding to a Swedish slur.
Roblox is older than Myspace.
The singular form of macaroni is macaron.
Sea otters have the thickest fur of any animal.
Poutine was made in the United States.
Hey uhh have u seen my fake fact? I think it was uhhh animal related.
Zebras and horses are the same species.
Cats have more bones than humans.
If you encounter a grizzly bear, you should play dead.
Dogs can only see in black and white.
WELL LAST QUESTION FOR THE UHH UNSILLY QUIZZY THINGY-Y well find the true fact again again again again or something.
The amount of people that visit Spain annually is double of Spain's population
Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
The M in AM and PM stand for midnight
Tigers are born with their stripes
{"name":"The super un-silly quiz.", "url":"","txt":"Hello, I have made the opposite of the silly quiz, one that has no silliness. I have even reversed the background from silly quiz number 3, although it weirdly still looks kinda nice, either way there is no silliness here, only facts, with the fun removed, click the space related fake fact., Why not click the true fact this time?, Now click the false one.","img":""}
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