ACT Prep

What is the subject in this sentence: Billy went to the mall on Saturday.
What is the predicate in this sentence: Janice baked a cake for Tom.
Is the following a sentence: Around the boat was the ball.
What is missing in this sentence: Peter and the big hairy dog in the ocean.
Edit this sentence with the correct punctuation(retype the sentence for your answer): Marsha the baker likes to bake cakes
List three common nouns.
List three possessive nouns.
List three plural nouns.
List three action verbs.
Identify the infinitive in this sentence: Parker, the star player, likes to bend his archery bow before pratice.
Identify the gerund in this sentence: Reading is a good hobby to have.
Identify the participle in the sentence: The beating heart in the patient pleased the doctor as the surgery was a success.
Identify the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence. Over the moon, Peter jumped for joy!
Identify the correct subject verb agreement: Peter (walks, walk) his dog.
Identify the correct subject verb agreement: Janice and Peter (is, are) a great couple.
{"name":"ACT Prep", "url":"","txt":"What is the subject in this sentence: Billy went to the mall on Saturday., What is the predicate in this sentence: Janice baked a cake for Tom., Is the following a sentence: Around the boat was the ball.","img":""}
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